
Tales of Summoning

Jason was normal, or as normal as he could be, but one day all that changed. A red pentagram, chanting, and sacrifice brought him to another place another world. He had been summoned, deemed a devil , and asked to grant their wishes..... He at first thought it a joke, but reality soon hit him. He was now something he couldn't wrap his head around, an entity that could be called upon to grant people their requests, but it was not all bad. With enough whit , luck , and deception he indeed fulfilled the role of a devil, thought he didn't really know if he was one.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Crazy Request and Solution 7

As word of prince Siros being poisoned spread throughout the city, so did it outside. The barbarians who had made camp about 2km from the city had also received news of such and they of course didn't hesitate to strike while the iron was still hot. On the very next day a large army of about 20000 men surrounded the city of Toro and fierce battles commenced. Blood, steel, bone and flesh struck each other in a symphony of madness and chaos. It was a bloodbath for both sides, but one of them clearly had the advantage in numbers. The city of Toro had quite some walls surrounding it from all sides which made it much easier to protect against the horde of the barbarians, but it still lacked the numbers to completely protect it. On the very first day of battle the eastern gate was almost broken through after some of the barbariansscaled it with their ladders, but reinforcements fortunately had arrived just in time. It was a truly humbling moment for all within the city of Toro.

Of course the people of the city were scared for their lives as they had heard of the treatment they would get from the barbarians if they were defeated, but there was little they could do. So besides worrying about their life they spent the other time praying to the god of victory and light, Siona. Although the situation was very bad with the common people , the ones at the top were also frightened out of their mind. They knew that they would definitely be killed if they were caught by the barbarians when they concurred the city, so they had frantically bought all the grain, preserved foodstuffs, and cheese they could get their hands on before they sold all of their assets, so when the city fell they could escape , and have enough food for quitesome time. On the other hand they would also be hanged for treason if they were found out, but the prince was out of the picture now that he had been poisoned. Still, Baron Gera couldn't shake a feeling that something wasn't right.

As he stood on the balcony of his three story estate , he couldn't help but squint his eyes until a sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts "Ooo handsome Baron, what may you be thinking about this late at night? Something important I presume....

Gera smiled and turned around to see the owner of the voice. " Indeed...it is something of grave importance. " Geras smiled as he looked at the half naked woman on his bed. She was quite a beauty, and Gera was very fortunate his first wife had allowed him to take her as his second one, but he hadn't expected his honeymoon would be so short.

"Come here...I'll relieve you of your worries."

"Hah...I expect nothing less from you."


Gera immediately forgot his train of thought and begun to indulge in his carnal pleasures as he fully enjoyed his second wife's body ,oblivious to the undercurrents that had begun to sweap through the city. Steel reflected the silver moonlight as armored figures were seen moving through the night . They wore a stern expression as they moved swiftly , and they quickly arrived at their destination, a three storied mansion. As soon as the two guards saw more than thirty armored people coming their way, they froze in place.

"H...haalt! You are not permitted to pass here! This is the private estate of Baron Gera....

"We know, and that is why we are here." said one of the soldiers as he removed his helmet and then showed a piece of parchment to the two guards. The two of them didn't know how to read, but they clearly knew the seal on the bottom of it....it was the royal seal.

"It seems that you lot know what this means....so I suggest that you move aside...." said the man holding the parchment and the soldiers gave a knowing look at each other. If they abandoned their post nothing good would happen to them, but if they refused to comply with a royal order. In the sleeping quarters there were more than 30 of their comrades who were also under the employment of Baron Gera, there also being a knight. They started to think that they could somehow survive the clash, but the next words from the man evaporated those thoughts.

"Your loyalty is commendable by if you do continue with this you will also be branded as traitors to the kingdom and be hung like dogs by tomorrow. Now let us pass...

The man took a step forward and the others behind him followed. The two guards were caught of guard as they tried to say something but the word's were stuck; they could only see as more than 20 people marched inside after opening the wooden gate. Situations such as this were happening all over the city of Toro waking up its residents, but none had a better view than Pierre who saw what was happening from a balcony on the castle.

"So it has begun." Pierre looked at the fires that had begun to spring up of several locations around the city and he closed his eyes.

"Cough cough....Pierre...

Pierre heard a faint voice coming from inside and couldn't help but let out a sigh as he entered inside. Not far from the fireplace an elaborate king sized bed was placed and on it a pale looking Siros was laying. Pierre slowly approached the bed and saw Siros's thinning face. Compared to a couple of days before, Siros was now thinner, no more looking like he was the prince of a kingdom, but like commoner.

"Pierre...water..." slowly said Siros as he looked at Pierre and Pierre did as told. He filled a cup of water and slowly made Siros drink it, but something was nagging at Pierre. After he finished doing that he moved to the fireplace and started to move the coals around with a fire poker. The fireplace illuminated his face, and one could see that he hadn't shaven in a while and his hair was a little sticky from the sweat.

"My liege....for how long do you intended to suffer? Isn't it about time to end this?"

"Pierre..." faintly was heard Siros voice as he finished adding the wood at the fire and he once again was at Siros's bedside. Siros looked at his most trusted attendant as the later took a pillow from the other side of the bed and with a serious face moved it towards his face.


"I know , my liege, I know what you want to say , but I have to do it. Please....


"My liege..." Pierre gritted his teeth as he took the pillow he had in his hand and in one swift motion...echanged the pillows. Silence filled the room as Siros stared angrily at Pierre and the later apologeticly smiled at him. "I know what you want to say but I think this is enough. You have already fooled all , why do you want to continue this charade any longer? "


"Yes my liege."

"That was my favorite pillow."

"Ahh..." Pierre was speechless as he looked at Siros and then at the sweaty pillow he had just changed.