
The Boy and His Training

Wil and Mik sat beside a tranquil pond somewhere within the forest.

The air was fragrant from the blooming flowers, and vibrant butterflies and dragonflies danced gracefully around them.

Cheerful little fish swam merrily in the pond while a nearby waterfall provided a soothing backdrop of falling water.

"You see, Mik, mana is the energy inside of everything in our world. It's in the plants and animals. It's in you, me, and even the air we breathe. When we kill monsters, we absorb some of their mana, which makes us stronger. The stronger the monster, the more potent the mana we gain."

Mik listened attentively, doing his best to grasp this new knowledge.

Wil smiled, appreciating Mik's interest. "Think of it as absorbing their energy and using it to strengthen our own."

"I get it." Mik's curiosity shifted to a different aspect. "What about the mana pills? How do they work?"

"Well, mana pills operate on the same principle. Concocted by skilled alchemists, they maximize their ingredients' mana and medicinal properties."

Wil moved on to their next lesson.

"Today, I'll teach you how to gather mana around you and to use it, a critical skill of a strong adventurer. As a berserker like yourself, using mana properly will transform your punches into devastating blows and your kicks into an unstoppable force."

Mik nodded eagerly, giving Wil his full attention.

"Your training has established a foundation for using mana. We've spent two weeks preparing you for this moment. Now, close your eyes and get into a meditative posture," Wil instructed.

Mik followed Wil, closing his eyes and entering a state of mediation.

"Inside your mind, concentrate on feeling the energy coursing through your body. Sense its presence, its flow. Extend your perception to the energy surrounding you. Unite the inner and outer energies, allowing both to merge."

Mik immersed himself in the process. After a few minutes, he felt his mana flowing inside him.

His awareness expanded to everything around him – the plants, stones, grass, water, and insects near the pond.

In his mind, he connected to this vast web of mana.

Mana surged into Mik's body, causing him to sweat all over. The realization of the interconnectedness of all things through mana filled him with awe and wonder.

Wil observed the kid in front of him with slight amazement. This process usually takes hours, some days, while the kid does it for a few minutes.

It was clear to him that Mik possessed hidden potential waiting to be unleashed.

After several minutes, his expression relaxed as Mik's mana stabilized. The once turbulent flow became a harmonious rhythm.

He could now feel the mana within him, infusing him with newfound strength, coursing through his veins. A ring of golden light encircled on Mik's arms.

"Excellent. Congratulations on achieving your first ring!" Wil praised, nodding approvingly.

Mik couldn't believe he had achieved one ring. His former masters become one before they turned twelve while he himself is not ten.

They were called genius in the town. What was he? It was all thanks to Wil.

"Don't think on it too much. We're just getting started, kid. Let's move on to your next process. It's to imbue mana to your attacks. Follow the contents of your training manual. Once you understand the process, your attacks will generate even more power."

Mik had spent the night reading through the manual on mana coordination. He absorbed its contents, pouring over the pages until the early morning.

As dawn broke, he was determined to put theory into practice.

Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself to execute what he had learned. He threw a punch, but it lacked the force and coordination he had hoped for, causing Wil to shake his head in disappointment.

"No, no, no," he expressed with disappointment. "You're not doing it right. Try again, but this time, put your weight into it. Feel the mana coursing through your veins."

Mik tried again, concentrating on the mana flowing within him. Energy surged as he put his whole body behind the punch. It was more potent this time, but it still required refinement.

"You're still holding back," Wil advised. "Release your restraints. Utilize the power of your ring. Tap into your feelings. Use it and channel it into your punch."

Mik nodded. He closed his eyes, centered his attention on the power within him, and allowed it to envelop him. Then, with his eyes wide open, he unleashed his punch.


The impact was explosive, causing the air around them to crackle with energy.

"Good. Excellent!" Wil's voice was filled with approval. "That's what I'm talking about! Remember the feeling and etched into your mind. Now, let's move on to kicks."

Mik followed Wil's instructions, delivering powerful kicks that landed with satisfying thuds. They continued their practice, with Wil offering guidance and correcting Mik's posture.

"Wrong. Raise your legs more! Your feet must be above your head."

"Not enough speed on your turn. Feel the flow of your body."

"Tsk. I told you not to forget the feeling!"

"Great! Now, do it a hundred more times."

Wil occasionally slapped him with a thin wood whenever Mik faltered or lost concentration.


"Ouch! Mother f…Stop, that hurts!"

"I told you, didn't I? If you don't want the pain, do it properly!"

Wil wasn't merciless; he provided Mik with potions to ease discomfort and mana pills to replenish his energy, allowing them to continue their training throughout the day.

"Good! One more!"

"But you said that last time. *Sobs."

"Where's that foul mouth of yours, huh? Don't you cry on me, kid. You wanted this."

"Okay. *Sobs."

Mik understood that becoming a true berserker meant pushing himself to his limits.

As hours passed and the sun began to set, Wil halted their training. "Great job, kid." he commended, clapping Mik on the back.

"You're making progress. But don't get complacent. It's just the beginning. There's much more to learn. Rest up, and we'll continue tomorrow."

Mik nodded, feeling exhausted yet satisfied. He knew he had a long journey ahead, but with Wil's guidance, he felt confident about becoming a true warrior.

Wil prepared the materials for their evening meal as they took a well-deserved break.

Since the start of their training, it decided that it would be Mik's job to be the cook.

They agreed on this arrangement, aware of the importance of avoiding potential food poisoning from Wil's less-than-stellar culinary skills.

Wil's mind wandered to a sudden question as they settled in for their meal. "I know this comes out of nowhere, but do you have a dream?"

Mik took a moment to reflect, taken aback by the unexpected question. "When I was younger, my mother read me stories about adventurers. Tales of exploring dungeons and discovering places no one had ever seen. My dream was similar – I wanted to go on those adventures and sketch the places, plants, and animals I'd encounter."

"To sketch things you've never seen before," Wil mused. "I like that. Remember that dream, kid. Hold onto it. Let it be your motivation to persevere and your ultimate goal."

Wil's words carried a deep sense of seriousness, emphasizing the importance of pursuing one's dreams.

Mik and Wil discussed the day's training and ways they could further improve their techniques.

The fifth and the last chapter. See you next week. Enjoy!

AdmiralBayabascreators' thoughts
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