
Chapter 32

"I swear if this window wasn't holding us back," she snarled. Confused Soaryn peered through the window and what he saw made his blood boil. Aerd was shackled to a stone table cracked and stained with blood, water slowly dripping onto his forehead. As each drop touched his head he seemed to silently scream.

"Where did you send your friends to, mage" Spoke a growl like voice spoken from the dark shadow looming in the corner of the room "To hell, you will meet them soon I promise" Aerd Cockily grinned Despite the pain he was in. With that the voice chuckled slowly "Are you sure mage? After all I am the one with the power to do this!" And with that he brought his dagger down and once again slashed at his chest showing his now pale goblin body. As Aerd bit his tongue Soaryn finally noticed how many cuts and bruises he actually had on his person.

The deepest going along his chest from his left shoulder blade down to his right hip. The other lacerations while not as deep they would still scar. "Now, now mage are we going to comply now" the Goblin seemed to smile through his words.

"I don't know will I get to kill you afterwards?" Aerd asked with a smile.

"Stupid boy do you not understand the situation you are in?" The goblin sneered at Aerd brandishing his knife once more.

"Yep" Aerd Smiled "I am getting poorly tortured by a little green elf" with that comment the goblin lunged at Aerd and stood on his chest pressing his knife into Aerd's throat.

"Give me one good reason not to gut you like the disgusting creatures you humans are." He threatened drawing blood that slowly dripped down the knife.

"Because without me you don't get the information you seek you little green booger" Aerd taunted back not scared at the knife held deathly close to his neck.

"Why you little." the goblin raised his Knife and plunged down.

"ENOUGH" yelled a voice off to the side and at the sound of the voice the goblin stopped.

"Commander" the little goblin stuttered afraid of the position he was now caught in. Slowly he got off Aerd and walked to the door his head down.

"I will take over from here Mallard now go" the commander spoke in a gruff tone.

"But sir" Mallard Began still with his head down.

"I said GO!" the commander yelled and with that mallard ran from the room too scared to say another word.

"Yeah run Mallard" Aerd Laughed to himself his lips chapped and his throat sore from all his screaming.

"Do you need something to drink?" the commander asked Calmly and almost to nicely. Aerd Smiled "finally room service I called for my ale hours ago" He joked. The commander smiled and chuckled "We were all outta ale will water do?" He asked.

"Sure whatever you got" Aerd smiled and opened his mouth to drink the water. Suddenly the water rushed down his throat but it didn't stop. The commander stood over him forcing the water down his throat.

"How is this for room service?" He smiled devilishly getting off of him letting breathe. "I am going to seriously talk to your manager" Aerd joked choking and coughing trying to catching his breath. The commander growled at Aerd's stubbornness.

" Human you are really irritating me, I would advise otherwise" The commander spat viciously.

"Aww am I hurting the big baby's feelings?" Aerd teased smiling through gritted teeth as the commander punched his stomach. As time went on the commander started to get angry and ended up cutting Aerd across his right shoulder to his left hip matching the earlier gash.

"Human I swear the next slice won't only hurt but you will be missing part of your body, now tells me what I want to know!" The commander yelled.

"So just like you but I won't be missing my brain?" Aerd snickered at the commanders now red face.

" That's it human I gave you a chance" The commander sneered as he spread out Aerd's right hand and slowly one by one cut of his fingers starting from his thumb to his pinky. While watching the only thing Soaryn and Satyros could do was watch and wish they could do something anything. Satyros turned to Soaryn with tears in her eyes.

"Why won't that idiot just tell him?" She asked not wanting to watch and listen to Aerd's screams as the commander once again cut off Aerd's hand this time at the wrist.

"Behind that emotionless mask all reapers wear is a human which loves and cares for others, Even if he refuses to say it to anyone other than Raethien" Soaryn smiled slightly as he looked at Aerd again. In that short amount of time Aerd's arm had been amputated up to his elbow his screams only getting louder. Soaryn watched hands clenched, as what was left of Aerd's arm was cut cleanly off by the Commander. The Commander soon frowned as Aerd had still refused to say a word or shed a tear.

"Why won't you break?" The Commander growled angrily ripping Aerd out of the shackles and raising him into the air by his throat.

"What can I say am just that hard headed" Aerd smiled bloodily his gums still bleeding from previous torture. Once again Aerd was punched in the stomach but this time he was thrown against a wall and was left there when the commander stormed out of the room. Lifting his head Aerd said nothing until he smiled and turned to his right.

"Reveal" Aerd said softly and just like that the wall in front of Soaryn and Satyros vanished. Soaryn realizing what had happened and where he now was ran to Aerd's side now examining his best friend's cuts and amputation.

"We are getting you out of here Aerd" Soaryn said slowly so that Aerd could understand through the amount of pain he was in. Slowly lifting Aerd's left arm over his head to rest it on his shoulder.

"Satyros what would be the quickest way out of the cave" Soaryn asked peeking around the door's corner.

"Hmm… I don't know I guess to teleport" She smiled confidently

"I don't have my magic arm and I kind of need it to teleport" Aerd chuckled softly the pain of his arm now fading and his thoughts now clearing.

"And I don't know how far underground we are, so even if I could I wouldn't since it could kill us all" Aerd frowned not happy on losing his magic after all the time he had practiced it.

"Satyros" Soaryn Called, "Yes" She answered back trying to keep Aerd from falling over.

"Can you dig us out of here?" Soaryn asked with a perplexed face. "I think so," She answered wondering how far it would.

"I am not going to lie it will take quite a bit." She sighed at the moment that was there only option. Suddenly a bright light lit the room and there stood a giant mole.

"That'll work" Aerd joked looking at the giant ball of fur that took up half the room.

"You better hurry that light flashed to brightly they might be coming" Soaryn said in a hushed tone.

No sooner than Satyros had started digging there was a clamor in the hall leading to the door. The sounds of swords and shields clashing and the voices of goblins shouting loudly.

"Here they come, Satyros keep digging and don't stop I'll. hold them back" Soaryn said slipping his swords out of their scabbards.

"I'm helping too," Aerd groaned as he pushed himself off the wall.

"No Aerd you're tired not to mention you are missing an arm," Soaryn scolded readying him for the quickly approaching horde.

"Hey I may have one arm but I am not useless" Aerd grumbled looking at his now missing arm.

"Ok then sit back there and throw knives", Soaryn said calmly.

No sooner than those words left Soaryn's mouth the door burst open and waves of pale goblins rushed through. As they came through Soaryn swung his swords. Soon the swords and Soaryn were covered in black blood. The other goblins backed away from the door afraid to face the same fate as their brethren but the commander commanded them to charge after all Soaryn was mostly fighting alone but the commander's eyes soon widened in horror as Soaryn slowly walked into the hall. The goblins stood aside as drops of blood rolled down Soaryn's face and swords. The goblins could sense the bloodlust rolling off of Soaryn and all but one ran as fast as they could.

Growling the commander unsheathed Aerd's Scythe and swung it at Soaryn as hard and as fast as he could. Soaryn dropped his swords and caught the blade of the scythe inches from his the side of his head.

"This isn't yours" Soaryn said in a low tone that was more of a growl.

Soaryn then lunged at the commander punching him in the stomach and launching him far across the room. Kicking up his blades Soaryn got into stance as the commander picked himself up out of the hole he had just been put through.

"You Lucky Punk" The commander snarled his eyes flashing a dangerous red. He slowly advances toward Soaryn cracking his knuckles and grinning with an insane smile. The hall became silent as the two stared at each other both to afraid to move knowing one false step could lead to death. Suddenly Soaryn shot off slashing wildly at the commander who proved his title by narrowly dodging them.

"Is that all you got Human?" He taunted though if one looked hard enough you could see the ever-increasing beads of sweat dripping from his forehead. Angered Soaryn yelled a frustrated cry and threw away one of his blades grabbing the one in his right hand. The sword user now lighter moved faster than the commander could dodge getting nicks and cuts along his torso. Finally having enough of being on the receiving end the commander gave a loud cry as he quickly shot his arm out and nailed Soaryn in the chest knocking the wind out of him. With no wind and no strength to keep or hold his sword up it slowly fell from his grasp clanging on the cold rock floor beneath him.

"Not so tough now eh Knight?" the commander cackled as he picked Soaryn up by his neck and shoved him against the wall. As Soaryn struggled to get the commander's hand from around his neck he could feel his vision darkening. Losing strength his hands slowly dropped to his side his main focus now to keep what little air and energy he had.

Right before Soaryn could pass out the commander was suddenly thrown off Soaryn letting him fall and gasp for air. Looking up he saw his savior, black red Eyed Panther fangs bared and claws present.

"Told you he would need our help Satyros" Aerd Smiled leaning in the doorway 3 feet from Soaryn. Satyros growl in recognition and suddenly tensed when the commander started to get up But he never got a chance to fully get to his feet as Satyros pounced and latched his teeth into his Neck.