
Tales of the First World

The story follows the journey of a young man in a world thousands of years after a great calamity that left only 15% of the global population as survivors. In order to curve extinction, the survivors became Guardians: beings that use Soul Arms and Magic as tools to fight the Nycerii and Darkpawn that almost brought about their destruction. Follow his story as he meets new friends, faces incredible dangers, uncovers hidden truths and ultimately discovers the source of all that began this strife.

AllenWisse · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
57 Chs

This is only the Beginning

A soft and calming glow hovered above, beckoning the young boy from his somnolence as he opened his eyes.

What he found greeting his blurred sight was becoming an all too familiar sight.

With the image of the room slowly coming into view…he merely face-palmed himself at the realization of what had happened.

Once again he found himself within the recovery ward of a hospital.

The young boy's sudden awakening caused the nurse who was checking on him to exit abruptly.

Confused by her sudden leave, he decided that he'd overstayed his welcome and was ready to leave, getting dressed and packing his essentials.

Once he had finished, he moved to open the door to his room but a doctor managed to beat him to it.

Shynerai feigned a vibrant expression as he tried to quickly walk past him, but he still found his path blocked by the doctor's clipboard.

When he looked at the worn expression on the elder's face, he understood that he wasn't getting through.

He let slip a heavy sigh before the doctor ushered him back to his bed…with Shyenrai heading back to it, albeit reluctantly. As he sat down, the doctor began a quick check-up on him lasting a few short minutes.

He asked Shynerai to remove his shirt before moving closer to examine the crescent scar that now sat above his left breast stretching across his shoulder and ending by his shoulder blade.

"Seems like your body did most of the work, most of the muscle has already repaired itself along with the epidermis…though you can expect some scarring, son. Honestly, you're lucky you didn't lose your arm"

The doctor paused as he inspected Shynerai.

"Unfortunately, the venom you ate away at some of the thoracic nerve endings along with quite a bit of the muscular structure nearing the heart, if you were just a little more careless then you might have easily lost your life. Do you understand?" His words hung over him with some intensity, giving the boy a moment to think.

"Not to worry, even before I saw you it was already healing, it simply put too much of a strain on your body. Though your sensitivity to touch and temperature will be dulled significantly around that area with some hindrance to your left arm's movement, but that can be solved with a few physiotherapy sessions"

After which he concluded that he had also recovered from his case of extreme fatigue and instructed him not to try and move around much for the next few days, the doctor finally let him go, but not before he handed him an envelope.

A letter that was addressed to him, bearing the Trinity Cross Academy crest. He asked the doctor when he received it and the doctor told him that a couple of people came in early that morning and brought it for him.

The doctor assumed that they were his classmates so he allowed them in.

Confused by the situation the doctor described, Shynerai opted to figure it all out once he got home.

After leaving the hospital, he realized that it was already dark, and far too risky to try and find his way back home on foot. He instead chose to hail and cab…and twenty-five minutes later he had arrived home.

Heeding the doctor's instructions, Shynerai took the opportunity to do some light training without using his Words of Power.

'I guess I pushed my limit with all the Willforce I used in the test.'

'But it was still a safer bet than my second option. Trying to use Words of Powers that were demanding would have been pretty bad.' He thought to himself as he performed some mobility stretches.

Despite being a concerning idea, he couldn't help but imagine with subdued excitement at the idea of ever using 'Plan B'.

After finishing off his training routine, he went back into the condo to start preparing dinner. So long as he was careful, the doctor's treatment would continue to work on him without trouble, though rest was essential, as his body no longer ached, instead slowly pushing him to bed.

While Shynerai was having dinner, as he thought to open the envelope…but before he did he noticed a small note scribed on it:

"I hope you get better soon -V" Shynerai remarked with a raised brow: 

"Quite strange, I wonder who V is?".

He ripped open the envelope when an embossed letter fell out.

The same seal is decorated at the top of the letter though strangely enough, it had no writing to speak of.

Confused by the missing text, Shynerai put his meal aside and began examining the strange letter, turning and flipping the page with no sign of something having ever been written…it was only when he ran his fingers across the page, touching the seal which greeted him with a sudden glow.

The soft light emanated from the gold trails, the glow affecting the nature of the page and revealing text which quickly filled the entire page until it subsided.

As he slowly opened his eyes, the sight of what was written on the letter, brought an unsettling quiet to his mind.

Dear Mr Shynerai Astrapordt

We would like to thank you for your participation in the Trials of the Guardians that were held by our proud institution. 

Your tenacity is both acknowledged and inspiring as you and your team form part of the hundred and fifty entrants that completed all three exams that were provided. Below you will find your official grades for each of the exams you have completed as well as a reason for said score having been awarded to you.

The Illumination Test – Fail 36%

"Lackluster levels of magical energy. Little to no control over magic"

The Pillar Force Test – Inconclusive ??%

"Unknown setting for weight was chosen. Pillar was unrecoverable"

The Violain Woods Survival Test – Pass 78%

"Mind Core retrieved. Shynerai Astrapordt and Vaceris Ieollavard Astembridge completed returned successfully"

"1x Steel Aggressor, 3x Bronze Aggressors, 2x Venom Aggressors: KIA"

"Impressive survival skills and expert combat ability. Creative teamwork and ingenuity"

To conclude this letter, if you as an entrant have passed all three tests, then you will soon receive a package from the Academy.

The package shall contain your uniform, your Notebook, your student roster and an Armament Registration form. The package will arrive before Friday, during which your personal effects will be collected and transported to your new room.

We thank you for your participation.

A shocked Erai couldn't bring himself to move, the reality that was now washing over him as a tidal wave left him completely stunned.

"I…failed. Won't that mean I won't be a Hero?" He muttered with a uncertainty shaking his voice.

An act that caused a torturous memory to flood his mind, it was one of the Lynhearian Duke from some years ago. The idea that he might have failed his end of the deal before he got to start was enough to weaken his knees. The thought of having failed both Sarah and Shadow soon followed.

The now panicking Erai keeled over with his letter gripped hand also gripping his chest.

Panicked breathing and flashing memories quickly overtook him…until realization struck him as though he was just hit by lightning. With the momentary respite from his panic attack, a new look was now on his face…a look of determination.

The young Daumier sat back and looked at the letter once again, only this time he was looking for something.

Scanning the text over and over, faster and faster each time until he let slip a sigh of relief.

Erai murmured:

"It's not here. I mean my scores are all here but they haven't written it, and the way the rest of the letter is written shows that these were made to the specification of each student."

"So why isn't it here?"

Shynerai was looking for the confirmation of his failure, considering his dismal scores, he should have seen something on the letter notifying him of his failure to enter the Academy, but instead, the letter delivered its message as though he's expected by the school.

Trying to understand why the school would make such a mistake, Shynerai decided that instead of returning home to Sprite Fontiss, he would wait until Friday to see if he would get something from the school…and until then he would get back to his studies.

The following days quickly came and went, with each passing day further raising the tension within him, finding calm and relief when either studying or training.

Until finally Friday came.

He spent the entire morning waiting by the porch of the condo for the delivery…but even after waiting for several hours, his package was nowhere to be seen.

As the day slowly moved into the afternoon, Shynerai found himself taking glances through the window every few minutes, as he paced up and down the living room of the building.

A few hours later.

When twilight began settling in, what little hope the young boy had, was no more.

The only thing that was left was the reality of his failure and of the consequences that would befall not just his…but his family as well.

A frustrated expression emerged on Shynerai's face as the sky darkened and night crept in, all the while acting as an indicator of the time that he no longer had.

At this point, the frustrated Daumier could no longer be bothered, and simply decided to go to bed, after all, he had been training and studying since he left the hospital and now he was too busy worrying about being accepted that he never took the time to properly rest.

So he decided to leave his worries for another day and head to bed…all the waiting had frustrated him so much that he had lost his appetite entirely.

He locked the door, turned off all the lights and went upstairs after which he threw himself into the world of dreams.

'ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring.'

'ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring.'

'ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring, ring-ring.'

Finally, after slipping into a reverie, Shynerai woke up and found his ears flooded with a piercing and unmistakable tone.

As his vision started to clear up, he let out a loud yawn before hauling himself out of bed in search of the source of the noise.

He got onto his feet and started stretching as another yawn quickly followed.

As he walked towards the door, he stepped on something and it almost threw him off his balance. Luckily he was able to support himself against the table nearby so that he could lift his foot.

When he moved his foot, he found that he was about to crush the alarm clock. He picked it up and placed it on the table though he was still confused because not only was the clock ringing, it was also on the floor.

"Hmmm" He rested his fingers on his lip.

Thinking that it probably fell when he walked in last night. After he checked the time: 

'Damn it, how is it already dinner time, could I have slept through Saturday?'.

Annoyed at his realization, the boy ran his fingers through his ruffled hair in frustration until…once again the ringing sound appeared, startling him as he almost knocked the alarm clock off the table.

'That wasn't the alarm...it…must…have been…'

Once more, he could clearly hear a ringing noise echoing through the house,

"It's the doorbell?" He yelled as he was now awake enough to discern the nature of the sound.

He left his room and rushed down the stairs and towards the front door.

Only to be greeted by a fairly aged man with swept-back gray hair covered with a cap, along with what looked like a summer uniform, that demonstrated an impressive build, despite his wrinkled expression.

The old man suddenly sprang to life the moment Shynerai opened the door, though from where he was standing the he looked as though he was about to keel over from exhaustion

"I am so very sorry young man, we had no idea that someone had been slack-... ing on their delivery. We are… sorry for our poor service" The delivery man bellowed loudly with an expression of remorse riddled across his face.

"I'm sorry sir but would you mind coming in, I'm sure it'll be easier for you to tell me whatever it is you need me to hear if you're not on the verge of collapsing" Shynerai offered the man as he was still too groggy to fully grasp what he was saying.

"Oh, thank you so much, young one" The old man responded as he was ushered to the dining table and offered a seat.

"Would you like something to drink?" Shynerai asked before closing the door. 

"Water if you would." He answered.

He brought the man the cold glass of water and set it in front of him atop a coaster,

"Here you go, sir. Now what had to be so important that you came all this way, in the middle of the night, and in such a hurry no less?"

With a thankful grasp of the glass, he quenched his thirst in a few short gulps, before placing the glass on the table, giving wanting gazes for another drink. While Shynerai returned from the kitchen with a filled pitcher

"Right. I am the Regional Manager of Spirit Ferry's in Aria. You may call me, William".

"Spirit Ferries?" Shynerai responds with a befuddled expression.

"Yes sir, I work for Spirit Ferries. We are a logistics and delivery company with branches all over Melorodria, and I'm in charge of the branch that's situated in Aria" The figure recounted, now with a rested and steady tone.

"You see, our branch has had a trusted relationship with one of our most prestigious customers and we have managed to cultivate a relationship that has lasted more than a hundred and fifty years…and well… you see…just recently that relationship was in danger of dissolving".

Shynerai began to worry as to where the conversation might lead since he was somehow involved in this mess.

"Okay, but whom might this customer be and why does this have anything to do with me?"

With a more serious expression and a sudden depth to his tone, the figure leaned forward and clasped his hands together.

"Yes…well you see your involvement is why I am here, after all, you were the recipient of the package"

"I still don't understand. What package?" Now rubbing the bridge of his nose, hoping to remove the last of his sleep.

"Trinity Cross Academy called on my company once again to deliver to all the freshmen students their acceptance packages, and it's been this way since the beginning of our relationship."

"You see, generally the Academy issues the packages out on Wednesday, giving us just two to three days to deliver them…but on certain lets say, special occasions, we are ordered to make deliveries on Friday."

"This is because some people's results are sent to be processed by higher authorities of the Academy, which takes even longer than the regular moderations, and thus, leaving us with even less time to make these essential deliveries."

"But we never fret and always manage to make our deliveries…until now." William said, before getting up and leaving the table to go outside.

As he got up to follow him, Shynerai watched him return to the living room carrying a large chest that was about the size of a small dresser, although bearing a large crest symbolizing the Trinity Cross Academy crest on the latch over the lock.

"You see young man, you were one such student, unfortunately the person who was on duty for your delivery was nowhere to be seen which meant that your package was noted as 'Undelivered' when we came in today."

"Since then we've been trying to get in contact with the customer but to no avail."

"So, for now, we haven't been able to bring the one responsible to face his consequences, the only option that was left was for me to come here personally to deliver your package…and offer my sincerest apologies" 

Despite towering over Shynerai, William spoke with honest conviction believing that he may have brought needless worry to the boy, he continued until he placed the chest on the table and proceeded to bow his head in remorse as his apology followed.

The sight of the chest was more than enough for the half-asleep and slightly frustrated Shynerai to finally wake up to the situation he was in.

With his right arm, he had William raise his head.

"I understand, but please don't take this personally. The only thing you did was try to rectify a mistake, as far as I'm concerned, you've made my evening…I mean you delivered the package in the end and you even provided a sensible reason."

The old man's remorseful expression changes to one of relief after hearing what Shynerai had to say.

"Thank you, young man, thank you so much. You have truly honored us with your forgiveness".

"It's quite alright. We can leave the matter here. Honestly, I think my Uncle would be disappointed if I treated you any harsher. He would say it was unbecoming of a Hero" Shynerai remarked as he shook the old man's hand and walked him to the door.

"He should be proud to have raised such a fine young man. Here I want you to have this. If you ever need anything, you can call on. Considering our little chat, I can trust you to be someone of reason." The old man dispensed with the pleasantries and headed off.

"I DID IT!" He thought his sudden cheer was loud enough to wake the neighborhood. But his voice merely echoed within the walls of his room, as he subconsciously calmed himself.

'I made it, finally, I've made it' He thought to himself as he approached the chest on the table with so much excitement that he could barely contain himself.

He quickly lifted the chest and took it into the lounge before setting it down next to the coffee table. As the excitable young man was about to open the chest…he suddenly reminded of something important, something mentioned in the letter he got from the Academy:

"The package will arrive before Friday, during which your things will be collected and transported to your new room."

"Dammit, does that mean…Looks like I'll need to pack everything for tomorrow if they're coming to fetch my belongings. I guess that means I'll only get to see inside the chest tomorrow" The young man thought, regrettably.

An hour and a half later, he had finished packing everything that he could need for school.

Thinking it would be a good idea to turn in so that he could wake up early the next day, Shynerai headed upstairs for bed, but not before making himself something to eat...his hunger made itself known as the intense rumbles drove him to the kitchen.

Just before calling it a night also took the opportunity to write home about his acceptance into the Academy while he was having his dinner, before finishing up and going to bed.

What morning brings with it, Shynerai will be vehemently welcome.

Adventure, Danger, Horror or Victory: All of these and more are in store for the young man as he walks his first steps towards his goal.