
Final Calculations

I have successfully completed the formation for the time jump.

All the hard work i being put in are done.

All are done.

Time to go.

But that monster still looking for me.

Cant let it find my location.

I have to destroy this lair after i left.

All those scroll i have burn them.

Everything is inside my head.

Billions of knowledge i have stuff them inside.

Dont know if i can use them after the time jump later on.

Cant leave anything here.

Either it be destroy or i have to bring it with me.

But so far it cant be done.

Item in my time cant be brought back to the past.

Only formations that strongest in the worlds only can hold for few minutes.

But how can my souls stands that.


I found you!!!!

Vibration of the lound voice echo through the cave.

Shaking my cave.

Trying to make me scare you old monsters?

Dont forget my sword have make u bleed last time we fight!!!

Bright green glow in my timess sword.

This is the sword that a key for the time jump formation.

It is so ancient that i cant even locate the origin...

Even in the billions of books i read the only one who have a glimps of the sword only one book.

How ancient this sword is this.

It have a simple design a standard long sword.

But the carving and formation in this sword is ten time of i have read in the billion of books.

It takes me 200 years to get the simple understanding of the sword another 200 to give birth to this formation time jump.

I decided to leave the match.

We will fight agains old demon.

On batter ground.

A plain fight only we can enjoy.

This time i wont lose again.

On that year you destroy everything.

After that i became so powerful to fight you.

I lost everything because of you.

Step by step i walk into the formations.

I bring you with me even to the yellow spring if i have to!!!

Here we go my timeless sword!!


BRIGHT WHITE LIGHT shine up out the cave.

The old moster who was watching have to close it eyes for the bright light blind him.


What did you do Humannnn!!!!

A long silence after..

As i floating in a bubble.

My sword have turn into a white light and get into my soul.

It seems this things can have it owns thought.

As my mind wonder...

A bright light suddenly approaching me.

Huh, a lost souls?


Were u going human?

The bright light trying to talk to me.

Can i talk back?

Huh, we can talk here?

The bright light spoke again.

We can talk here.

Now speak what your perpose to do this soul wondering technic in my time realm!

Your realm?

God of time?

Are you god of time!?

Help me...

Please help me.

I need to go back before the old monster destroy the world!

'cant help you with that your course is already pre determent'


'Your souls are going to your 10 years old souls.

Once merge you can control your fate again.

This time help the human race to survive.

I like to see a new ending in time.'

What your name brat?

"Duan Li"

"I will watch the ending this time.


Try your best but i won't do anything to help.


Now go!
