
Tales of Naruto Phenex in DXD

After suffering a heartbreaking betrayal from two of his closest persons, Naruto Phenex leaves underworld only to rise to the top of the world.

AculturedCitizen · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 5

Naruto's lips curled up in anticipation as he heard those sounds. And as soon as the door slide opened, a yellow blur was all he could see until it crashed into him. Well, he could see it but welcomed it right into his arms.


Naruto couldn't help but smile and ruffle the blonde hair of the girl who was giving him the hardest hug she could. And moreover, her strikingly similar yellow nine tails were wagging continuously in all directions. Yasaka too couldn't help but smile at the scene before her, but quickly regained her normal composure,

"Kunou, you shouldn't jump onto people like that. It's not something a lady does."

Kunou titled her face which was buried in her father's chest towards her mother and pouted, " Sorry, mother."

Naruto laughed and said, " Now, Yasaka-chan don't be like that. Kunou can be like that when she becomes a lady. But now, she is just my little girl."

Kunou smiled and buried her face into her father's chest, before giving him another pouted look, this time a kinda angry one," I'm not a little girl, I'm a lady."

"Then why did you jump when it's not ladylike?", Naruto replied back with a mischievous smile. Kunou couldn't retort back and pouted her face to its limit before turning back with her hands folded.


,"Wait wait Kunou-chan, you are a lady! Yes you are the most ladylike lady in this whole world", Naruto decided to go back on his retort as soon as he could. He couldn't bear with the though of his daughter being angry with him. And it was Kunou's turn to give him a mischievous smile. Naruto realized he fell for it, scooped her in his arms, and began to tickle her.

"HA HA HA. S-stop...it p-papa....", Kunou couldn't begin to bear the tickles and started to plead with Naruto to stop between her laughs.

Yasaka saw the scene playing before her and couldn't help but smile with peace in her heart. The worries she has been experiencing a few minutes ago felt like forever ago. Right now, she just wants her family and herself to be like this.

And also, she has to discipline both 'kids' in front of her...

( A few more tickles and scoldings later):

"Look at her. Hard to believe she was energetic just an hour ago", said Naruto as he pats an asleep Kunou in his lap.

"Well, she doesn't get to play with her father every day. She burned herself out.", said Yasaka as she rested her head on Naruto's shoulder.

As for Naruto, he is the happiest man on Earth. He now has something which he longed for since his childhood, a family. During his childhood, when the evening playtime was over, his friend's parents used to walk back to their homes with their children and at that time, all he felt was loneliness. It's one of the few things he wishes none of the people in this world should experience. But only if the world were that easy.

Naruto met Yasaka a short while after he left the underworld. He was heartbroken, betrayed, and in pain. In short, he felt what Sasuke felt except the heartbreak was for not only his closest friend but also his lover. He kept on moving from countries to another so that the underworld or Azazel can't catch a whiff of him. And its when he was in Kyoto, that he was mixed up with some Youkai groups which were responsible for some rebellions against the East Youkai Factions. He always used to roam around in Henge, and that was when he met a young Yasaka. He walked into a trap set for the rebels and he and Yasaka had a huge fight. Of course Naruto won and Yasaka, who was gravely injured thought her life was over.

And that was when fate tied them together. Naruto, who had no interest in killing her immediately healed her and was about to leave when Yasaka forced him to accept her hospitality. But Naruto couldn't. A fight between a then High-class power Yasaka and Naruto did catch the interest of many factions, so he couldn't be there. He promised that he would come after a couple of weeks and left. And he did, which surprised Yasaka. At first their relationship was awkward, at least that was what Yasaka felt. He used to be moody almost all the time.

To give a good example, he was almost how he was when he found out that Jiraya was dead. Not to that extent, but comparable. But that didn't last for long. Yasaka and Naruto worked on the internal struggles between the East and the West. Naruto, whose true nature didn't change came out when people needed help. That side of Naruto was completely new for her, unlike the gloomy and awkward one she used to see every day. He looked like someone who knew what the people in need were feeling and helped them. And one more mysterious thing she found about him is that he could use chakra. The source of Youkai's which was only found in her kind, was in him, a human. And what's surprising is that it was more potent, lively than hers. Naruto began to mystify her more and more every day, and the final knock came when she found out his true face and name.

As said earlier, Naruto used to roam in henge. And that henge was very much like Kakashi's, except the hair is black. And his name which was known all around the world came much of a shock to her. And she found this out by mistake when Naruto was beginning to relax around Yasaka and lost his concentration subconsciously.

Of course, this didn't sit right with her. He was the first male beside her father whom she opened up to, and he didn't even trust her enough to show his real face and name. Being a young woman and having a good fox characteristic, she blocked Naruto. Naruto cursed himself for not trusting her and slowly reverted back to his normal self and began to make his silly moves to make Yasaka talk. And of course he succeeded.

That incident drew them closer and in no time, one thing led to another, and then on day, they made love. And it was then Naruto opened up to her about his past, including the part where he is from another universe. She was the first person besides her family to know about this. And fortunately, this made him and Yasaka closer. Naruto found himself healing every second he is with her.

And that is when the second love of his life came in.

The pregnancy caught all of the supernatural world by surprise. Yasaka was a famous figure and not only that, but many famous names were also very interested to make her their woman. But not only they heard nothing of her partner's name, but she was also pregnant! It created some noise for quite a long time. Some men directly met her to find out about her partner or whether the whole pregnancy thing is a lie. But after a few months, the bump in her stomach made it all clear. And all this time, Naruto was near Yasaka, being in henge and making sure that not even a mosquito tried to do anything to Yasaka. He couldn't risk making the world acknowledge him as Yasaka's husband as that was the time when the things in the underworld were troubling and his enemies, though couldn't beat him might hurt his loved ones. His Phenex family is more than strong to protect themselves, but still he kept eyes on them. His main concern was Yasaka.

She couldn't risk getting into a battle in her pregnancy and the chances of her getting into one would've increased if the world has known that she was his woman. So he used to hide in disguises and helped out Yasaka in every possible way. Yasaka hired some reliable helpers to help her with things Naruto couldn't do.

And then came the day

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