
Tales of the Limitless Sword

With sword in hand, a determined young boy sets out to unravel all the mysteries of the world. Upload Schedule: 2x chapters every weekend - if you want more, please show your support for the novel by voting, commenting or adding it to your collections!

hello62 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


One year ago.

It was near bedtime. In this cottage, mother and son were having a conversation.

"Tell me one more story, please!"

A small candle was lit beside a bed, dimly illuminating the surroundings. On the small wooden bed, Andrew Einar, eight years old, was comfortably lying down. His mother was sitting on the ground next to him, telling him bedtime stories. These stories were sometimes fables, sometimes comedic stories, but most of the time, they would be what the citizens of Pagia relished in - epics and myths, detailing the feats of legendary warriors.

Andrew's mother chided the child, "It's way past bedtime, Andrew. But I'll tell you one more. As you know, the elves are a powerful race. They use their magic for good and to help people. But a long long time ago, there were some elves that turned evil. Their dark magic allowed them to become powerful very quickly, and in no time, they were almost as mighty as the original elf race. Of course, they did many bad things to people, and angered by the dark elves, the humans and their allies invaded them. But little did they know, the dark elves had their own allies. As time passed, more and more people fought, and it became a war. Many kingdoms and empires were destroyed, until three heroes suddenly appeared. They defeated the dark elves and brought peace to the world."

Something struck Andrew in that moment. Be it because his mother had never told him stories of such a scale before, or because he was simply stunned by such feats, Andrew was taken aback. He wanted to know exactly what happened, why the dark elves were allowed to grow in the first place, and the eventual fates of the heroes.

An admiring expression appeared on his tender face as he could not restrain his excitement - "Who are those three heroes?".

"Quiet, Andrew. You almost deafened me."

"Oh. Sorry, Mother." Andrew realised he may have been a bit too overexcited, but his burning curiosity still remained. "So who are they?", he asked, but in a softer voice this time.

"Well, there might be some people who know, but certainly not me. All we know is that they are the reason why our lives are so peaceful now."

"But I want to know!"

Andrew's mother noticed a spark in his eyes. She noticed the curiosity that he had, and how he wanted to understand the world around him. But she also understood that as a common citizen, she herself could not answer his questions. "There are many secrets that this world has, and I am sure of that. But normal people like you and me are not worthy to know of them. If you want to find out the truth and answer your questions, you will have to become powerful. That's the only way."

Andrew looked at her, seemingly in a daze - he was contemplating something.

"Mom, please get me a teacher! I will become strong and care for you!"

A smile broke out on Samantha Einar's face. He's turning nine, she thought. If he wants to truly make waves in the world, he'll need to start training now.

And so began the legend of the Limitless Sword.

A slightly short chapter - apologies! The next one will be much longer.

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