
Tales Of Sir George The Dragon Slayer (Revised)

George's grandfather was the great Goldton Osmund, the strongest blacksmith and greatest Dragon Slayer. After George escapes slavery he chases his dream of meeting his grandfather and becoming a great Dragon Slayer.

Dominic_Fontana · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Sand City Part 3

Godfrey walks up to the tavern in the kingdom, he opens the door and sees a man with silver eyes, silver hair, and light skin.

"Lloyd. The Clayman isn't going to get this kingdom.", says Godfrey.

"So you found where I've been hiding out.", says Lloyd.

"I just followed the drunks.", said Godfrey.

"So there is no way you are coming back with us?", asks Lloyd

"Ya would have to bring my corpse with ya.", says Godfrey, the tavern so empty Godfrey's words echo, "Where is Clayman and his father?"

"They are almost here", starts Lloyd as he stops and stares at Godfrey, "Wouldn't it be great if they showed up, and one of the only men to hurt Goldton Osmund was dead."

"Ya can try if you want, but ya know how that ended for you last time.", states Godfrey.

"I wouldn't dare because our plan has become even better and more grand since you left.", says Lloyd enticingly, "You can always rejoin."

"Though I may be more powerful than thee normal human, I am still a human. No matter how much they tortured and tried to kill me I will not kill them."

"You know why we are here then?", asks Lloyd.

"The blade and the orbs.", quickly replies Godfrey.

"We don't know what the white orb is, but we have all of the orbs except for the blue, white, black, green, pink and red.", starts Lloyd, "The red belongs to you, the blue one is lost, the black and white ones are protected by this kingdom, the green one is the Wizard's, and the pink one is also lost. We are already unstoppable, we have most of them."

"Why don't ya just start the extermination?", asks Godfrey.

"Goldton has more than what we know planned. He also is after the Wizard.", says Lloyd.

"But its been probably a thousand years since thee story of him. Ya think he is still alive?", asks Godfrey.

"I think Goldton thinks that the orbs grant the users immortality. I also think that he wants to know more about the orbs than he knows now.", says Lloyd.


"Don't know.", starts Lloyd, "If you are that interested you should rejoin. Everyone misses you, but you are a good man no matter the side you are on. Old but good."

"Where is everyone?", asks Godfrey concerningly, as he realizes Lloyd is not going to harm him so he sits in one of the barstools.

"Kai is talking to the cave elves, Duggan is trying to track down the blue orb, Freya is keeping the island protected, I am here with you, Clayman and his father unknown but will be here soon."

A strong wind blew the door open, and it slammed the door against the wall. Godfrey quickly looks around the room, sensing something is different, when his eyes pass the bar table he sees a man. The man had black hair, brown eyes, dark skin, and dragon wings coming from his back. A deep strong angered voice comes from the man, "What is he doing here?"

"He is here just to talk. We are going to fight later, during the siege.", answers Lloyd.

"Why is he here though?", starts the man, "He is a traitor to our cause, he didn't agree and he tried to take out my father."

"I am here to speak to ya guys."

"Why?", asks the man.

"There is more than just the blade and orbs that yawant here, isn't there?", asks Godfrey.

"Yes, my father said he wanted something more, but I don't know what.", says the man.

"Since ya obviously don't want me here Osmund I'll leave. It was good to see ya my old friends, but next time I see ya we'll be fightin' to the death.", says Godfrey.

Godfrey exits the tavern and walks down the road to a small home made of sandstone. He knocks on the door, and a partially nude, only a towel covering below the torso man walks out. Godfrey seems puzzled and looks around at the road, the house, and it's distance from the tavern.

"Does Diana live here?", asks Godfrey.

"Oh yeah, shit! Are you her dad or something?", asks the man.

"I don't look that old, do I?"

"Wait so you are?"

"No I'm not her dad, but who are ya?"

"I'm her . . . uhh friend. The name is Sir Gaston."

"Well Sir Gaston is Diana here?", asks Godfrey in a snarky tone.

"Oh yeah, she's in one of these rooms."

"I don't care what room she's in, just get here for me ya dope.", says Godfrey.

Godfrey waits at the door for a few seconds as a muscular figure approaches the door. It had broad shoulders, large leg muscles, average size breasts, tall, light skin and long thick burgundy hair.

"Should I get my armor?", asks the figure which came out of the dark.

"Yes and bring the herbs.", says Godfrey as he waits for her.

Godfrey and the woman were walking through the sandstone streets of Sand City to the outskirts of town.

"So how did you find me?", asks the woman.

"Lloyd said you were watching over the island, Diana. Nice code name, but Freya who is really watching the island? Also why did ya come so close to them?"

"I am watching the island using magic. I am just not on the island. I've been here a while before I knew about the plan to attack the kingdom."

As they get closer to the outskirts more of the houses are broken down and the streets turn from sandstone into sand.

"The bar is right down here, right?", asks Godfrey.

"You've got a good memory for a one eyed fool.", says Freya

"Hey I could still kick your ass, unless ya get better at seeing the future.", says Godfrey.

"You know I'm not supposed to try and change what I see, right?", asks Freya.

"Yeah but ya can, and if I could I would."

"That's why I don't want to tell you what I see.", starts Freya, "But I owe you my life, so I will."

"This is it, right?", asks Godfrey pointing at a broken sign which says Magic Den.

"Yeah.", says Freya.

Godfrey slightly pushes on the broken wood door, which breaks off the hinges after being pushed. They both walked in with Godfrey leading.

"Is anyone home?", asks Godfrey.

"My father hasn't lived here for a long time.", says Freya.

"I know. I am not lookin' for ya father.", says Godfrey.

As they walk into a bar with sand filling the room and stacks of broken chairs. There was not much light, just the light that shined in through the broken down door. Dust floated in the sky, and there were footprints in the sand.

"Godfrey.", says Freya as she points to the footprints. Godfrey looks down, notices them and nods his head. Godfrey's right eye began to glow red, left eye which he was missing, the socket had a deep shadow on it. A flame rose from Godfrey's right index finger as he lit a blunt Freya made out of her herbs. She begins smoking it and then takes a deep breath of smoke in. she whispers, "Who is in this house? What do they plan on doing to us?". Freya's vision goes black, but in her mind she begins to see the room that they are in. Godfrey takes a couple of steps forward in front of Freya to inspect a gold coin on the ground, but then from the sand an arm punches him cracking all of the ribs on his right side.

Freya begins to get her vision back as she stops and sits down in the sand.

"I need to get stronger at that.", states Freya.

"What is the point of being able to see the future if you are not going to try to change it?", asks Godfrey.

"My father said there would be a time in my life where I would need to change it, but until I know it is that time I just get stronger at seeing the future.", says Freya.

"But if it is something bad then why let it happen?", asks Godfrey

"I don't truly know, but our perception on what is good and evil is our own perception. I might think that saving one of my friends lives at the moment is a good idea but because they didn't die they might kill hundreds of people later.", begins Freya, "Someone who begins learning to use visions needs to learn self control and they need to not interfere with what is destined."

"But your father believes that ya should.", states Godfrey.

"Yeah but he thinks that I can carry the responsibility of not changing the future.", says Freya.

"Would ya do it to save me?", asks Godfrey.

"Maybe.", smiles Feya.

Freya moved up her arm to get help from Godfrey to stand up. Godfrey pulls her up and then she wobbles around. He walks forward a few steps and sees a gold coin sticking up from the sand. Godfrey bends down to look at it, he picks it up and out of the sand a golden hand rushes to punch Godfrey's right side. When the hand hits it sounds like breaking branches.

"Shit!", yells Godfrey as he holds his rib cage.

"I should kill you on site, but we have the history, so I'll give the battle during the siege.", says a deep voice hidden in the shadows. The figure had piercing gold eyes that flowed in the shadows. Then the figure vanished.

"What really happened between you and Goldton Osmund?", asks Feya as Godfrey screams in pain and frustration.