1 The Harsh Beggining

We start dear reader at the beginning of a life my life at the start I never really had much hope for my life I knew before I could form it into words why I saw nothing but bleak and colorless environments and people. Nothing has ever seemed to work out for me even though not for lack of trying. For me it started at the beginning that urge of poor and acceptance that feel as though you will never belong. Trying doesn't seem to resolve this pressure that we all feel. Those of the underclass the poor hands that we reach out for hope even though we become heavier as we get closer until we collapse and end back where we started in the turmoil that holds us close and never let's go. This is only the beginning so let's start with a life of childhood cut short. My father I use to see love in his eyes but as I grew into my toddler years I watched it disappear like the wind as I grew closer to my grandad my father pushed further away and became the violence he had hated growing up in which all of the underclass know where this tragic path leads and where it ends and so dear reader we shall follow the path and events of the underclass.
