
Tales of Mohua (major editing, don't read)

Because I met you, the last years of my life became the most beautiful. ---- There’s a wilted flower, its petals drying up from the inside out. Poison has long taken over and it's only a matter of time before it completely disappears. Shen Mohua is that flower. Before her life comes to an end, she fulfills the last wish of her family-- an arranged marriage with a man named Ou Junsan. • • • | • • • All credits of cover artwork goes to the original artist.

alixlia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Husband & Wife

The sounds of drums and gongs filled the streets. Emerging from within the smokes of firecrackers was a man in a magnificent red robe. The sleeves of the robe fluttered in the wind among the bright flower ribbon strapped across his chest that was carried with an air of pride.

Hushed whispers travelled amongst the bystanders peering from the roadsides. The deep red scar etched across his face was particularly eye catching. No one could say for sure if it diminished the man's otherwise handsome appearance or added an air of devilish attraction, but for sure everyone recognized the man at a glance. The story of the commander who earned his post in record time and contributed heavily to the victory in the southern battles was someone no one could deny was admirable.

The families along the streets bowed as the procession passed by. Regardless of appearances, a person who gave them peace deserved respect.

In the Shen's residence, words of congratulations were spoken and food were shared. Villagers who could make the journey came to bless the wedding and enjoy the warm festivity. Shen Mohua sat in the bedchamber listening to the joyous chaos outside while trying to calm herself for what was to come.

"My dear sister, is now a good moment to cry?" Shen Fai sauntered into the room with a contrasting smile to his question. He stopped in front of her and wiped his cheeks. "Ah, I guess I should cry right about now..."

Shen Mohua rolled her eyes and pushed his forehead. "Don't think this is the end, you're not getting off easy. I'll come bother you until you're tired of me."

"Aiyo, how can I let you do that? Brother-in-law will skin me alive."

"If he does, then you deserve it," she replied with a smirk.

"Ah, so heartless," Shen Fai held his heart as if in pain. "Perhaps you don't need my best wedding gift..."

Shen Mohua immediately stood up towards him and changed stance, "If Ou Junsan dares to touch even your sleeves, I'll show him who's the boss in the house."

Shen Fai grinned triumphantly. "Now that's more like it."

"Tell me, what is it?"

"Don't be impatient, you'll find out." He added a wink. "Now if you think I'm crazy, wait until you see Grandma Shen's."

"I have a feeling I may not want to find out now..."

Meng Jia came next into the room, her eyes full of redness from recently crying. "My dearest, I've decided. Let's not let you marry. Just stay with father and mother for the rest of your life."

Shen Mohua, "..."

Shortly behind her was Shen Liu who had a helpless expression on his face. "Mohua, this morning your mother had gone a bit over her mind and decided it's better if you don't marry at all..."

Shen Fai's eyes widened and he gingerly stepped back like a prey sensing danger. The traitor scurrying away in a hurry, only his voice lingered, "A'mo, good luck!"

Her mother, who was usually the calm and collected one in the family, gripped her arm tightly refusing to let go. "My daughter is too precious, I can't give her away to anyone."

"..." Shen Liu pulled his wife. "Mohua, don't mind your mother. She has given you her blessings."

"...Yes, father," Shen Mohua reached out to hold her mother. She didn't understand the sadness of a mother sending her daughter into marriage, but she knew her mother was in pain. "Mother, I'll still be your daughter as before. I'll love you even more, so please rest assure."

"Ou Junsan better take you to visit immediately after three days and must allow you to visit as you like in the future."

"Yes, I'll tell him."

"You must remember to take medicine and sleep early."

"Yes, I won't forget."

"Most importantly, a marriag is only shared between two people. There must never be a third."

"Yes, mother. This daughter understands. I'll talk to him about it."

"Ah, my precious daughter, you've really grown up." Meng Jia's restless heart finally felt a bit better. "Father and mother can no longer hold you back. We only wish you the best in your marriage, to be happy, to be loved, and to be well taken care of."

Shen Liu breathed a sigh of relief seeing reason returning to his wife. He pulled her away, then patted his daughter. "Mohua, remember that you'll always be our most precious and loved flower. Our house will always welcome your presence, waiting for you to come visit. Even if there are troubles ahead, our doors are open if at anytime you choose to return."

Shen Mohua welled up with tears. There were no words to describe the love, gratefulness, and respect she felt in the moment. All she could do was whisper her words of thanks from the bottom of her heart. "Thank you, father. Thank you, mother. I thank the heavens for the blessings to have such good parents in this life. No matter where I go, nowhere is warmer than the home of my family.'"

Her father brushed off the tears sliding down her cheek. "Live a good life, my daughter."

"The groom has arrived!" Elder Wen's voice reminded the three of the ongoing ceremony.

"Ah, hurry and put the veil on," Meng Jia ushered the father and daughter to spring into action.

Shen Mohua somehow managed to laugh among the chaos. She hurriedly kissed her mother and hugged her father, then stood obediently. "Mother, please do the honor of putting the veil on for me."

Meng Jia held the red veil but didn't put it on right away. She took a good look at her daughter whom had grown up well and bloomed beautifully, such that she wished would last forever. "Live a long life, my daughter."

Shen Mohua was then covered and led out the room. Underneath the veil, there was a smile she couldn't stop. She couldn't believe the moment was really here. Each step she took pulled her farther from her family, but also led her closer and closer to Ou Junsan.

From the corridors to the gates, from her brother's back to the wedding sedan, and even when Ou Junsan carried her over the fire into their home, everything felt like a dream. The three bows were taken, then a group of women led her into the wedding chamber. Laughter from the courtyard spread throughout the residence, from the elders to the children who had come to give their blessings, well wishes, and celebrate a joyous coming together of two people.

Shen Mohua's hands were clasped tightly. She was usually a free spirited person, yet at this moment, she couldn't bring herself to relax. Just yesterday, she was in this very room and now she had come back. From today onwards, it'd be the room she share with her husband.

"Ou Junsan," she whispered his name on her lips. The sound of these three characters somehow soothed her ears. Her tense shoulders gently dropped and she placed her head on the soft pillow. After a busy and tiring day, unknowingly her eyes closed and she was swept into sleep.

Once the guests left and the courtyard quiet down, the gates were closed and only the red lanterns swayed gently in the wind— a small reminder of the wedding that just took place. The sound of doors opening stirred Shen Mohua awake. Because she unexpectedly fell asleep, the veil was still on.

She quickly sat up and brushed any wrinkles off her dress. When there was no words from the other person, she cautiously voiced, "Ou Junsan... is that you?"

"En, it's me." There was the sound of something being placed onto the table, then the rustling of clothes as he walked over. Although it was expected, he still informed her, "I'll be lifting your veil now."

Shen Mohua gingerly nodded. Ou Junsan steadied his hands, held the fabric and gently took off the veil. Her lowered eyes lifted with the candlelight that revealed the wedding chamber. The first thing she saw was his stoic face glowing with the warm lighting of the room. There seemed to be a rare gentleness on his face that she had never seen before. All his features softened and captured within his ever enchanting eyes was her reflection, as if she was the only person in his world.

Seemingly able to guess that she was staring at him, Ou Junsan turned back to face the rest of the room. "Would you like to drink the wine now?"

Shen Mohua took the two cups of wine. Although with a slight awkwardness, their arms intertwined. His face was right in front of her eyes, closer than ever before. Her lips lingered on the cup, stealing any moment she could to watch his long eyelashes fluttered downwards and back up again.

"Finish?" He asked.

Caught stealing glances again, she quickly finished drinking. In the middle of extreme embarrassment, the two cups were somehow placed back onto the table with her unsteady hands. She returned to his side, not sure of what to say or do next.

"Do you want to help me...?" He asked.

Relieved by his voice, her gaze traveled back to him. Dressed in the red wedding robes, his looks were dashingly captivating and almost... bewitching. Shen Mohua slowly reached out towards him. He remained still as she took off the crown holding his hair. Soon, the familiar brownish red curls framed his face.

Similarly to her actions, Ou Junsan brought his hands over and took off the gold coronet on her head. His fingers accidentally brushed her temple, bringing tingles upon her skin. Shen Mohua peered up, her round innocent eyes studying him.

"Ou Junsan, do you want to know how I look like?" Her voice was barely a whisper.

"I..." Ou Junsan was at a loss. "I can't see you..."

With all the courage she could mustered,Shen Mohua took his hands and directly placed it on her cheeks. "Sometimes the eyes can't see what can be seen with the heart. Try to see me with your heart."

The heat of her skin spread across his cold palms. His hands trembled, but he didn't pull back. Taking it as encouragement, she led his fingertips from her cheeks down to her chin. "My cheeks, chin, and here... mouth."

She slyly left his hand on her lips while a joyful smile spread across her face. "Can you feel it? I'm smiling."

Ou Junsan's fingers had strayed over to the area just beside the corner of her lips. As he felt pressed into the indents, his eyebrows furrowed deeply in distress. "There seems to be a hole here..."

Shen Mohua's smile became a full grin. "It's a dimple."

"..." Wordlessly, he continued to trace the contours of her face. His every caress was the gentlest, not wanting to hurt her in the slightest. As he moved from one side of her face to the other, he found that she had another dimple.

Ou Junsan withdrew his hands back to his sides. Small face, round cheeks, plump lips, straight nose, arched eyebrows, long lashes, large eyes. Soft and smooth skin. Silky and fine hair. "Pretty."

Pretty. One word from him was enough to make her dimples danced and heart sang in joy. Very happily, Shen Mohua basically skipped to the vanity desk. The long hair that was held up in a bun all day unraveled in curls down to her waist. As she took off the wedding dress, sweet sounds of humming filled the room subconsciously. Her fingers moved quickly, placing the carefully folded dress into the dresser.

This dress, she would keep it preciously forever, for it was today, she became Ou Junsan's bride.

"Did you just undressed in front of me...?"

The hums abruptly stopped. If they had not just become husband and wife, a scream would've torn the room apart. Dressed only in her undergarments, she suddenly became conscious of every inch of her skin, trying to block the sight with her arms.

She dumbly confirmed something she already knew. "Ou Junsan, y-you can't see, right?"

"Can't see," Ou Junsan very calmly changed from a sitting position to a laying position. His eyes blinked slowly towards the ceiling. "But can imagine."

"..." Shen Mohua's mouth gawked in pure horror. Regret instantly slapped her. "Don't tell me, you're seeing with the heart...?"

"En," Ou Junsan turned towards the wall and pulled the blanket over his curled lips. "Exactly as you said, wife."

Shen Mohua grumbled bitterly on her way to bed. "Using my own words to slap my face, what a schemer you are. If you listen so well, you better keep listening to me from now on—"

A sudden attack from a pair of sneaky hands brought her downwards onto a warm chest. The mumbling Shen Mohua was caught speechless. The beating of his heartbeat sounded like the rhythm of a drum bringing her into an enchantment amidst the fog.

His husky voice was the final spell that pulled her into his world completely. "How would you like to continue the night, wife? This husband will listen to you..."

Shen Mohua's line of sight trailed from the contours of his neck to his jawline, then onwards to his lips shining temptingly. Ou Junsan's arms were still wrapped around her shoulders, as if truly waiting patiently for her to make a decision.

Her gaze remained on his calm eyes. She was not oblivious to the matters between husband and wife, but things spiraled faster than she'd anticipated. He really… didn't seem to have other intentions of sleeping elsewhere either. "We… are we going to sleep together…?"

Ou Junsan didn't reply directly. In response, he reached out to pull the bed curtains. Soon, the blanket came over them and with it, his touch that wrapped her up in his world full of warmth.