
Tales of the Reincarnated: Dropped

This work has been sealed away, sorry! (cover: ins @elena_loves_to_draw)

arthuronuranus · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

Tee-Hee ;P

Oopsie daisies (˃ᆺ˂✿)

Found a MAJOR plothole and it's pretty late tonight! (˃ᆺ˂✿)

Gonna rush to fix it soon brb (∗ᵒ̶̶̷̀ω˂̶́∗)੭₎₎̊₊♡

NO WORRIES! ଘ꒰ ๑ ˃̶ ᴗ ᵒ̴̶̷๑꒱و ̑̑ GUESS WHAT!?

release this SATURDAY 

soooo technically thats like one chap a day lmao so im being consistent riiighhhtt?? :3

( ͡°👅 ͡°)

Anyways to make it up here's a short story i came up with on spot.

In a distant far away land, an eerie moon arose shedding a obsidian dark light onto the world below shrouding everything in a pitch black darkness.

The only source of light for the inhabitants below were the accompanying stars in the night sky.

They shone with an ominous crimson sparkle as if the night sky were made of countless drops of blood.

In the lands below, shadows of steel towers danced wildly as they had come alive.

These steel towers were delicately crafted and was definitely not a natural structure.

Despite them rising steeply into the sky, some silhouettes could be seen dashing across the building. Upon closer inspection...humans! Or at least humanoids.

Their arms were elongated twice as long as their legs causing them to drag across the ground with a harsh squeak. They had a head but no facial features. Just an uncanny pitch black swirl as if their faces were collapsing in on themselves.

These "humanoids" were able to walk across the sides of steel skyscrapers like flat ground. Occasionally looking inside the glass windows of the steel skyscrapers as if they were searching for something...

What could it be?

Inching forward slowly and steadily with no clear aim while screeches of agony come from their torso. Stomach? No. It was the countless faces of their victims trying to escape the bodies of these horrid creatures.

The dark wrinkled tree bark skin of these "humanoids" stretched like some wriggling worm. But not just a worm...faces...faces trying to get out.

Boom. Boom.



With a sharp turn of its neck...it suddenly






They are watching you. The shadows at the corners or your eyes...

They are watching you. In places you don't see.

For example...behind your head. Don't look into a mirror I must warn.

Your face will start to slowly sinking inward starting from your nose as your mind is slowly pulled into the abyss within their faces.

You will become..... one the many faces trying to force their way out of his body.

The End.

Or is it?

They will always watch you.

Fear not my friend.

It's quite quick...