
The Talent Show

The town started lots of rumors about Andrea's disappearance.

"I'd heard that Andrea died from food poisoning." Michael said suspiciously to Susan.

"Really?" She looked unsure. "Don't you think these rumors are getting out of control."

"I mean last night. Andrea just quit without a clue." Michael said.

"Well, she probably had her reasons." Susan shrugged. "Maybe she found another job."

"...Or maybe she was killed in a car crash and the cameras were down by the time of a death" He suggested.

Susan looked slightly shocked. "Oh no. What if this ends up in the newspaper?"

"Guess all those rumors ended up in the newspaper," Michael said holding the newspaper reading EX-DEPUTY, AND MAYOR'S WIFE OF PIXFARE, QUITS UNEXPECTEDLY on the headline with a picture of young Andrea and the family.

"I guess so." Susan looked at the paper. "I wonder if either Jack will be sheriff now, or someone else will."

"He MIGHT be sheriff," Michael said "this had been the 23rd time this week"

"That's true." She nodded. "And he has been pretty good at his deputy job."

"Let's just forget about that," Michael said hopefully "It's Friday, and tonight's the school talent show. I'm going to perform a guitar version of Carmen" he said, "What's your performance or talents for the talent show?"

"That sounds cool." Susan gave a little smile. "Oh. I don't really think I have any talents."

"Come on, Amiga," Michael said to Susan. "You're good at literature, so you might play the most famous scene from one of your favorite stories and act it out."

Susan thought about his suggestion for a moment. "Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I could do some poetry from Edgar Allan Poe."

"¡Gran elección, amiga!" Michael said excitedly, he was always excited for talent shows and performances because of the music. "That's a great choice. You know, it's never too late to sign up, in fact, it's the school's last chance to sign up before tonight!"

"Thanks. You're right." Susan started feeling more confident. She stood up. "In fact, I'm gonna go sign up right now."


At Pixfare Elementary, Ms. Richards' class was talking about the Andrea rumors.

"Looks like you made your foster mom remember who she is," Riley suggested as she looked for her textbook.

"I guess she did." Hilary agreed. "Actually, I just showed her what happened in the story. Andrea told me that she started to remember after she kissed Jack."

"Looks like step one of restoring Pixar memories is done." Riley said getting her notebook. It had a list of the steps for bringing back people's memories and defeating Syndrome. "Who knows who Jack will go to next." She sounded unsure.

"Yeah. Our plan is off to a good start." Hilary nodded, glancing at the notebook. "Well, I'm hoping that since he lives with Ms. Richards, maybe she'll remember."

"Quick, get the textbooks!" Barry warned the class. "Ms. Richards is coming in 2 minutes. I repeat, we need to get the books before she gets here!"

The class quickly hurried to their seats. Riley put away her notebook and Hilary hid her storybook. Everyone took out their textbooks just as the door opened.

"Hey, guys." Audrey came to the classroom. "Your regular teacher has gone under the weather and has to stay in bed today, so I'm your substitute teacher this Friday!!"

Riley looked shocked when she saw her mother enter the room. "My mom is gonna be our teacher today?" She whispered, nervously.

"Yes, daughter." Audrey said happily to Riley. "It's Mrs. Madison Sanders to the class, sweetie."

Using her book, Riley covered her face in embarrassment and slid into her chair.

"Alright, according to your teacher's request," Audrey looked at the paper of requests from the teacher. "We're gonna watch the movie 'Rio', and I'll get the popcorn and water at the office."

Riley sat up and sighed in relief. "Good, a movie. At least it'll be an easy day in class today."

"Even on a Friday," Hilary whispered excitedly. "Now when the movie plays, we get my storybook and cover it up with the textbook so she doesn't notice what we're up to."

"Great idea." Riley smiled, whispering back. "But let's try not to make it too obvious."


Meanwhile, Laura Reed was home in bed, wearing her green nightgown, sneezing, and coughing. Jack came in holding a breakfast tray with her chicken noodle soup, coffee, medicine, and a glass of water.

"Sorry about your fever," He said.

"It's ok. Thank you." She took the tray and set it in her lap. "I sure hope my class is gonna be ok with their sub. AHH-COO!" Laura Reed sneezed into a tissue. "My fever was 100° degrees today."

Jack brought over a glass of orange juice and set it beside the water. "Here you go. Drinking lots of fluids will help cool you down."

"Thanks, Jack." Laura Reed said sickly with a sore throat. "How's the deputy sheriff's job?"

"It's going well." He sat in a chair beside the bed. "Though not much has been happening lately."

"Not since Andrea left?" Laura Reed questioned as she ate the soup.

"Nah, just non-emergency stuff." He shrugged. "But Derek is still not happy about her quitting."

"The newspaper just came in this morning." Laura Reed said, giving Jack the newspaper.

He took the paper and read the headline. "Wow. News really travels fast in this town."

"It looks like Olga had heard about everything in Pixfare," She said as she took her medicine.

"Yeah. Or most likely she even heard it from Derek himself." Jack commented. "Just wondering."

"When's your birthdate?" Laura Reed asked as she sipped her water.

"It's October 3rd," Jack replied. "Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious."


At Pixfare Middle School, both Susan and Michael were in the hallway, chatting.

"... care the plague it was the beating of his Hideous Heart." Susan said, practicing dramatically.

"Wow. That was amazing." Michael applauded, smiling.

"Thanks, Michael." Susan said putting the scroll in her backpack. "I just had this dream about me with Barry in some cave last night." She signed.

"Oh really?" Michael looked intrigued. "Were you guys hiking in the woods?"

"Well, it was on some island, but then a rocket was about to come through and we made it out alive." Susan explained. "What happened in your dream last night?" She asked.

"Wow. That sounds exciting." Michael looked surprised. "I dreamt that I was stuck in a sinkhole with a skeleton man."

"Really?" Susan said suspiciously. "What did that skeleton man looked like?"

"Well, he had black hair and a goatee, magenta eyes, and a gold tooth." Michael described.

"And what did he wear?" Susan asked.

Michael thought for a moment. "He was wearing a straw hat, a torn-up indigo jacket with one sleeve, a red tie, suspenders, and torn-up light brown pants. He was also barefoot."

"Hey, guys." Natalie came down the hallway to Susan and Michael. "What's going on?"

"Hey, prima." Michael turned to face her. "We were just talking about our dreams from last night."

"Really? What happened in your dreams?" Natalie questioned. "Also, what are you guys doing for the talent show?"

"My brother and I were in some island cave." Susan began.

"I was stuck in a sinkhole with a skeleton man," Michael added.

"OMG, that's so crazy!" Natalie was surprised.

"What happened in your dream, Cousin?" Michael asked.

"I dreamt that you were playing guitar and singing to this really old woman in a wheelchair." Natalie explained. "Our whole family was watching."

"¡Dios Mio! Me too!" Michael was shocked. "I felt like we've known this grandmother before."

"Yeah, I kinda felt that too." Natalie agreed. "The dream almost made me cry."

"BTW, Susan, I heard you just signed up for the talent show tonight." Natalie said, "I thought that after school I'd take you to the best Fashion Boutique in all of Pixfare!"

"Yeah. I'm gonna recite some poetry." Susan nodded. "Oh. Thanks, but you don't have to do that."

"I know your adopted aunt works there." Natalie said. "We can keep the goth look, and the boutique has them too!" She explained.

"It does?" Susan very rarely went to Ivanna's Boutique. "Well, a Goth outfit would go with my theme. Ok, sure."

"Yeah. After all, it's Friday!" Michael said excitedly. "I'm so excited for the weekend!"

"I know! Me too!" The girls both agreed, also excited.

"Besides, the talent show it's coming up tonight!" Michael said as he put his textbooks in his locker. "I'm wearing my red mariachi suit for my performance."

"I know. I can't wait." Susan smiled. "Cool. I bet that'll go great with your guitar."

"I can't wait for tonight!" Natalie replied. "Our family is gonna love watching you perform."


While the class was watching half the movie, it was around 9. Riley and Hilary were secretly looking at the storybook.

"Thank goodness no one sees us working on the plan." Riley whispered as she wrote something down in her notebook.

"I know." Hilary agreed. "The last thing I want is to get caught and have my dad find out what we're doing."

"Yeah, and we would be grounded and never see each other again." Riley replied, whispering as she finished writing and turned the page in Hilary's book to the Inside Out story.

"Tell me about it." Hilary looked worried. "That's why I hope to try to break the curse as soon as possible."

"Yeah. The sooner the better. I can be reunited with Luke and Jenny, my REAL parents." Riley said pointing to the page where Riley and the family were having fun on the ice rink.

"I'm sure they'll love to have you back." Hilary smiled, also looking at the page. "So would your Emotions."

"I've seen them many times in my hockey practice," Riley said.

"Maybe that will help them remember you and themselves," Hilary said hopefully.

-Flashback, 3 weeks ago, September 30th-

Hilary got to the bus station with Riley on the walkie-talkie. "Operation returning Pixar memories is a go," She said to Riley while she was under the covers whispering so she didn't wake her parents up.

"Got Ms. Richards' credit card?" Riley whispered.

"Yeah, it's safe in my pocket." Hilary nodded. "I'm gonna find my real dad and bring him to Pixfare."

"Got the book?" Riley questioned. "I mean it's still 1:13 in the afternoon, and the clock hadn't changed since the 90s."

"Of course. It's here in my backpack." Hilary assured her. "Yeah, I know. Don't worry. Things are gonna change when my real dad comes to town."

The bus soon arrived at the station. "Next stop, Boston, Massachusetts," The bus driver said. "Everyone on the bus!"

"The bus just got here," Hilary said as she boarded with several other people. "I'm getting on and then I'll be on my way."

"I mean there's a long way, like 15 miles." Riley complained. "or 3 miles from Maine to Massachusetts."

"I know it's pretty far," Hilary replied. "but it's worth it to get our plan working."

A few hours later, Hilary was reading the PIXAR book. She was at the page where Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl were hugging their kids and saved Jack-Jack from Syndrome.

"That's a good book?" An old lady asked.

"This..." Hilary glanced up at her. "It's more than just a book."

The old woman chuckled as the bus pulled over to the Boston bus station.

Hilary got off the bus. "Hey, Riley. I made it to Boston." She said into her talkie.

"Yes!" Riley said excitedly while whispering. "Now you need to find a..."

"TAXI!!" Hailey called and she spotted a yellow cab. The cab stopped and the driver rolled down the window. "Uh, do you take credit cards?" She asked, holding up the one from her pocket.

"Where to, kid?"

"47 Main Street, Mrs. Walls apartments, 95527, please?" Hilary said.

"You got it." The driver nodded and then drove off. Halfway through, Hilary looked at the buildings in excitement. "I know our plan will work, Riley," She said to the walkie-talkie "Boston is wonderful just like I imagined!"

"I wish I could be there to see it," Riley replied. "You're lucky you get to leave town."

"It's because it's blocked from the citizens," Hilary said, knowing that the border was closed her entire life except for her father, and then her. "Guess it's a miracle to be able to cross the town border."

"Yeah, it must be. Maybe after the curse breaks, the rest of us will be able to cross too." Riley said hopefully.

The taxi then stopped. "Here you go kid." the driver said.

"Thanks." Hilary paid the driver and stepped out of the cab.

"Can you please send me a picture with your phone?" Riley asked.

"Sure." Hilary already took several pictures. She sent a few to Riley.

"Awesome" Riley saw pictures of the Boston Harbor, the Stadium, the historical landmarks, the restaurants, and finally made it to the 4-feet apartment complex "You made it!" She said.

"Yeah! Ok, here I go." Hilary took a deep breath and entered the building.

"Well, good luck," Riley said as Hilary went to the office.

"Can I help you?" A skinny, black middle-aged Mrs. Walls said.

"Yes, I'm here to see Jack Swan," Hilary told the older woman. "Is he here?"

"3rd floor, apartment number 205." Mrs. Walls answered, "Do you want to take the stairs or the elevator?" She questioned.

"I think I'm gonna take the elevator," Hilary replied. It would be easier than going up 3 flights of stairs.

"Thank goodness she didn't notice that you're young," Riley said.

"I know, right." Hilary headed to the elevator. "I thought she was gonna ask where my parents are. That would've ruined the plan."

-End of flashback-

"...And then I met Jack, and you know the rest." Hilary said, whispering. She snapped back to reality remembering that moment. "He's really come a long way since when he first came here."

"I agree," Riley said, "We're near the end of the movie."

"We'd better put these away." Hilary put her storybook in her backpack. "We can continue this later."


At the hospital, Freddy was at the security cameras when he saw the tan-skinned man with messy black hair and a goatee shaking in the ICU. "Uh oh!" Freddy started to panic. "Attention all units! We have a situation in the ICU! Repeat, a situation in the ICU!" He frantically said into the PA system.

Doctor Hudson, Doctor Whale, and the nurses rushed to the ICU to pin him down and to check what was up.

"What's happening?" One of the nurses asked.

"There's a slight fluctuation in his brain activity." Dr. Whale looked at the monitor.

The heart monitor was beeping fast. "Nurse Rainbow," Doctor Hudson said to one of the nurses, Kristen Rainbow, a light blue-haired woman while pinning down his right arm. "Get Henry and Joaquin to calm this patient down!! STAT!!"

"I'm on it!" Kristen rushed over to the phone and dialed the number for the Hernandez house.


Henry and Joaquin were making and experimenting with instruments when the phone rang.

After fighting each other to reach the phone, Henry answered it. "Hola, Hernandez residence. Henry speaking."

"It's Kristen calling from the hospital!" Kristen said being scared at the phone "You need to get to the hospital ASAP!! Gael is having a fluctuating brain activity!! Hurry!!"

"We'll be right there!" Henry hung up the phone and the two hurried into their car.

When they've arrived, they were already wearing their scrubs and ran quickly to the ICU.

"This is like when Clark escaped from the hospital." Henry said, huffing and puffing.

"Yeah." Joaquin agreed, also out of breath. "Hopefully this patient won't be going anywhere."

"¡Oye!" Both of the twins burst into the ICU, trying to catch their breath.

"We came here—" Henry said.

"—as soon as we could!!" Joaquin finished.

"Thank goodness you guys made it. We found him shaking." One of the nurses gestured to the patient.

Henry lifted Gael's left leg from the bed. "Joaquin, get the IVs now!"

Joaquin hurried to the supply closet and soon came back with several IV bags.

"Put it in the skin in 3...2...1!!" Kristen said, but before she put the tube in, an orange glow came through his body. Everyone stood still, looking stunned.

"What was that? What just happened?" One of the nurses asked.

Henry and Joaquin looked at each other as if they had seen that glow before.

"We better put the IV in," Henry said concerned that he knew this man before.

The twins washed their hands and then put on sterile gloves. Then they prepared an IV and inserted it into the man's arm.

"Thank goodness that glow is gone," Kristen said as she saw Gael was now still.

"I've noticed this glow before," Henry said worried.

"So have I," Joaquin added. "Like in a dream. At least he stopped shaking."


Natalie and Susan were in literature class with Mr. Daniel Jonathan, a short, overweight man, olive-skinned, brown-haired, light-brown-eyed man working on "The Romantic Era of literature."

"My dear, you flatter me. I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now." He recited dramatically while reading from Pride and Prejudice.

"So boring and stupid," One student said as she threw a piece of paper with gum to him.

"Excuse me! We do not disrespect such classic literature." Daniel looked angrily at the trouble-making student.

"Yeah! Like a book where a stereotypical teenager got forced and pressured to marry an adult man," the girl said putting her feet on the desk. "Why won't you marry me and your 'literature class' right away," she said as she chewed another piece of gum.

"This is not your house. Feet off the desk, and no chewing gum in my class." He ordered, getting angrier.

"Whatever, Daniel," She said, putting her feet down and the gum under the desk. "So what?! You get sent to literature school or stereotyped schools for teachers like you!" The kids looked shocked including the teacher. That was the last straw.

"That's it! To the principal's office! Now!" Daniel pointed to the door, furious.

"Why won't you escort me like I'm some obedient girl, with you acting like a gentleman of olden days," the girl said.

"Well, since you don't want to cooperate, I will have to take you there myself." He argued, taking her by the hand and starting to leave the room.

"Gosh, this girl had really crossed the line," Natalie said in shock as she got her notes.

"Tell me about it." Susan agreed. "She'll probably get detention, or worse."

"At least it's Friday," Natalie said, "let's focus on something else like the talent show."

"Good idea." Susan nodded. "I'm kinda both excited and nervous about it."


At 1 PM, all the schools were out. Riley and Hilary saw Rebecca, an 11-year-old slender girl with curly red hair, a yellow headband, blue-gray eyes, and green framed glasses reading a pamphlet to Pixfare Middle School.

"Hi, Rebecca." Both girls came over to greet her.

"How are you doing?" Hilary asked. "We watched 'RIO' in class and Mrs. Madison was our substitute teacher."

"I'm fine," Rebecca replied. "Lucky you. That never happens in my class."

"Not since Jack arrived in town weeks ago," Hilary said as she reached for the newspaper. "It's in the news."

"Yeah, I heard about that." Rebecca saw the headline. "I bet he did something to Andrea so that he could take her job."

"Maybe... making her get a new job and identity away from this town." Riley lied. "I see you got the pamphlet for Pixfare Middle School."

"Yeah. That way I know more about the place when it's our turn to go there." Rebecca explained.

"Hope I see you at hockey practice." Riley said grabbing her things.

"And I need to get back to my Dad's." Hilary added.

"Of course I'll see you there, Riley." Rebecca smiled. "See you later, Hilary."


At the Hospital, Freddy was packing his stuff. He turned off the lights of the cameras and saw the purple minivan pull up to the driveway. "Hey girls." He waved.

"Hey, Dad" Riley waved.

"Hey, honey." Audrey stopped the car and Freddy climbed in. They kissed. "How was your day?"

"Well, I saw on the security camera" Freddy explained. "that Gael began to shake. I called the doctors and nurses to the ICU, then one of the nurses called Henry and Joaquin to ICU immediately. Before they put the IV bags in, he began to glow yellow between his skeleton and his flesh, but luckily they managed to get it just in time. Henry and Joaquin felt like they knew the patient before."

"My goodness!" Audrey looked shocked. "It's a good thing you saw that. Really? Do you think that maybe they could be relatives or friends of his?"

"I don't know," Freddy said trying to change the subject. "Riley, how was school? Ready for Hockey practice?"

"It was great. Mom was the sub for our class today." Riley explained. "Of course. I'm always ready for hockey."


At the Pixfare Hockey rink, Luke and Jenny were getting the games and teams ready when Riley and the family came in.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bukowski!" Riley waved excitedly while holding her hockey duffle bag.

Luke and Jenny turned at the sound to see Riley waving at them.

"Hi, Riley!" Jenny smiled and waved back.

"I'm ready for practice!" Riley said.

"Wonderful!" Jenny said, excited. "You're just in time. We were just getting ready to start."

"I'll be in the locker room," Riley said.

"Hurry back so we can get started," Luke replied.


Both Natalie and Susan made it to the Boutique. "Hey, girls." Natalie waved to the employees.

"Hey, Natalie." Rose and Nadia both greeted her.

"Look what I've brought." She introduced Susan to the others.

"Hey, I'm Ivana's adopted niece," Susan said shyly.

"Oh, you must be Susan." Rose reached out her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"I'm here for my goth look for the talent show," Susan explained.

"Ooh. That sounds like fun." Rose looked excited. "Sure, we can help with your look."

Natalie, Nadia, and Rose took Susan to the dressing room.

"So, how long will your dress be?" Rose asked, measuring her body. "Long, medium, or short?"

"I think I want it to be medium," Susan replied.

"Great choice," Natalie said as she got the darker shades "which shade of purple do you want? Eggplant, Violet, Wine, Grape, Sangria, or Plum?"

"Hmm," Susan looked at the different shades. "I like the Eggplant one."

"Good idea!" Rose said getting the sewing machine and supplies.

"We might add 3 layers on the bottom of the dress" Nadia suggested as she getting another layer from the red section "Which one? Mahogany, Blood, Wine, Jam, Scarlet, Crimson, or Current?"

This was a harder decision for Susan. "I pick...the Scarlet."

"Scarlet It is!" Nadia said as she finds the second layer "Which brown layer would you want? Chocolate, Umber, Cinnamon, or Brunette?" she asked. "Hmm." Susan tried to choose. "Let's go with Brunette."

"Sure thing," Nadia said as she found the last layer. "Which one, Charcoal, Black, Jet Black, Raven, Ink, Midnight, or Ebony?"

"Well, they all kinda look the same. Let's do Black." Susan decided.

"Black it is," Nadia said as she got some needles and thread "Do you want your tips to be Gold, Silver, or Bronze?"

"I think I wanna go with the Silver." Susan chose.

"Great choice," Nadia said measuring her arms.

"What sleeve do you want?" Rose asked "Kimono sleeves, Off-shoulder sleeves, Butterfly Sleeves, Puffed up sleeves, Cap sleeves, Angel Sleeves, or Half Sleeves?"

"Wow. So many to pick from." Susan looked surprised. "I think the puffy sleeves would go with my theme."

"Great choice," Rose said, "Let's get started!!"

"Yes!" Susan said excitedly.


21 minutes later they were doing the finishing touches on the dress "... And we're finished" Rose announced.

Susan gasped when she saw herself in the mirror. She moved side to side, checking out the dress. "Wow! It's amazing!"

"I'll call your aunt about it," Rose said as she gets her phone. "And that dress costs $100," Nadia said.

"Oh boy." Susan looked nervous. "I didn't know they were so expensive."

"Just kidding, It's free for you," Nadia said getting the bag.

"Oh." Susan sighed in relief. "Thanks a lot for the dress."

"Bye, Susan" Nadia waved.

"Bye, girls." Susan waved back as she left the store.


Freddy and Audrey cheered for Riley on the ice rink in her blue hockey uniform.

"You go, Girl!" Audrey yelled with a cheerfully smile.

"Mom, I'm trying to concentrate!" Riley called to her mother.

"What are you concerned about, Riley?" Freddy asked his daughter.

"I can't focus on playing with you two yelling." Riley answered.

"Alright, I'll be quiet," Audrey said.

"Thanks." Riley smiled and went back to practice.

When practice was over, it was already 2 PM.

"Alright," Luke called the team. "We only had two weeks before our first tournament against the Boston Red Socks. Thanks for practicing with us."

"Next week" Jenny continued "We'll start our tournament, and on Saturday, we will go to Ellen's to celebrate, if we win, on three, PIXFARE BEARS!" She cheered.

The team cheered, excited. They put their hands in the middle. "PIXFARE BEARS!" They shouted all together.

The team members retreated to the locker rooms and get changed into their normal clothes.

"You did great today!" Rebecca excitedly told Riley.

"Thanks." Riley smiled. "So did you."

Rebecca put on her red glasses, a green t-shirt, grey jeans, white socks, and blue sneakers. Riley put on her purple blouse, yellow and red striped leggings, blue socks, and her pink slip-on shoes.

"I love your outfit!" Riley complimented Erica and she put her hair in a ponytail.

"Oh, this? Thanks." Rebecca smiled. "I like yours too."

"Oh, thanks." Riley said blushing "I've picked it from my closet."

"Yeah, I do the same thing with my clothes." Rebecca agreed.

As both Rebecca and Riley came out of the rink, they saw the purple mini-van in the distance, honking.

"Come on, Riley!" Audrey said from behind the wheel. "Let's go! We're having pepperoni pizza! Your favorite!"

Riley said goodbye to Rebecca and climbed into the car. "Yay! Hockey and pizza!" She said excitedly.


At the Hernandez household, the family was getting ready for the talent show. Michael was in his red Mariachi uniform with golden tips. Natalie put on her red dress and pink shoes. She was in her room doing her hair with Angela, who was wearing her long, wavy, navy blue dress, brown high-heeled boots, and also fixing her hair.

"Should I have my hair curly or straight?" Natalie asked, searching for the type of hairstyle in the magazine.

"I like it straight, but maybe it would look good with a few curls," Angela suggested.

"Great idea, Tia Angela!" Natalie said as she got the straightener and curling iron. "We might add some marigolds and a headband."

"Those would look good on you too." Angela agreed.

5 minutes later, they already finished their hair and added a few marigold clip-ons on Natalie's hair, and next to it the finishing piece, a red headband with both marigolds on both sides "...And done!" Angela announced.

"Wow! I love it! Gracias, Tia." Natalie smiled and hugged Angela.

"De Nada, Niña." Angela smiled as she brushed her hair, then put on her gray silk medium gloves. "He's on at 5 o'clock for his performance at the school's talent show." Michael was actually on at 5 o'clock after the 4:30 show. "We'd better get to the van before the others get here," She said as she grabbed her purse.

"You're right. We don't want to be late for the show and miss him play." Natalie agreed.

Lucy was making her hair into a bun, in her rose pink dress, and green high heels, while Edward was in his red tuxedo when someone came in.

"Hey Edward," said Edward's father, Theodore, a man with white hair, and a mustache, and wearing his red collar shirt, black pants, and blue boots, coming in. "We're waiting for you, and Natalie and Angela got in the van before us."

"Yes, we'll be right there, Papa." Edward then turned to Lucy. "We'd better get going, dear. The others are starting to get in the van."

Henry and Joaquin, dressed in their matching white shirt and brown pants with their names written on the back, were teaching Juan and Jimmy, who were wearing yellow and green tuxedos, how to tie their shoes.

"...And that's how you do it!" Henry said as he finished the loop of his black shoes.

The younger twins playfully pulled on the laces of their shoes, trying to understand the lesson.

"You did great," Joaquin said proudly. "As you know, practice makes perfect!"

The door opened to reveal Maria, who was wearing her red and purple dress, and her hair in a braided ponytail, and Gabriella, with her braided pigtails with yellow ribbons in her hair, and wearing a purple medium dress "Come on, boys!" Maria said happily with her arms opened.

The toddler twins ran right into Maria's arms.

"We're coming." Henry and Joaquin said in unison, heading to the door.

Albert was dressed in his silver shirt, brown jeans, and red sneakers. He combed his hair when Diego, who was wearing his pink shirt, blue jeans, and brown leather loafers, came in.

"Are you done, yet?" He questioned. "We need to get to the school soon."

"Just about ready." Albert took one last glance in the mirror. "Ok, I'm coming." He turned and left the room.


At the Nakisaki mansion, Susan was doing her hair. She decided to do her hair up in a bun with a purple and black headband. She looked in the mirror thinking she had this type of hairstyle before, then Ivanna came in her red and gold dress, and red and gold shoes with Barry, who had a black and yellow tuxedo with his hair slicked back.

"Come on, Susan!" Barry said.

"We need to get to the limo for your talent show," Ivanna said, excited since she heard that Susan was finally getting a talent of her own.

"I'm coming, Aunt Ivanna. Just finishing fixing my hair." She turned to face them. "I'm kinda nervous about this. I've never been on stage before."

"Don't worry too much, Darling." Ivanna said as she came to her room and did Susan's hair. "You'll do great at your poetry talent." she said.

Susan took a breath to try to calm herself. "Yeah, you're right. Ok, I think I'm ready."

"Well, come on!" Barry said excitedly "Let's get to the limo."

The three walked out of the room, headed downstairs, and came outside to where the limo was waiting for them.


At the middle school auditorium, everyone was practicing to perform before the show started. Daniel came in with a clipboard. "All ready everybody?"

"Yeah!" The contestants cheered, turning their attention to him.

"Well, we many talents here tonight," Daniel announced, looking at the board. "Since it's only 4:00 PM, our opening act will be... Melody and her dancing on the 'Swan Lake.'"

"Oh my gosh, I'm up first." Melody gasped. After hearing a few 'break a leg's from the others, she stepped onto the stage. The music started and she began her ballet number.


In the hallway, Jack was checking out the middle school when he saw a pamphlet reading 'Pixfare Middle School's 42nd talent show.' He had never been in or seen a talent show before. Curious, Jack found where the auditorium was and entered, seeing that the show had already started.

He then read the pamphlet on the wall.

'Pixfare Middle School talent showtimes:

3:30 - Welcoming Announcements

4 PM - Opening act: Melody Jackson and her Swan Lake dance

4:30 - First Act - Eric and his Rock-'n'-roll cover of 'Hamilton's My Shot'

5 PM - Michael Hernandez Spanish guitar version of 'Carmen'

5:30 - Susan and her poetic performance of The Tell-Tale Heart

6 PM - Margaret and her dancing and scientific discoveries with chemicals

6:30 - Break time

7 PM - A special surprise (If someone can make it!)

'Wow, they got talented kids here.' Jack thought to himself. He found an empty seat in the audience and quietly sat down to watch the show.

Several minutes later, Melody finished her performance she took a bow. The audience erupted with applause. Laurie and James stood up and cheered.

After her, Michael came out on stage. "Hola, everyone" He introduced himself. "For my talent, I'm gonna do the Spanish guitar version of the famous play 'Carmen'. Enjoy."

From their seats in the audience, the Hernandez family looked excited. Edward and Lucy began recording with a video camera.

A few minutes later, Michael was finished with a guitar and took a bow. The audience applauded. The family stood up and cheered.

"That's my boy!" Edward shouted.

Afterward, Susan came up with the lights off for a dazzling and terrifying effect, and Susan began to read the important parts of The Tell-Tale Heart.

The audience was so absorbed by her performance and watched in total silence.

"That's amazing!" Jack stood up from his chair and clapped his hands. The rest of the audience also began to applaud.

Up next was Margaret, a slender 14-year-old girl with blue eyes, fair skin, strawberry blonde hair in a ponytail, and braces. She got her kit and dancing tools and begin multitasking at the same time an almost made an explosion.

The audience looked at her shocked, but they still applauded.

As Daniel went onstage and was about to speak about the surprise, he suddenly saw Jack sitting in the second row. "Is that Jack from Boston?!" He said shocked and surprised with the microphone still on.

Jack's eyes widened as everyone in the audience turned to face him. He didn't mean to attract attention. He just wanted to see the show.

"What happened with former Sheriff Andrea?" Edward asked.

"How's Boston?" Lucy asked.

"Why are you so skinny?" Maria and Theodore questioned.

Jack just wanted to teleport out, but he couldn't risk revealing his powers. He didn't realize he was like a celebrity to these people. He turned to face the Hernandez family. "I haven't heard from her since she quit her job. Boston was fine, it got lonely. I've always been like this." He answered their questions.

Then Laurie and James came up with questions.

"Why did Andrea quit her job?" Laurie asked.

"How long have you been in town?" James asked.

"She couldn't stand working for Derek anymore." Jack turned to them. "I've only been here for a few weeks."

"Well, that's a surprise!" Daniel said. "I heard a lot about you and I got a talent show and a surprise guest, which is you, show up, read the rest of the pamphlet!"

"I just came here to watch the show." Jack tried to explain. "I'm not anything special. Don't let me delay the rest of the acts." He then read that half of the pamphlet.

7 PM - A special surprise (If someone can make it!) Jack, the new Sheriff of Pixfare

Jack looked completely speechless. He never thought of himself as special before. "You don't have to do this. Really, I'm just another person in town."

"You mean Hilary?" Natalie replied with a questionable look "I've heard so much about you in the newspapers." Then some news reporters and cameras went flashing to get a glimpse of Pixfare's first stranger.

'Wow, this town really doesn't get any visitors.' Jack thought to himself. He tried to back away from the paparazzi, not used to being the center of attention.

Jack ran out of the auditorium and teleported back to the apartment. Luckily, Laura Reed was already asleep. He sighed in relief and went to his room, leaning against the door. "Man, a new guy comes to town and suddenly he's a celebrity."


Daniel went back to his penthouse, feeling a bit exhausted from the talent show when he saw Kristen and Carmen sitting on the couch, reading some poetry.

"Hey, you're back." Kristen looked up and saw him. "How did the talent show go?"

"Good." Daniel said as he sat down.

"What was going on?" Carmen asked.

"Things were going like normal, but then I spotted Jack in the audience," Daniel explained. "Everyone got excited and started asking him questions. News reporters even showed up with cameras."

"Looks like this 'Jack Swan' became the first visitor and stranger in our town and became sheriff." Carmen said.

"I'll get some hamburger helper and French fries, with some drinks," Kristen said, going to the kitchen to grab them some dinner.

"Apparently so." Daniel nodded in agreement. He looked over at Kristen in the kitchen. "Good idea. I'm getting hungry."


Olga was working on the newspaper in her office, smirking, knowing that the town finally knew who Jack was.