
Tales of Mohua (major editing, don't read)

Because I met you, the last years of my life became the most beautiful. ---- There’s a wilted flower, its petals drying up from the inside out. Poison has long taken over and it's only a matter of time before it completely disappears. Shen Mohua is that flower. Before her life comes to an end, she fulfills the last wish of her family-- an arranged marriage with a man named Ou Junsan. • • • | • • • All credits of cover artwork goes to the original artist.

alixlia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


The food from Lotus House was not as delicious as last time.

Shen Mohua twirled the noodles aimlessly. Why did it not taste the same? When she had it with Ou Junsan, the taste was very good.

"A'mo, what's wrong? Not feeling well?" Shen Fai asked.

"No, I'm just not hungry."

"Okay, wait for me. I'm almost done." Shen Fai quickly stuffed the noodles into his mouth.

She sat back onto the chair. The restaurant was busy, filled with customers at every table. Even dressed in simple clothes, girls stole shy glances at Shen Fai, whose appearance stood out like there was a light was shining over his head.

"A'fai, you're quite popular with the ladies," She teased quietly.

Shen Fai almost choked. He hurriedly downed a cup of water. "What are you talking about? They don't know who I am."

"Don't know, but can still admire ah." Her eyebrows wiggled mischievously.

The tip of his ears turned pink as he hid his face into the bowl. Shen Mohua giggled softly. This brother of hers, so handsome and well mannered, is there truly no girl of his interest?

Next to their table happened to be a group of four young ladies. In particular, two conversed loudly while the other two secretly glanced over. The one in the purple dress told her friends, "Have you heard of Commander Ou? Somehow, he is truly pitiful. He is blind and scarred, but he still has to go through a force marriage. I heard the bride is just a poor girl from the countryside."

The girl dressed in pink disagreed, "Why do I feel different from you? I feel more sorry for his fiancée. Commander Ou's looks are not too outstanding and the scar horribly ruins his face. Combine that with his blindness and what can he still do? If you've ever seen him, you'll be haunted in your dreams."

"The poor girl has to marry a cripple. Imagine how harsh life will be? After marriage, she'll have to be with him for a lifetime. Wow, suddenly, the thought of a lifetime sounds endlessly unending," A third friend joined the conversation.

Shen Mohua rose from her seat. Standing in front of the girls, she boldly declared, "Ou Junsan isn't forced to marry me and I'm not forced to marry him. This is a willing marriage, you hear me? Willing, both parties are willing!"

"Sister, are you Shen... Ah, are you that Shen Mohua?" The blue dress girl asked.

Shen Mohua didn't care to respond and only sent the pink dress girl a glare, "Also, you tell me right now, which part of him is not outstanding? He's the most handsome man I've ever seen and works hard to protect the country so we can live peacefully."

Not only is Ou Junsan handsome, but he's also extremely kind, she added in her head. You'll be envious you're not engaged to him!

The four girls were rendered speechless. They didn't know what to say. Shen Mohua looked to burst into flames any moment if one of them even dared to open their mouth.

"Uh... sister in law, is that you?" This time, it was a man's voice. Kong Yunru stood in the entryway. Behind him was the main subject at hand.

The four girls huddled together without a word. That one figure caused the whole restaurant to hush into silence. His dark aura traveled to every part of the building. The upbeat atmosphere suddenly dimmed.

Ou Junsan.

He didn't bear the highest rank or was he filthy rich. He was just one of the six commanders under the three great generals. Yet, at the mention of his name, people shuddered in fear. At the sight of his person, no one dared to move.

There was a tale among the common people. Five years ago, an ordinary man of unknown origins entered the military as a soldier of the lowest rank and battled against fifty of the strongest contenders for the title of commander. Others trained years and some, their entire lives were spent training in hopes of claiming such a title. Against all odds, that new recruit actually came out as the final victor.

Ou Junsan's still figure loomed darkly in the doorway. In the stiff silence, he didn't move at all. The fact of his blindness didn't make him any less intimidating. If anything, people were terrified to meet the gaze of those empty, emotionless eye. Apart from his powerful physique and the commanding air around him, the way he so straightforwardly did things scared people.

From his list of accomplishments, he acted with no feelings to speak of, no love to show, and only the duties required of him. It had not always been this way, though, these people wouldn't know.

Shen Mohua gave one glance at the unreadable expression on his face and instantly clamped her mouth shut. After their dreary parting a couple days ago, he just witnessed her endless blabbering. If she had to face him after making such a scene, she wouldn't be able to utter a word. And so, she bolted like lightning out of the restaurant.

Ou Junsan made his first move since arriving. He caught her hand with great precision. "Where are you going?"

All the customers were focused on them. Their marriage was naturally, a topic of interest within the whirlwinds of gossips traveling around. The commoners were actually more interested in their matters than of the nobles or royals.

They all wanted to know, how would this strange marriage between a blind and scarred commander and a country bumpkin end? Even more so, which bold matchmaker drew these two people together, both seemingly impossible to be any more different?

Shen Mohua almost couldn't breathe. His grip on her wrist burned like raging flames despite the fact that when he addressed her, his voice was softer than when he usually talked to others. The four girls from earlier watched with their eyes wide. Even Shen Fai and Kong Yunru watched her with expectations.

Her throat felt dry and she couldn't make a sound. Shen Mohua used all the courage in her body to give a small awkward smile before running off. This time, she pulled with her the hand that was still enclosed around her wrist.

From Lotus House, she pulled him until they reached Shen's Pharmacy. In the empty backroom, there were just two of them. Unlike her who was struggling to catch her breath, Ou Junsan was unaffected by the little run. "Where are we?"

"T-this is my family's pharmacy shop."

"Back there... you were talking about us?"

Shen Mohua wrinkled her nose helplessly. Couldn't he pretend to be ignorant longer?

"Not replying?" His voice was not harsh, but it wasn't gentle as before. Clearly, he wanted an answer this time.

"Replying, replying..." She claimed one thing, but still stalled for a time.

"Not re--"


"And?" Ou Junsan probed.

Shen Mohua bit her lips. "People said they felt sorry for you, me, and this marriage. So I told them, we're not forced. Both you and I are willing."

"What else?"

Her fingers fumbled with the ends of her sleeves. "I... I was mad because they said things about you."

The doorknob loudly rattled. Her mother's voice came through, "Mohua, is that you in the back?"

For some reason, she stepped in front of him. It's not as if her small figure could hide his tall figure if the door were to open... "It's me!"

"What are you doing in there for so long? Come out and help your father clean up. We're heading home soon."

"En, coming!"

With that, her mother was satisfied and walked away. Shen Mohua collapsed against the door. Oh heavens, let her little heart rest today. If she was to be found out alone in this room with Ou Junsan, she wouldn't have an explanation to give.

He reached out his arm and touched the light perspiration on her forehead. "Why are you afraid? You've well today."

Her lowered eyes glanced up. Did he just... complimented her? She grabbed his hand that was still on her head. "I'm not afraid."

He removed her hand and took a step back. With a distance between them, he quietly asked, "Then, are you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid," Her two words were simple, yet, they carried unmovable strength and honesty.

When the setting sun's light shone on his hair through the window, the seemingly dark color turned out to actually be fiery red. The natural curls of his hair rested freely on his shoulders, it wasn't the usual proper hairdo of a high status man. His choice of hairstyle was similar to his true personality; laid back and free spirited.

That scar running down his face people said to be horrendous was admirable to her. It was a part of him, the proof of what he went through to earn such grand accomplishments. He put his life on the line to protect. He suffered so others wouldn't have to.

Those eyes people said to be frightening and chilling actually took her breath away. She thought his eyes were black, but there seemed to be gold sparks hidden inside... Just like the warmth wrapped within his cold exterior.

He was unlike any man she had seen and she was sure she would never meet someone like him again. She suddenly thought he was too good for the world.

"Truly?" He asked again.

She took a step forward, closing the gap between them. A rare, gentle smile spread across her face.

"Truly," She told him.