
Chapter 38

After I resealed the cave I heard the grating sound that had started my entrapment in that cave. As it approached I noticed that the glass worm had shrunk significantly and was carrying smaller glass worms on its back. I began to prepare for an attack when it slowly moved towards me. It didn't attack or make any aggressive actions, it simply stared at me. I don't know why it didn't attack but it died shortly after it had stopped to stare at me. The small glass worms began to slide off their mother's back. When they hit the ground they began to eat some of the glass shards from their mother toppling some of the trees. One of them, instead of eating, crawled to me like it knew who I was. When it was at my feet it began to eat some of the smaller shards that I had created by walking in the Audine. I moved around and it followed my footsteps. I realized that this is what the amber tree meant when she told me to take care of the glass worm's offspring. The other worms began to retreat to where their mother had come from but the one that was following me continued to do so. I knelt down to look closer at the glass worm that had been following me. It stopped eating and looked up at me. It put its head down and began to move towards my leg and then it began to crawl up my leg. It eventually made it up to my back, it settled on the spot between where my wings would explode from my back. I began to walk back to the group, we had a map of the Audine and had made a rendezvous point, I made my way through all of the trees till I found a path.

On the way down the path the glass worm on my back began to squirm. I figured it was hungry so I stepped forward to crush some glass for it. I grabbed a handful of glass shards and as I brought my hand to my shoulder it moved toward my hand. It began to eat the glass and it was like it was avoiding the chance of chewing through my hand. As it was eating I began to think of names for the worm. I eventually decided to name the glass worm Sain. Sain stopped eating and returned to the area between my wings. I stood back up and began to move down the path to the entrance of the Audine. I eventually met with the group by the first amber tree we had seen. The group was overjoyed to see me. I apparently spent 15 days in the cave.

We eventually made our way out of the Audine and went to the underground oasis Raethien was from. When we got there we encountered some of the soldiers from Kotosyn. They were trying to forcibly draft all of the fighters from the tribe and leave them defenseless. I couldn't stand for it so I donned a mask of glass and slaughtered them with my newly learned glass magic.

During the fight one of the soldiers managed to slash me. He was taken aback when I healed from what should have been a fatal wound. I split that soldier like a log. Afterwards I captured and tortured the other 10 for information as to why the kingdom was drafting soldiers.