
Tales of the Vampires

Serolf Academy, a prestigious institution reserved for the intellectually gifted and affluent, concealed a hidden truth. Unbeknownst to all, this academy served as a school for vampires. The fate of the female human transfer student hangs in the balance after accidentally uncovering the academy's secret. Will she endure the challenges of living in this concealed world, or will she become a key player in aiding the vampires to resolve conflicts with other supernatural beings?

Jinx_Lee · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Impending War

Jade was walking down the hallway when she accidentally bumped into Phoenix. Their eyes met momentarily, but it was Phoenix who averted his gaze and continued walking past her without a word. A wave of melancholy washed over Jade, prompting her to steal a glance back at Phoenix's retreating figure.

"I'm sorry..." she whispered.




Yvess sighed deeply, his brows furrowing with concern. "I really have a bad feeling. Rebeus has been missing for days now; something bad might have happened to him," he confided.

He looked at Kan, who seemed lost in thought.

"Kan, what's your plan?" he asked.

"A bat informed me they spotted Rebeus one night in the company of a woman... a chimera," Kan replied.

The table suddenly split in half from the strong impact made by Maddison, shocking both Kan and Yvess.

"What's wrong, Maddison?" Yvess asked in irritation.

"It's those chimeras again! They're nothing but trouble! I'm determined to eradicate them," Maddison seethed with anger.

"I'll venture out of the academy to search for Rebeus. Send a message to the bats once the Prince returns," Kan instructed.

Yvess and Maddison nodded solemnly, each grappling with their own concerns and fears for their missing comrade.



Zake strode through the school field, his senses alert, when suddenly, a mysterious figure cloaked in a mask materialized before him. Instantly, Zake's demeanor shifted, his eyes ablaze with a primal ferocity as his fangs bared in response.

With a chilling laugh, the masked intruder taunted, "You're all alone now. I could end you with ease."

Gesturing casually, the figure summoned forth a barrage of massive stones and clumps of earth, hurling them towards Zake. With lightning reflexes, Zake evaded each onslaught.

"You.. You're not the only one who wields power!" Zake's voice rang out defiantly amidst the chaos.

With a focused intensity, Zake unleashed his telekinetic abilities, countering the assailant's onslaught with levitated objects from his surroundings, matching blow for blow.

"Tss, I won't be defeated!" retorted the masked figure, launching continuous attacks.

Zake made a mistake and landed on the ground, causing his feet to sink into the soil, which turned into quicksand. He couldn't escape.

"Ahaha, it's the end for you!" the opponent shouted, leaping from a large rock with a silver dagger aimed at Zake.

But before the fatal blow could land, Rain appeared, intercepting the attack with her own body and getting stabbed in the chest instead, sacrificing herself to save Zake.

Fall was stunned in horror. She accidentally stabbed her own sister.

Struggling to stand, Rain approached Zake, her voice trembling with emotion. "You... must escape... You must live," she urged him tearfully.

With a solemn nod, Zake acknowledged her plea, his heart heavy with sorrow as he turned away and departed.

As Rain faced Fall, Fall tore off her mask and reached out to catch her sister as she collapsed to the ground.

"Rain... I'm so sorry... I never meant to..." Fall's voice cracked with anguish, tears streaming down her cheeks as she pleaded for forgiveness, her world crumbling around her.

Through her pain, Rain managed a tender smile, reassuring her sister, "I-It's not your fault, sis... I love Zake... P-Please don't kill him.. for my sake."

In a final embrace, Fall clung to her sister's fading essence, screaming desperately as she tried to collect Rain's ashes, which were being carried away by the wind.

Phoenix witnessed what happened to Rain. He closed his eyes. He lost friends and loved ones, even those he considered siblings, all because of the Prince. He took everything from him.

He would make him pay...



Jade fell into a deep sleep.

She frowned upon realizing that she was once again inside her recurring dream.

"Aren't you happy? We always get to meet," said her doppelganger.

"Why would I be happy... I don't want to be here! I don't want this dream. I'm not you!" Jade replied.

The figure in front of her looked saddened.

"Jade... I am you. You are the one destined to kill the newly appointed vampire king. Once you kill him, the surroundings will crumble, the world will be destroyed. And we will create a new world where everything is peaceful, without chaos," it said.

"No! I can't kill! I don't want to hear those things anymore," Jade said, covering her ears.

In response, her counterpart offered only a serene smile before vanishing into the ether.

Jade woke up. She glanced at her cellphone, puzzled because she received a message even though there was no signal at the Academy. She opened the message and her eyes widened when she saw that it was from Sheryl.

"N-No, it can't be," she murmured.

Propelled by a sense of urgency, she rose from her bed, her mind racing with unanswered questions and unspoken fears.



Xylon's group emerged from the chimera's hideout, their clothes stained with the blood of their fallen foes. They had slain all the chimeras inside.

"Ugh, disgusting," Blake grumbled, attempting to wipe away the blood from his clothes.

"I can't stand the blood of those wretched creatures," Heberlin added, his voice tinged with disdain.

"Are we going back to the Academy now?" Xenon inquired, turning to Xylon for guidance.

Before Xylon could respond, Aria interjected with a sense of urgency. "We must return immediately. Rebeus is in danger."

"What do you mean?" Xylon asked, concern.

"I saw it... He's in danger. You need to hurry." Aria said.

Xylon and the others exchanged a concerned glance, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"In that case, we'll return right away," Xylon declared decisively.

Xenon turned to Stephen. "Are you coming with us?" he asked.

However, Stephen declined, choosing to remain behind. "I'll stay here," he stated simply.

"Alright, we respect your decision," Xylon acknowledged.

Aria, meanwhile, made her own plans. "I'll follow along after informing Cedrick," she announced.

With a unanimous nod from her friends, they gathered around Xenon, ready to teleport back to the Academy. Aria and Stephen were left behind, walking back to the apartment. Their thoughts lingering on the impending dangers and uncertainties that lay ahead.



Upon hearing the news that Xylon's group had returned, Kan hurried back to the Academy.

"Your Highness," Kan said.

"Brother, is it true that Rebeus is missing?" Xylon immediately asked as they see each other, with Xenon following closely behind.

"I'm sorry, I failed to watch over him. According to the bats I questioned, they saw Rebeus with a female chimera," Kan explained.

Xylon's fist clenched with determination. "We must find him immediately," he commanded with urgency.

They all bowed in solemn acknowledgment as Xylon swiftly exited the room.



Nightfall and the full moon cast an eerie glow, the cold breeze cutting through the silence within the cemetery. It's chilling...

Phoenix walked quietly, observing each grave he passed. He stopped in the middle.

Closing his eyes, Phoenix uttered an incantation. As a Necromancer, he had the ability to control the dead.

Clouds shrouded the moon, enveloping the surroundings in darkness. Slowly, tombstones and crypts began to crumble, and the decaying bodies rose from their resting places.

All of them converged towards Phoenix.

"My wards, obey my command... Go to the town and sow chaos!" he ordered.

The undead immediately obeyed him. Phoenix grinned sinisterly...



Jade was sleeping soundly when she felt a gentle stroke on her cheek, causing her to open her eyes. She sat up in surprise when she saw Xylon sitting beside her. She immediately hugged him.

"You're back!" she exclaimed, overjoyed.

Xylon smiled back at her. "I missed you," he replied.

Xylon sat beside her, and they talked for a while. When sleep began to tug at Jade once again, Xylon allowed her to drift off. She fell asleep in his embrace.