
Chapter 35

The planet of Risaga is home to many continents each with a diverse culture. The names of the continents are Sharnem, Druiga, Kotosyn, Tasanmi, and Harfract. The continent of Sharnem is viewed as an extremely xenophobic and backwards by all of the people who are not born there. The continent of Druiga is the hidden continent because it is not found on any map and is next to impossible to get to. Harfract is a continent of lush forests and rivers. Some of the rivers are gentle flowing brooks and streams others are raging rapids. Tasanmi is a continent known for being scorching deserts and the home of the Audine. The Audine is an incredible field of naturally made glass as a direct result of the magma pool near the surface of Tasanmi. Kotosyn is considered the centre of the civilized world and the people there pride themselves on being the 'most' advanced.

My name is Kaor, I am the Draconic Prince of Sharnem. I earned this title by training with dragons and beating them in sparring matches. Shortly after I became the Draconic Prince I was tasked with creating the strongest group to protect all of Sharnem. We were called the Lightburn and we were betrayed by one of our own. The name of the one who betrayed us was named Zelphar and I ripped him apart. He took one of the only things that mattered to me. He killed someone I loved her name was Enho. She was a half-breed of iskanshoos and dwarf, the ishkanshoos are a race of prideful giants. She had the most beautiful amber eyes, characteristic trait of an ishkanshoos, tanned skin as a result of being raised in the Krall Oasis on Sharnem, and hair that shone like pure silver. When I told her that I loved her, I made her a locket that has a dull indigo sheen and the carving of a tree in the Krall Oasis. Inside the locket is a picture of us together and a picture of her headstone. I carry it with me always as a reminder of why I travel with a team of five other people. I am traveling the planet of Risaga in Enho's place because she had always read books about the world outside of Sharnem. Unfortunately it is almost always forbidden to leave Sharnem. Draco, the Dragon King and the current Spirit of Darkness, allowed me to leave and return to Sharnem when I wish. Before I killed Zelphar, the oldest hero of Sharnem gave me his ability to rapidly heal wounds, wings of azure flame, and the sword he had carried for over 2000 years.

I am writing this so that when I return to Sharnem I will have a story to tell Enho as I sit by her grave. The team I travel with consists of five others. Soaryn, our leader, Aerd, the reaper, Raethien, the assassin, Zaenia, the child sorceress, and Satyros, a shapeshifter. Satyros is a shapeshifter who was created by the first magical outburst that Zaenia had when she was an infant. I was also told that the outburst turned a portion of Tasanmi into lush forests and a portion of Harfract into a deadzone. Meeting Satyros was initially a shock for me because on Sharnem the shapeshifters are created by the Mountain Spirits. I should probably explain what everyone does in our team. The world outside of Sharnem is incredibly under developed. This is shown by everyone still using blades and armor to fight with. Soaryn is a swordsman, the swordsman is a classification of fighter. The swordsmen generally make up the vanguard but Soaryn is different in that he was taught how to use every weapon that is commonly used outside of Sharnem. Aerd is a reaper, reapers are deadly in every aspect of being. The training required to be a reaper is incredibly intense. The training involves being able to wield a scythe, effectively and efficiently, that is close to ten times the wielder's bodyweight and being able to completely shut off all emotions in combat. Raethien is not considered a full fledged assassin because she hasn't been taught how to create and apply poisons. She is instead considered a scout, she can use a bow and daggers but lacks the ability to make the poisons to ensure the kill. Zaenia is a child sorceress, she is incredibly smart and has enough magic power to shift nature to her will, if she could control it completely. Aerd has an artificial arm and when he went through his reaper training he was taught how to use magic but only with his left arm. He lost his original left arm when he was captured buy some orcs and was subsequently tortured. Aerd and Raethien were engaged when I began to travel with them.

It's hard to believe that it has been three years since I left Sharnem to travel the world. At that time Aerd and Raethien got married in one of the cave systems in Tasanmi, where Raethien is from. We went to Kotosyn and climbed through the rankings of the teams on Risaga. When I started traveling with them the team was ranked C but started out as ranked F. The end goal for them was to reach rank S and dethrone the current Glirak, the 'strongest team' on Risaga. Once I joined however Soaryn entered us into a ranking match. The ranking matches are brutal in that they often end with competitors making a permanent trip to the cemetery. The first match we did we had to put in what each member was trained as. I was put in as a magic swordsman, which is apparently really rare. We went in and I was told to stay back and act like I was casting a spell before I used any of the abilities I had received as the Draconic Prince. Needless to say we won the match and moved up a few points in C-class. After the first ranking match that I took part in we left on a quest to find and exterminate a rare species of monster in the Audine.