
Tales of Summoning

Jason was normal, or as normal as he could be, but one day all that changed. A red pentagram, chanting, and sacrifice brought him to another place another world. He had been summoned, deemed a devil , and asked to grant their wishes..... He at first thought it a joke, but reality soon hit him. He was now something he couldn't wrap his head around, an entity that could be called upon to grant people their requests, but it was not all bad. With enough whit , luck , and deception he indeed fulfilled the role of a devil, thought he didn't really know if he was one.

SilentTreatment · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Crazy Request and Solution 3

As Siros asked that question silence blanketed the room. Besides the distant ramblins and shouts of the prisoners of this dungeon only their heartbeats and breathing could be heard. It seemed like any second a word, an utter or even a movement would come from the devil inside the pentagram but nothing happened. Even after five....ten....fifteen minutes nothing was said from Jason, making Siros furrow his brows.


Even more time passed...maybe an hour, maybe more, but the deafening vail of silence from the devil they had summoned hadn't been lifted. Siros's was beginning to loses his patience, Pierre had begun to tire, but the man was the worst of them all. He couldn't stop shivering as his mind was filled only with fear as he knew that if this went awry he would definitely be killed. Even if it went well he would loose his usefulness and he would again be killed, so he wrecked his brain in order to survive.

Finally Siros seemed to have had enough and spoke towards the man who had summoned Jason " You... answer me...what is happening? Did the summoning go awry? And don't lie to me...I don't have to remind you what happens if you do .


The man tried to speak, but Pierre beat him to it.

"My liege, I don't think we need this one anymore. The ritual has been completed and the devil was summoned....he is now only a liability....

"NO...please have mercy your majesty. I....I can still be of use to you, I'm not lying.....

Siros raised his hand to stop his rambling, but didn't move his attention from the unmoving figure standing before him. It had facial features , but it seemed to be starting straight into Siros's mind, taunting him, playing with his emotions, insulting his intelligence. Siros didn't like it beeing looked down, but what could he do but to endure it. The thing before him wasn't one of his subjects, it was a 'devil'...

"You...mage, better make yourself useful or you will become food for my hunting dogs by the end of this day."

"Ye....yes your majesty..." the man immediately begun to pray relentlessly at the unmoving figure held within the crimson pentagram. He prayed, sung him all kinds of pleasant things, stroke it's ego without end, but it still didn't move. Pierre who was designated as the bodyguard approached Siros and patted his shoulder, but the later didn't seem to budge. This of course startled Pierre as he looked closely at Siros's face and saw that he wasn't responding, his eyes not even blinking....

"MY LEIGE! Are you fine....my liege!" yelled Pierre taking Siros out of his stupor, but what awaited him was only a slap to the face which stunned him.

"My liege....

"Hmph...I'm fine Pierre, I was just thinking about this situation...about how disgustingly correct it is. It is like I am seeing the past unfold between my eyes. Hmmm....such seems to the the curse of a mortal. Don't you you see it Pierre!? The 'devil' has given me the information I need to turn the tides of this war."

Siros clenched his hands and finally stood up, and his expression was that of understanding. "Pierre...take the devil we have summoned and think of him as me, then take the circle that keeps him in as the city walls. After that, think of me as the enemy who wishes to scale those walls and get what it wants.....in this case the 'defeat' of the enemy, but it wasn't so easily granted. It'll make you frustrated if such a thing happens to you for certain....it was the same for me.

'Why won't he he answer , why won't he grant me even a word ' were my thoughts, and over time those thoughts became stronger and stronger until it became desperation. Under this 'desperation ' one will do anything to gain what he wants....I'm certain of that."

Pierre listened at Siros's words , but he understood little of what was said. It wasn't that Pierre was ignorant or didn't know of battlefield tactics , but to him it just seemed like the ramblins of a mad man. Of course he didn't say such a thing, but he was beginning to regret suggesting the summoning of the devil.

"The same could be said for us of course." continued to explain Siros "As the enemy cannot get what they want, we cannot get what we want either. Despair is also our response, but compared to them I've understood that. 'Hope'...such a fickle but a powerful thing indeed."

Siros looked at the still unresponsive devil and couldn't think if he was just a kid that was beeing nudged into the right direction.' Is his foresight so strong that he can predict the situation so acutely. Or is it really that my experience abouut the world is insufficient?

Either way, 'Hope' is the answer for my current situation.'

With those thoughts Siros quickly left the dungeon of his castle , Pierre immediately following him. Plans were already blooming in his mind, but he didn't have time to spare at all.