
Tales Of Sir George The Dragon Slayer (Revised)

George's grandfather was the great Goldton Osmund, the strongest blacksmith and greatest Dragon Slayer. After George escapes slavery he chases his dream of meeting his grandfather and becoming a great Dragon Slayer.

Dominic_Fontana · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Meet Death (Flashback)

Alyssa was sitting at a bar table in a large bar packed with people. She had a sword at her side but no armor. She was dressed in a stable worker's clothes. The rest of the bar was packed with people, the bar table was elevated on two steps. Alyssa was the only person at the bar and she had a large wooden cup of ale in her hand. To the right of the bar table there was a door. The door opens and a group of men walk in and one of them says, "Ah. Are you new here?". Alyssa keeps looking into her cup of ale.

"Hey! I am talking to you! Baby look at me!", the man pauses and then walks closer, "You better look at me! You piece of shit!". The man slaps Alyssa. Alyssa does not move or make a sound. A man dressed in all black with a black cloak and a gold crown on his head steps in, "Don't mess with the lady, you got that?". The man walks up to the man in black and says, "Well do you want to duel me for her or something?". Alyssa looks back at the man who slapped her and says, "What? Are you afraid to duel a woman?". The man looks down at her and shouts, "No! I will duel you right now! Outside let's go !". Alyssa finishes her drink, slams it onto the counter, and begins walking out. The group of men walk out first, then Alyssa, and then the man in all black.

They walk outside, which is hot and the ground is covered in sand.

"So are you new to Sannder?", asks the man who slapped Alyssa.

"Yes I am. I just got in a couple days ago.", says Alyssa.

"So when I win what do I get?", asks the man.

"I have nothing else to live for, you can have my life.", says Alyssa while pulling out her sword.

"Ok but you want to know that you won't like what happens to you when I win.", says the man.

The man in all black leans against the entrance to the bar. The man dueling Alyssa slides his sword out of its sheath. The man rushes at Alyssa. Alyssa pulls up her sword and blocks his blow. The man jumps back a little. He lops Alyssa's head off.

"You shouldn't have pissed me off!", yells the man as he steps on her head.

Alyssa's body leans down and picks up her head. She then sets her head down facing him and then she slices off his head.

"Ah. I see.", says the man in all black.

"Do you guys want to fight too?", asks Alyssa's head.

All of the men run off, and the man in all black walks over to Alyssa.

"So you are an Amazon? And you lived near the Fountain of Yout?.", asks the man in black, "Let's get that fixed up.".

The man walks over to Alyssa and picks up her head, "Let's go, follow me.". The man enters the bar and walks behind the bar table. He opens a hatch on the floor and walks down into a staircase. When they reached the bottom of the staircase they entered a dark room with a lamp in the far corner. The walls were stone and on the left side is a bed. He sets Alyssa's head down on the bed and says, "You can lay down there.", as he points to the bed. He walks over to where the lamp, picks up a bunch of sewing needles and lines. He walks back over to Alyssa and begins to sew her head back in.

"So you lived on the Old Continent?", asks the man.

"Yes that is where I grew up.", says Alyssa's head.

"It must have been amazing. I have always wanted to get enough money to build a large enough boat to go over there.", says the man in all black.

"It was awful but I can take you there one day. Who are you?", asked Alyssa.

"Well the name that I am known for is Death, you can call me Death, and this is one of my establishments that I own across the world."

"You are the crime lord, Death?"

"That is right, what is your name?"

"My name is Alyssa. What. . . What do you want from me?", asks Alyssa as her voice begins to sound shaky.

"I don't want anything but I have a proposition for you.", Death pauses and walks to the far right corner and grabs a chair. He drags the chair across the floor and sits down in it right next to the old bed, "Do you want a job?".

"What kind of job?", asks Alyssa.

"You would be a Monster Hunter and for the first year I would personally train you and keep you safe."

"Will I get paid?"

"Yes you will."

"Ok now move your head around to see if the stitches worked."

Alyssa sits up, slowly moves her head back and forward, and then right to left.

"That looks good to me.", says Death, "Why don't you follow me."

Death stands up and then walks to the staircase. Alyssa stands up and then follows Death. Death opens the hatch and walks up behind the bar table. He leaves it open for Alyssa and then quickly closes it.

The night sky is filled with stars, George, Skai and Alyssa, still sitting around the fire.

"So you work for the crime boss, Death?", asks Skai. Alyssa nods her head and then Skai asks, "And you abandoned your post?". Alyssa nodded again and then Skai asks, "But you're not dead? Something is fishy there, you need to finish your story.".

"I think that is enough for me tonight. Why don't one of you tell us about your past?"

"I'll go.", says George quickly, "Mine is a pretty short story. When I was young my village got raided by Vikings and then one of the bartenders of my village sold me to slavery. I ended up on Captain Duggan's ship and then a couple of days before I was going to be free I found out Duggan was just going to buy me back. So I escaped, a couple of weeks before that I stole the power orb shard he found, and I forgot about it."

"Don't forget that you are an Osmund.", says Alyssa.

If I ever find him I'll kill him.".

"Wait really?", asks George.

"Yes, me and my family were just a couple of his slaves! Godfrey helped us escape and then Goldton Osmund went around the world slaughtering all of the escaped slaves except for me, only because Godfrey stood up for me!", Skai's eyes were burning with passion, his blue eyes glowed even stronger. He took a frustrated deep breath and then glowing white dust entered his nostrils and mouth. The dust flowed through his body and into his lungs, where it flowed so bright, that George and Alyssa could see it. George's hair on the back of his neck stood up. George jumped back as a reflex. Glowing stopped but then Skai's eyes began to turn white, and then his eyes glowed a bright white.

"I have to cool off. I am going for a swim.", says Skai as he marches to the lake.

Skai jumps into the lake and all of the water in the lake instantly freezes. Skai slides across the ice and then stands up, "What the hell!". Alyssa and George run over to the lake.

"You absorbed the power orb shard. How did you do that?", Alyssa says.

"Can't you feel that, Alyssa?", asks George.

"No. What do you feel?", asks Alyssa.

"I don't know if I can trust Skai," says George