

The Tournament

"And now, as the Initiate Combat Tournament finally reaches its end, It seems like this match is for anyone, as it's 2 contestants NOBODY could have seen coming! Naozomi versus…Izumi. The "nobody" vs. "the girl who had nobody."Funny… you all shall begin...NOW", exclaims the Announcer.

"Hey, just hit me and I'll take a dive, deal?"

What? Hell no! I'm winning this fair and square, and I won't quit until you take this seriously", Zumi scolded.

"I know about your powers…nobody else does. I noticed it when I…when we saved you.",

"YOU brought me here? How did you even..", she responded before being interrupted.

"Are we having a dinner party or a fight!? HURRY UP LADIES", yelled the Announcer.

"Damn, save it for after. You want me to fight seriously..then fine", I proclaimed hesitantly.

Zumi gushed, "Finally, this will be easy. You don't have powers like the rest remember?"

*The two girl fight vigorously for at least 30 mins (5 mins on screen)*

"Can we stop now!? Look at us, my fucking arm hurts, and I have no energy to dodge or attack", I blurted out of pure exhaustion.

"I told you, a nobody like yourself can't beat me", said Zumi snappily.

I snicker, "Funny how you call me a nobody, when you've had nobody your entire life."

Kyo, Naozomi's bestfriend, thinks, 'Nao what are you doing…'

"You have nothing because you are nothing. I should've left you in those woods the same way your parent left you to fend for yourself."

*Izumi filled with anger and sadness seems to explode with hatred*

"How can you know anything!? YOU DONT KNOW US OR WHAT WE ARE", Zumi screeched with rage.

Announcer interrupts, "Us!? Has Izumi gone mad from this beating?"

(A little further, and I can get it out of her), I thought to myself.

*I punch Izumi in the chest, knocking the wind out of her*

"I told you, you're nothing", I state.

*Silence fills the crowd. As the announcer begins to declare a victor, there's a scorching heat wave and a massive rumble*.

"And now, the clear winner by KO is N-", the Announcer expressed.

*Izumi now having grown a mystical tail and a singular ear seems to be nearly bloodlusted. She's in a position to attack, almost pounce, like a fox*

(I knew it…now to wait)

*Izumi charges at Nao full force. The heat sending a wave of energy through the stadium*

Announcer screams, "Hey! Stop her!".

*Izumi is pinned down, still her fur grows and the heat tears through the armor and higher ups surrounding her*

"Let her go..this is my fight", I demanded.

Guards laugh, "You better finish this…"

"Hey, Izumi, take my hand and trust me." I whisper

"After this fight, your friend will be investigated", the guards beamed back at Me.

"I know…I'll handle it."

"You have 6 minutes." They told me

"Izumi. Trust. Me. please", I steadily reassured.

*Izumi takes Nao's hand*

"We're getting out of here"

The announcer yells, "Excuse me!? APPREHEND THEM! NOW!"

"SHIFT", I shouted.

*They teleport to a place unfamiliar to Izumi, she asks Nao, still angry and still within mystical form*

Zumi questions, "Where…are we?"

"Home", I utter.

"Did you just teleport? I thought you didn't have powers! What's with the purple aura and the glowing eyes? I mean, SHIFT!? WHO calls it that?", Zumi points out with confusion.

"Now I'm actually regretting saving you… Just shut up and come in", i say jokingly as we walk inside.