
Tales of Southernere Volume I

In a land with magic, set in a time where the nation had grown and spread all across the land. However, not everyone is on the same side. Two forces, good and evil, have been at war since the beginning. Three parts in this volume will tell a story of the events happening in the twentieth century. This is not the beginning nor is it the end.

indrazufayri_22 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Royal Celebration

Another hour taken for their journey back to Combination. It was already dark outside. The lights from houses, buildings, schools, streets, the castle and the gardens brightened the area around. It definitely is magical here. Dewi was very attracted to her surroundings. She admired its beauty. The whole land of Southernere is magical. But like everything else, there are beautiful places in this land, and there are also places where people will never wish to go.

King Henry's words were accurate. Queen Dorothy was very delighted to see them return, and her face got even kinder upon seeing Dewi. Henry introduced her. And Dorothy was very welcoming.

'How was the preparation dear?' Henry said, embracing his wife.

'All is well, just a few more checking routines tomorrow and we're ready. Alright, enough about our family matters' Dorothy said. She turned to look at Dewi.

'How are you dear? Let me help you inside'

Dewi was surprised to see her. She wasn't expecting her to be covering her entire modesty. She had never seen anyone aside from her race covering before, and looking very stunning. She was touched even more by her kindness. Dewi smiled in return and followed her along with the handmaiden accompanying her.

Dorothy led her passed the entrance hallway into the main hallway and into the smaller hallway behind the stairs on the right. They stopped in front of one of the rooms. The handmaiden opened the door.

'This will be your room' Dorothy said, inviting Dewi inside. Dewi felt good. She felt like she was being treated like someone important. She loves this place already. The guest chamber was not as big as the other royal chambers. It only has what is essential for a royal bedroom to have. Which are the bed, two armchairs, carpets, lamps, paintings, bookcase, the bathroom, a closet room, and a table of refreshments.

'This is my room?' Dewi asked, feeling very honoured.

'You have nowhere else to stay, this will be your room. All our guests are part of the family and treat it like your own home' Dorothy said kindly. 'Of course there are rules in every home, so whenever there is a need for advice, anyone of the castle staff can guide you, there's a button with the crown symbol beside the bathroom door, just press it anytime for assistance'

'Thank you very much your… queen' Dewi said, not sure how to address her.

'It's your majesty' the handmaiden helped her.

'Thank you, your majesty' Dewi said. Dorothy smiled.

'It's my pleasure Dewi. Did I pronounce correctly?' Dorothy said.

'According to your accent, yes you did' Dewi replied.

'Get some rest, there's a big celebration tomorrow, and you can be one of our guests as well' Dorothy said and left the room with the handmaiden following behind.

Queen Dorothy went to visit her daughter in her chamber. Annie was there sitting on the armchair by her crib. She immediately stood up in respect as the queen entered.

'How is she Annie?' Dorothy asked.

'She's just fallen asleep after I gave her a warm milk'

The milk bottle was on the refreshments table.

'Thank you Annie' Dorothy said, as she smiled, then went to give Princess Erieka a kiss on the forehead.

She went to visit her son next. His chamber was on the second floor a few rooms away from hers. Prince Edward was still awake, he was sitting on his bed comfortably reading a book.

'Mother' Edward said affectionately as he looked up. Dorothy approached the bed and sat on it.

'What book are you reading?' she asked.

Edward turned the book around to the cover page and handed it over to his mother.

'"The Adventures of Galliver in the Outside World"' Edward mentioned the title. 'So the stranger is staying in our castle?'

'Yes Edward' she replied, returning him the book. 'And it's late, it's time for you to sleep' she got up and tucked her son before kissing him on the forehead. She left and headed to her chamber. Dorothy dismissed the handmaiden before she entered. King Henry was already sitting in bed, legs straight and his back leaning on the headboard. He was half asleep.

'If you're tired, you could have just gone to bed' Dorothy said.

'Then I'll miss our daily discussion' Henry said.

'Your health is even more important'

'My wife is important to me as well'

Dorothy smiled, touched by her husband's sweetness. She changed into her nightgown and sat beside him.

'Alright, you first' Dorothy said.

'The battle just now afternoon drained most of my energy. I was so close to helping Jack. Then at the farewell, it was difficult speaking for someone I was close with since I studied at the academy. The preparations were great. Halfway I have to leave for White Shore. Dewi didn't want to share anything at first. But she opened up. And it seems she was really from the outside world. But I'm still figuring out how she ended up here. There could be more of our race out there. Because she looks like us. Only a bit different in how she speak or how her appearance is'

Dorothy held her husband's hand.

'It's okay dear, you did your best today. If you couldn't have saved Jackenzie, no one else could have, because everyone else was much farther. Everything has been completed for the preparations. We just need to do the final checking routine tomorrow and we're ready to start'

Dorothy kissed her husband on the forehead.

'Goodnight dear. Rest well' she said, getting under the covers and lying down to sleep. Henry did the same.

The next day arrived very fast. Everyone was already up and ready to start the final checking routine. While the adults are already working, Prince Edward and Princess Erieka are still getting ready, assisted by their squire or handmaiden. That is a young man named Jeff and Annie. Queen Dorothy visited Dewi's chamber and found that she was already wide awake and was studying the books that were present on the bookcase.

'You're an early person?' Dorothy said.

'It's my daily routine to wake up early and pray. But I called for assistance earlier, no one knows what I'm talking about' Dewi said.


'I thought the people here knew because the way everyone dresses is like me, covered. But when I saw the sun rose, I estimated the direction for me to face'

Dorothy smiled.

'There's definitely a lot we can learn from one another. I never heard of that word before, pray'

'It's in my religion, cause I'm a Muslim'

'That word, religion, I read it somewhere before. Among the strange words I found in the books the explorers shared, about their adventures. Words like culture, tradition'

'Your majesty, you have no other races in Southernere? No other methods of celebration?'

'I have no idea about the Outlanders but we Inlanders all usually come together whenever there's a celebration. What is races?'

'It's plural, your majesty, so it's "what are". It's different kinds of people, like me and you, we're definitely different races. I'm Indonesian, and judging by your looks, you're Caucasian'

'No, I'm CombiNation' Dorothy replied simply.

'Isn't that the name of this city?'

'Yes and no, I meant CombiNation, with the capital N. Everyone in Southernere and even in The Outlands are The Nation of Combi. Combi is our very first ancestor that started life on this land. We don't know how he got here or where he was from but he and his wife Mayang and their two daughters, Sofya and Majuza, are our ancestors. But, I read before about theories that might be true or might not, Combi might have originated from your world'

'I see, your majesty, that's an interesting story as well. Mayang is a word familiar to my people or generally in the Malayan Peninsula'

'That's fascinating, maybe we're connected somehow? So there are different types of people in your world'

'Your majesty, from reading some of the books just now, I think my world and yours are not different'

'What do you mean?' Dorothy asked, getting curious.

'I think, we are all in the same world but only in a different way. What I mean is, maybe your world is in another dimension. But it's still part of mine. Our world is called Earth. And although I can't remember how I got here, but, it can't be very difficult since I was nowhere near any sort of portal when I'm on that ship yesterday. What I'm saying is, I think, your world is part of mine but it exists on a different plane'

Dorothy listened attentively before she smiled at the last part.

'That's a lot to take in, I am very much confused and I don't want today to be ruined by my brain telling me all sorts of things I don't understand' Dorothy laughed. Dewi laughed as well.

'Alright your majesty, that's just what I thought. Go ahead and enjoy the day!' Dewi said.

'Come and join us! We're having a quick breakfast before the celebration. You can meet my children!'

'You have children? Young prince or princess?' Dewi was excited to hear.

'Both' Dorothy smiled. 'I see that you love children'

'I do very much actually! I was a teacher back at my hometown'

'How old are you?'

'Twenty-one' Dewi replied.

'So young. I feel so old already!' Dorothy laughed again. 'Come and join us?'


'You can change to any of the clothes in the closet if you want' Dorothy said, looking at Dewi who was wearing the same clothes. 'You'll draw less attention later at the ballroom. After you're done, press the crown button I told about yesterday. Someone can guide you to the dining hall. If you go alone, you'll get lost in this place'

Dorothy left as Dewi went inside the closet room to change. Dewi entered the closet for the first time and was amazed by all the beautiful dresses and gowns, suits, coats, vests and scarves. There were also shelves with pieces of jewellery. She thought if the guest chamber has all these, the king and queen's chamber would have more. Dewi picked a decent dress that attracted her, and a scarf to match it. She looked at herself in the mirror to straighten everything before pressing the crown button beside the bathroom door. A few seconds later, a handmaiden arrived. A different handmaiden than the one who assisted her earlier that morning. She brought her to the dining hall, passed the main ballroom door to the other side of the castle. The doors here are tall. The walls are even taller. Dewi entered the hall to find another room to be amazed. The room was very big. A long dining table, like the size of four dining tables placed together, sits in the centre. A fireplace in the middle on one side. A warm fire burning wood inside. The royal family were already seated at the table. King Henry and Queen Dorothy at one end. Lord Adam and Lady Matilda to their right. Prince Edward to their left. And Princess Erieka's mobile crib, by the side of Queen Dorothy.

'Dewi! Come and join us, you may sit beside Edward' Dorothy called excitedly, gesturing to the empty seat beside the prince. One of the royal waiters helped Dewi to the seat. She was feeling a bit shy and awkward.

'I am very honoured to be here. I feel like I don't deserve all this' Dewi said shyly.

'You are our guest Dewi, and all our guests deserve a place to stay and food to eat' Henry said, smiling. The other royals were also smiling along. It was kind of funny but it was very joyful as well.

'Hi!' Edward said cheerfully at Dewi. He was happy to meet someone new.

'Hi!' Dewi replied, a little surprised by his cheerfulness.

'I'm Edward, Master Mousy calls me Eddie. Sometimes my mother calls me Ed. What about you?' Edward said.

'My name's Dewi. You can call me Dewi because everyone calls me Dewi' Dewi said, releasing a short laugh. Edward laughed as well. He laughed even harder actually.

'You just repeated how I said it, that's funny!' Edward laughed.

The breakfast was very delicious, eggs and toasts with some potatoes. But Dewi did not straight away touch her plate.

'I'm sorry to bother or interrupt your majesty, but may I know, are there any ingredients in the food that contain alcohol?' Dewi asked cautiously.

'It's just plain eggs and toasts and the potatoes are fresh! Best of Southernere' Queen Dorothy replied.

'Thank you' Dewi said, and then started to eat.

'Is there a problem?' Dorothy asked.

'It's just something I practice' Dewi replied simply. Her reply was obvious to Dorothy that it was unclear. But she let it go.

'That is something your world has? The ingredient you mentioned?' King Henry asked.

'You don't have alcohol?' Dewi asked back in surprise.

'Yes the one you mentioned. Never heard of that except probably in the books' Henry said.

'Sorry your majesty for interrupting' Dewi said, realising she had just ignored the king's question and asked hers instead.

'That's alright. It's wonderful you are learning our ways' Henry replied. They finished their breakfast with different topics for conversation.

Soon, it was noon and time for the celebration. The sun shone brightly over the castle. It was a wonderful summer afternoon, and the streets were already back to being busy today. But most people were heading towards the castle. The castle was even busier. Soon the ballroom will be filled with guests in beautiful gowns and suits. The final checking routine had been carried out and the servants were already in their positions to carry out their assigned tasks for the day. The castle soldiers guarding the entrance greeted everyone who came. A servant stood just behind to guide the guests to the ballroom. As the servant went, another servant came to guide the next group. The castle was never short of workers. Everyone was happy to be working there and even when the staff is already full, there are still people who wants to get a job there. The royal men were in the men's restroom, a room in the castle just for clothing and a small bathroom. They were waiting for the right moment to enter the ballroom. There was no right moment or anything, it's just the way royals of Southernere enter after their guests arrived. But if they want to enter now is also up to them, no one can stop them from breaking their ways, they're royalty. So that was what King Henry did. He entered the ballroom early, when the room was only occupied by the waiters, servants and a few guests that had arrived. The announcer at the door announced the king's arrival. He will do the same for every royal entering the room later on. The royal ladies were in the women's restroom. And they were ready since they first got dressed earlier that morning. So they were just waiting to be invited by the servants. Princess Erieka, was the star of the day, lying down quietly in her mobile crib. Her white velvet dress and her two centimetres brown hair made her look even more beautiful.

'It's your birthday celebration Erieka! Many people are going to see you turn one year old today!' Queen Dorothy said happily, smiling at her daughter.

'Your majesty, shouldn't I be entering the ballroom now with the other guests?' Dewi asked.

'Nonsense. You'll enter with us. Like I said, treat this like your own home'

Dewi smiled. From she was conscious until now, she has never stopped being amazed by the kindness of the people here. She wondered if everyone in Southernere is as nice as those that she had met.

Fifteen minutes passed, and the hall was already filled with guests. And there were still people expected to arrive, like Queen Dorothy's family, royals of Barenge. But Lord Adam, Lady Matilda, and Prince Edward already went ahead and entered the ballroom first. Dewi followed Matilda timidly. The announcer announced all the royals name. Everyone turned to acknowledge them amid their conversation with one another or admiring the food served. King Henry was seated at one of the tables reserved for the royals, he was already eating while chatting with a commoner sitting beside him. Again Dewi was impressed that the king was like any normal person, don't mind sitting with anyone even in their own home.

She was even more attracted to the ballroom, its atmosphere and the decorations. The high ceiling was decorated with golden patterns that seemed to be sparkling. Dewi still doesn't know that this place was magical for her logical mind to accept. The huge majestic chandelier hung to the ceiling in its centre. The end of the ballroom, tall windows reached from the base to the top. Its wide length made it look majestic as well. On the other side, anyone can see the main gardens. Only the centre has no window, because there was the door to the gardens in its place. The smell of the different varieties of food at the buffet table made her want to find the eggs and toasts she ate earlier that morning again. But she was cautious of course, as she mentioned that she practices. The labels placed for each serving was very helpful for her. Now she could easily choose what she was sure she could eat. Like she took the bread for her first plate. Then she went to try the fish.

'Announcing the arrival of King Jonathan, Queen Alice, and Princess Darleen from the city of Barenge' said the announcer. The door had already opened before he spoke. In came the royals of Barenge. They proceeded to the royal tables. A few seconds later, the door was opened again. It was most of the masters from SHAW Academy. Master Widow was among them and Lillain was with her too. Among the rest were Masters Mousy, Kitty, Jenny, and Asher the blue wolf. Everyone mixed around with one another or just stayed with those they are comfortable with. A few minutes later, the announcer began to speak again.

'Announcing the arrival of Queen Dorothy and Princess Erieka' he said. The doors opened after he spoke this time. Queen Dorothy entered with Annie pushing Princess Erieka's mobile crib beside her. This time everyone turned to watch. The star of the day came in with her mother and head of the handmaidens. People looked in awe at how adorable the baby princess is. They admired her.

'Thank you Annie, I'll take it from here' Dorothy said softly. Annie walked gracefully to join the other servants working in the ballroom as Dorothy took over her. She strolled with the crib around the room for everyone to see. People looked at and admired the baby as she passed. Some spoke a few words of respect. Others could only see from a distance due to the large crowd in front of them. Dorothy made her way until the royal table where King Henry and Prince Edward were sitting. Everyone resumed what they were doing. And the celebration went on with short speeches by the king, games that were planned by Lady Matilda, and more food served at the buffet tables.

Everyone was having so much fun. The sun has already begun proceeding downwards. That was when everyone heard a blasting sound from outside the ballroom. All eyes turned to the door. The announcer was the closest. He was about to check when the door burst open and the soldiers that were guarding it, were thrown into the room. The announcer was thrown as well. Their unconscious bodies slid across the floor and stopped a few steps away from where most people were. There were gasps of fear and surprise among the crowd. King Henry and the soldiers guarding inside the ballroom led by Lord Adam went in front of the guests to protect them for whatever is incoming. The masters all joined him. King Jonathan and some of his men stood by Henry as well. Morgan and a pink rabbit named Alphaga came in. The masters ready their powers at the tip of their fingers, knowing very well who they are facing.

'This is the greeting we received?' Alphaga mocked.

'I know, the descendants of Sofya are the worst. They have to learn some manners' Morgan said.

'Whatever you do, make it an effort to seize them. Their crimes are too much to ignore' King Henry said sternly. He glanced at his wife who immediately understood what he meant. She directed everyone to exit the ballroom from the garden entrance. They followed obediently and in fear.

'Now this is gonna be fun' Alphaga said. He charged a continuous line of black current from his eyes towards any target in front of him. The masters put up a shield. Their strength combines to create a strong forcefield which they exert towards the rabbit. He stopped the current and deflected the forcefield to other targets with his back feet. He resumed the black current. Master Mousy took his challenge and sent her own green current. Both currents collided, forming an impact around the point of collision. Zaps of current occasionally attacked any objects around the point's small danger zone. Few other avengers came into the ballroom. A battle began between the soldiers, the masters, and the two kings, against the avengers. While that happens, everyone outside was calming themselves down. Some had already left the castle. But others felt rude to leave when the celebration was not over yet. Prince Edward was trying to get a good view of someone inside. He peered through the window.

'Edward, get away from the window!' Queen Dorothy exclaimed. The other royal ladies were by her side trying to calm everyone down. Dewi was beside her too, looking very shocked. She had never met someone causing mischief before back in her village, let alone an evil person. And they got magical powers. Edward kept looking and he found her. Master Widow was at one corner, fighting with one avenger. He paid close attention and noticed that she wasn't fighting the avenger alone. Another master and a soldier were attacking him. Master Widow was actually just releasing some powers periodically. It was like she was not putting any effort to help. Leaving the job to the other two. Edward placed his palm on the glass and searched for Mousy. He closed his eyes, doing something with his powers. Inside, Mousy was fighting Alphaga with Masters Kitty and Asher. She stopped and turned to look at the window. She felt Edward's signal to her. She reacted in amazement at Edward's abilities and focused her eyes on him from that far distance, trying to find out what he was calling her for. Edward opened his eyes, and looked at Widow, his palm still on the glass. Mousy captured the information. Edward was trying to signal Mousy about Widow. She looked at the direction Edward was directing her to. And she saw the old master. Exactly as how Edward saw it. Widow's effortless attacks were proving Edward's theory to be true.