
Tales of the Reincarnated: Dropped

This work has been sealed away, sorry! (cover: ins @elena_loves_to_draw)

arthuronuranus · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 18: My Goal In This Life Is To Reach The Peak....Of Retirement

"Why don't you eat? Not hungry?"

Qiubai Balin squatted with a plate of food next to a blond-haired kid.

The surroundings were full of children sitting in various places eating voraciously in tears. There were simply too many people for a table so the dining room of the orphanage was literally a free range.

Not far in the distance was a table with a steaming pot and several dishes arranged in a buffet style.

Just earlier while everyone was enjoying their food, Qiubai Balin noticed someone who hadn't taken a single bite.

To be honest, Balin was worried. Was what he made not tasty? Did everyone just eat just out of pity for him? He also didnt know if Blue star cuisine was suitable for the underdeveloped palette of the people in this world. Well, Balin had to admit that he himself didnt fully understand what he was doing in the kitchen. He just winged the cooking with no idea what he was doing hoping for the best.

No kidding, he wasn't familiar with the cooking methods of hearth and fire in this world so the convenience of modern tools wasn't readily available.

Balin took a look at the kid. He recognized him. This was Orion, the 14-15 year old kid whose sister had gone missing. Earlier, after the whole incident with crossdressing, a plan was finalized to be carried out at dusk focusing on the only lead, Goaties tavern. The rest of the guards were on shift either resting to prepare for a big battle or remaining on the search for clues. Pointless searching would only waste manpower.

Seeing that Orion didn't want to talk, Balin left him alone. Sometimes people just wanted peace to ruminate. He forked a slice of meat and placed it in his mouth.

Hmm, the tingly flavors of spices, herbs and lemongrass melted in his mouth created a wide array of umami flavors. Savory, sticky, and sweet with the texture of pork belly.

Not bad. *proud.jpg

Suddenly while Balin was chewing on the food Orion turned to him and spoke:

"Can you teach me? I want to be a caster…no… a knight too."

Qiubai Balin paused in the middle of his chewing and glazed at Orion.


The kid's hands were balled up and averted his gaze.

Orion was obviously nervous.

Qiubai Balin smiled.

"How interesting," he thought.

The kid cleverly caught his words knowing that asking for the inheritance of a caster was too much and quickly switched the target to a knight.

This world wasn't his original Blue star where in the modern information explosion era, priceless knowledge was everywhere taken for granted.

This was a world where knowledge could truly create power. Knowledge precious enough to build or lead to the rise of a millennium long standing family. Or perhaps…an empire.

For example…if everyone had the power to overthrow the royal family…would they still be the royal family? Knowledge was a weapon and that was why opportunities for learning it were quite rare.

Systematic teaching of knowledge that could create a stable foundation for future improvement was even more valued. Nobles and aristocrats of various powers or races well understood this and tightly prevented the spread of such information. Only passing down the wisdom to their next generation of inheritors to stay on top of the game and solidify their rule. It was much like the Blue Star of the past.

Knowledge was so priceless that sometimes amongst the magic casters it was even traded as a currency. After all, copyright was virtually nonexistent in this world. People didn't want their lifetime achievements to be utilized by others. They wanted to stay unique. This was the basic instinct of humanity.

Qiubai Balin reached over and patted Orion's shoulder, making him look at Qiubai in surprise.


"I'll have your talents tested and I'll ask someone to take you to the family archive to pick out a special technique."

Orion's eyes widened in surprise.


He would have never imagined for Balin to agree to carelessly and casually.

Qiuabi Balin nodded and affirmed.

"Yea. I just want you to promise me something."

Orion quickly nodded, bobbing his head up and down like a pigeon.

"I want you to promise me that you'll be responsible with the abilities you gain. You won't become like the people you hate the most. I don't want the dragon slayer to eventually become the dragon, much less raise someone who would damage my reputation."

"So promise me."

Qiubai Balin seriously looked Orion in the eye.

Orion hesitated for a moment…he knew the importance of a noble's reputation. But he also didn't know what he would become in the future. Would he become swallowed by hatred?

He gritted his teeth and shook his head. No. He wouldn't become like those bastards. He just wanted strength so he wouldn't feel so helpless. Straight to protect those closest to him.

Like…like his sister.

Orion nodded to Balin and held up one arm in the air.

"I, Orion, swear by the gods that my sword are only for the enemies who cross my friends and family."

Qiubai Balin nodded with a slight smile. The eyes hidden behind his jet black hair curved into a crescent moon happy that the young man could get out of depression.


With a simple statement Balin gave the young man his word.

The he turned and looked up to the butler standing beside him.

The butler Hayate was elegantly eating a plate of barbie q slowly and gently with noble etiquette.

Savoring each little bite with his eyes closed until he was interrupted by Balin.

"Hey, later let him go to the archives. First test his talent, if he has the ability, let him practice magic."

The butler sighed, and with a snap of his fingers, the plate on his hands disappeared. Then he took out a handkerchief and gracefully wiped his mustache.

"With all due respect, Sir Balin. Do you understand the weight of your words? This isn't something I can agree to with just your words."

The butler Hayate narrowed his eyes at Qiubai Balin. The stern look he always wore on his face appeared a little…meanancing.


Staring back unflinchingly, Balin gave a calm nod.

"Don't worry about it. I'll take responsibility."

The butler sighed and gave a nod. As a professional butler, it wasn't his job to question the young master unless it involved his safety.

"Then how do you suppose you will get your father to agree?"

Balin gave a wicked grin.

"Tell him I'll tell mother where he hides his private money and secret "goods". ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Besides…" Balin shrugged. "It doesn't need to be the best. Even if he had the potential to be a threat, it would take many many years, right boy?"

Balin grinned and patted Orion hard on the back causing him to almost spill his plate of food.

"Sir, I won't do the family harm." Orion quickly let down his plate of food and saluted the butler.

The butler turned away and rubbed the tips of his mustache in contemplation.

"Alright then Sir Balin, I shall temporarily agree in the place of your father. And if his talent proves worthy, I presume recommending him to the academy would be in his best interests."

Balin smiled and turned to Orion holding out a fist.

"Watcha know boy, congratulations."

Orion was confused. What did the Balin want him to do?

While those two were sorting out the fistbump the butler Hayate sighed.

'Well, I suppose I'll do the young master a favor for once.'

It actually wasn't in his authority to agree to the young master request. But he planned on letting the young man into the archives before he reported this matter back to the family head.

As for the threat of revealing Qiubia Weiqi's secret, heh, he didn't have a death wish yet. Anyways punishment was punishment, it wasn't like he hadn't had his salary deducted before.

"Uhh Mr. Hayate, do you have any money on hand, haha?" Balin's sudden inquiry brought the butler back to reality.

"What is it, Sir Balin?" the Butler responded curiously.

"Well, you see, I'm planning on buying a sword, one for Orion here as my gift and another for me. But uhh, my personal finances are starting to bottom out."

The butler raised an eyebrow on his stern face. "Well I suppose so"

Hayate Ryo proceeded to bend over and gently pluck off one of his shoes.

Reaching in the soles, he plucked out a bag and tossed it to Balin.

"If you don't mind, feel free to spend it as you please."


Naturally Balin swiped up the money pouch without a care where it came from.

Gold was gold after all.

He turned to Orion, "Do you know what type of sword you want?"

"Uhh, sorry I don't know much about swords…"

Before Orion finished his sentence, suddenly a silly face interrupted him.

"Heeeyy~ I know all about swords. Why don't you leave it to me Lord Balin"

The orphanage director Gareth appeared from seemingly nowhere with a grin rubbing his palms together.

What the…Balin could have swore he was halfway across the room earlier…

Qiubia Balin rolled his eyes, then tossed the money pouch to the Gareth.

"Alright I don't know anything about swords. You can go buy them. Pick two suitable ones for this young lass and me."

"Understood! Um…ya know..Do you maybe need…any eexxtra~~ sword?"

Balin couldnt help rolling his eyes at the obvious hint from the orphanage director who had a foolish flattering face and fawning smile plastered all over him.

"I don't seem to recall needing an extra sword…"

Suddenly, sadness began to loom on Gareth's face like a heartbroken maiden.

"But you can get one for yourself."

Ding. The aura of sadness on Gareth was instantly washed away turning to joy on a summer's eve.

"Hhehe, how generous, I shall gladly accept!" Gareth cautiously tucked away the money bag and happily skipped away leaving the three, Orion, Balin, and the butler speechless.

They looked at each other and a hearty laughter sounded, attracting the attention of the other children.

Even the always stern face on the Butler Hayate wore off a little with his mustache moving upwards.

Well, Balin had to give credit where the credit was due. The orphanage Director Gareth should also enjoy some bonuses even if he had failed his duty awhile back.

Since he had first entered the orphanage, he had noticed many things that weren't in the initial funding of the construction of the orphanage.

For example, ranging from the extra cozy woolen blankets, toys, children's stories to candies and a swing.

From snooping around, he had discovered this all came out of Gareth's own pockets.

The orphanage director had long treated this place as his own and provided the little youngins with as much care as possible.

Just a mistake once shouldn't wipe out the years of credit he possessed. Though it was a pretty large mistake and punishment should be given where it was due. But now was not the time.

Balin narrowed his eyes under the hair.

Besides…arming Gareth with better weapons was a good step in bolstering the ophange's defenses.

"By the way, Sir Balin. Are you planning to embark on knighthood? What are you planning on doing with a sword? Surely not swinging it? It is quite dangerous without the basics properly learned."

Balin chuckled at the sudden inquiry from the butler and waved him off.

"No, no, no no. It's a secret" Balin casually dismissed.

He was probably going to learn a few swings from Gareth but he wasn't planning on embarking on knighthood. He just wanted to be cool and highlight the charisma of a young master. After all, it wasn't everyday one got the opportunity to go to another world to practice a sword. It was literally every young man's dream. A man would always be a man no matter which age.

It could also serve as a neat addition to his current abilities.

And as a…decoy. Right when the opponent thought he was a knight, he could suddenly slap out a palm and casually shout "Ha, you thought!".

You thought I was going to stab you with my sword when in reality I actually shit you with my mighty powers!

Besides, honestly speaking Qiubai Balin felt that he wasn't determined enough to endure the cruel physical training of a knight.

A knight was essentially completely different from a magic caster. It required decades of practicing sword skills accompanied by body building in order to achieve a physique comparable to wild beasts. Of course, drugs could be taken to accelerate the progress but drugs were notorious for weakening a knight. For example, who would be stronger? A knight who endured sweat, tears, and blood to obtain the physique he has today or a knight who just relied on steroids?

Of course it was the former. And just like bodybuilding on a blue star, progress could take years. The orphanage head Gareth was living proof. He was in his late thirties this year yet he was still stuck in the bottleneck of an official knight.

From trainee, to official, and finally titled. For an ordinary person, it was a process that could take a lifetime. Especially if they weren't wealthy. Because in order for the body to grow, nutrient rich foods were needed.

How troublesome…and not to mention some of the oaths certain knights had abide by.

He, Qiubai Balin, finally reincarnated as a rich young master, no longer being enslaved and needing to work in order to buy his boss a lamborghini. So why should he work when others can do the work for him? He had plenty of guards and even a second stage butler at his disposal. It was time for him to relax.

He didn't need awesome magical powers or anything. Although it would be a nice addition, Balin was content with the extra few years he had.

After all, not everyone could suddenly have a century added to their lifespan out of thin air.

As long as he didnt do anything sorry to cause a mutiny and treated his subordinates with respect. His loyal guards would chop all of his enemies while he could relax watching the bloodshed from afar sipping on some fruit juice.

But he didn't place on getting into fights either. He just wanted to retire in peace in this life. Lowkey was king. Making enemies was too troublesome.

Balin honestly couldn't understand why people would purposely make enemies. Was life not difficult enough already?

┐( ̄ ヘ ̄)┌


System Logs (Updated)

Qiubai Balin

Age: 18 + ???

Faction: Qiubai Family

Neutrality: True Neutral

Abilities: Immortal Kingdom In The Palm, Space-Time Seal

Inventory: ???

Looks: Dull Eyes, Long Black Hair

Realm: Super Duper Fit

Alastair Eris

Age: 28 + ???

Faction: Princess of Dawn

Neutrality: Neutral Evil

Abilities: Pending…

Inventory: Modified Wheelchair, Immortal Blood Essence

Looks: Auburn/Brownish Red Hair, Hazelnut Eyes

Realm: ERROR

Hayate Ryo

Age: ???

Faction: Qiubai Family's Butler

Neutrality: Lawful Neutral

Abilities: Shadow Element Magic

Inventory: Butler attire, Staff

Appearance: Mustache, Lanky, Stern

Realm: Second Stage Senior Caster


Motivational Words Of The Day Pt II: Just search up on utube "I was born with something that refuses to settle for average and i am thankful for it." shitz good i promise

Song Recommendation Of The Day: Scars To Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara


Promise by Akie

There both beautful songs with a gentle ring and a pleasantly soothing melody. Elegant with a touch of sadness especially the second one. Nostalgic, slow and pleasant, warming the soul while soothing the heart.


Anime Recommendation Of The Day:

Angel Beats! (Trust me on this one bros. Its the funniest shit ive seen comparable to daily life of high school boyz, prison school, and gintama)(will brighten your day! the exhaustion from work will be left behind!!!!!)

went from 34 followers/collections down to 28 lmao ;-; im on copium rn. ill try to be more active...just too tired 2 write these days ooof. DE NILE(denial) is a river in Egypt!!!!

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