
Tales of Summoning

Jason was normal, or as normal as he could be, but one day all that changed. A red pentagram, chanting, and sacrifice brought him to another place another world. He had been summoned, deemed a devil , and asked to grant their wishes..... He at first thought it a joke, but reality soon hit him. He was now something he couldn't wrap his head around, an entity that could be called upon to grant people their requests, but it was not all bad. With enough whit , luck , and deception he indeed fulfilled the role of a devil, thought he didn't really know if he was one.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Request 1

"Did, did it work.....Zef, is the ritual completed successfully?" stuttering Ariane as she looked at the now calm hazy figure.

"I don't know..." said Zef as he moved his hand to the hilt of his sword and prepared himself for a fight. He had done as the book had instructed, but anything to do with summoning a devil was tricky. He had read and heard a lot of tales where people called upon such dark creatures to accomplish their desires, and gained only a horrible death.

"Speak, what do you want!?"



A deep and turbulent voice was suddenly heard by the two of them making Ariane fall back and Zef almost unsheath his sword. Sweat drenched the handle of his sword making him lament at his state of being.

' Hah, how low have I fallen. Even a couple of words make me sweat now. I'm a disgrace of a knight.' Zef sighed internally and then loosened the grip on his sword as he steeled his resolve. He was prepared to do anything for his son.


Jason's pov

As soon as the crimson light subsided memories, or more precisely information passed through Jason's mind. The two unknown figures in front of him were no more unknown, they were Zef and Viviane, and they had summoned him here. The Jason from a minute ago would have wrecked his brains to understand what exactly 'summoning' him ment, but he now just 'understood'. He understood that he had been called here for a purpose, and that he couldn't hurt either of them until the request was over or until one of them requested him to do so. Only when their requests were fulfilled or when he was un-

summoned could he return. Jason's whole worldview was turned upside down as he was exposed to something which was only considered true in fiction.

Jason of course wasn't pleased from such a revelation he felt true in his soul so he angrily blurted out." Speak, what do you want!?"



The woman he knew to be Ariane was frightened by his words, but the man, Zef didn't seem to be bothered that much. He took a deep breath and then spoke , his voice hotase and eyes bloodshot for some reason. "Devil, I've called upon you to grant me my request. My son is ill, he is dying....and I want from you to cure him. "

"Ahhh...I also have called upon you to grant me my request. I want you to grant me riches beyond measure. I want you to make me the riches woman in the kingdom!" hastily said Ariane as to not be outdone by Zef. Zef of course was startled by such a request as he didn't know the woman was hiding such greed in her soul. He wanted to rebuke her for making such an outlandish request, but he conducted himself in front of the devil they had just summoned.

Jason was first irked by Zef when he called him a devil , but when he heard his request his eyes narrowed and heart tightened. It only lasted for a second thought as the woman also made her wish for uncountable richest, but it only made him laugh instead.

"Hahaha, uncountable riches? Now that is a bold statement. I'm not a djin woman...and do you really have what it takes to exchange for that!?" angrily said Jason as he looked at the woman who was taken aback by the devil's word's. His gaseous figure seemed to boil over showing his dissatisfaction. Jason instinctively 'knew' that such a request was above him, so he immediately turned it down.

"Uhhh..uummmm...." Ariane was frightened by such a display and fear gripped her heart as she began to murmur something, maybe even apologize.

Zef saw the dissatisfaction oozing out from the devil and cursed at Ariane for he stupidity in his mind. He hastily wrecked his brain as to what should he say, and his knightly training came into play.

"Forgive her your excellency, she is but a daft woman, she didn't mean those word's. "

"Hmphhh....is that so..." said Jason as he moved his attention towards Zef.

"Indeed, she just spoke her mind without thinking. Please forgive her transgression."

Jason paused for a moment as he looked over the two of them and decided to let it go. He didn't like this place at all and really didn't want to stay here any longer so he decided to finish his business here. He knew that he had to somehow fulfill their requests, but he also knew that he didn't have any magical powers so he couldn't just snap his fingers to complete them. He first thought about Zef's request and decided to ask him in more detail about his son.

"You, Zef is your name right?"

"Yes your excellency, the is my name."

"You said that your son was ill....what is his affliction? How did he came to be sick?" spoke Jason, unconsciously mimicking the speech of Zef, and also hopping it wasn't cancer of anything like that.

"Of course your excellency, I'll explain it to you right now." said Zef, hope welling in his heart. He had expended everything to search for a cure for his son, but he had come empty....this devil his last resort. " My son accidentally got his hand pierced by a long splinter and has gotten a serious infection. Nor the healers of the church, nor the the barber\doctors, nor the herbalists have given him hope. His condition is very bad, his life may be forfeit at any moment."

"I see...." said Jason as if he was considered something, but inside he was delighted. The thing his son had wasn't something he was born with or something that was out of Jason's ability, it was an infection and antibiotics could treat it. As that thought crossed his mind he felt somewhat tugging at his consciousness and he saw his bathroom.

'What the....wasn't I...isn't this...' It was strange, it didn't feel like he was really there, but his instict told him so, and right in front of him was was truly his medicine cabinet. From the most common gauze to some weed he had saved for later, but his attention was drawn towards something else.

'It can't be....these really are.' Jason was surprised as right in front of him were some antibiotics he had ben prescribed two month ago, but hadn't finished them all. He reached for it and then his vision changed once again and he was in the cave once again, but this time he had the antibiotics in his hand.