
The Team

Osaka, Japan

1015 Apartment Building

April 1st, 2023

Mike was still flustered by his recent conversation with Alice. He realized he was not the only host; there were others like him. The revelation left him with a sense of intrigue and curiosity.

After Alice left, Mike returned to the kitchen table. He took the book from his bag and began reading the first page.

"Prince of Heavens, Norse Gods and Goddesses," Mike muttered to himself. He contemplated the possibility that his tale might be connected to the Norse pantheons, such as Thor or Loki. However, he soon remembered that they typically didn't use swords.

"Hmm, maybe it's someone else," Mike pondered, his mind racing with possibilities.

Mike continued reading, eagerly uncovering more clues about the prince's identity. The pages revealed a renowned figure, known for their radiant appearance and kind nature. They brought joy and peace to both gods and humans. But the narrative took a dark turn as the prince became the victim of a plot orchestrated by Loki, the trickster god.

"Often depicted as a shining and beloved deity, the son of Odin and Frigg. He is the god of light and purity, he is... Baldur," Mike exclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation. As he spoke the prince's name, a sudden burst of energy swirled around the room, throwing Mike against the wall. Objects flew everywhere, and a powerful gust of mystical energy emanated from Mike's body.

The room was filled with a potent mix of awe and chaos as the truth of the prince's identity manifested with undeniable force.

After the surge of energy subsided, Mike lay on the ground, feeling utterly drained. His room was in disarray, with the previously flying objects now dropping to the floor one by one.

Moments later, Mike regained consciousness, but he still felt weak. His stomach grumbled loudly, reminding him of his hunger, and his head spun, making it difficult for him to stand up.


Abilities Upgraded

Mystic Sword Summon (E>C) [NEW]

Observation (E>C) [NEW]

Enhanced Strength (D>B) [NEW]

Enhanced Stamina (E>C) [NEW]

Enhanced Durability (E)

Name: Michael

Tale: Baldur, Prince of Heavens (Prince Exiled By The Heavens)



Mystic Sword Summon (C)

Observation (C)


Enhanced Strength (B)

Enhanced Stamina (C)

Enhanced Durability (E)


Various floating holographic screens appeared before Mike, causing him to become even more flustered. He stumbled and fell onto the floor, his gaze fixed on the screens hovering in front of his face.

"What happened?" Mike asked, touching his head in confusion.

"I've regained some of my powers now that you know my name. It appears that I am Baldur, son of Odin and Frigg," Baldur replied, his voice resonating within Mike's mind.

"Oh yeah, I remember now. Ugh, I'm so hungry," Mike replied, his stomach growling. He managed to stand up and began scanning the room, his eyes widening as he took in the wreckage.

"What happened here?" he exclaimed, shocked by the state of his room.

"Because my powers surged abruptly, your body couldn't control the sudden increase, causing it to release some of the energy outward," Baldur explained.

Mike let out a sigh and went to the fridge to grab some meat. He started to clean the room, patiently picking up the wreckage and putting things back in their proper places.

Next, he retrieved vegetables from the fridge, washed them, and began chopping them. As Mike focused on cooking, Baldur appeared to be lost in deep thought, remaining silent.

Mike paid little attention to Baldur's contemplative state as his stomach continued to rumble loudly, creating its own earthquake-like sounds.

Mike finished cooking and began to eat his meal, all the while noticing Baldur's uncharacteristic silence and behavior. Curiosity getting the better of him, Mike decided to inquire.

"So, Baldur, are we going to visit the place Alice mentioned?" he asked between bites.

Baldur took a moment before responding. "Now that you're stronger, we can consider it. However, before we proceed, it would be wise for you to practice and familiarize yourself with utilizing my abilities. We cannot be certain that Alice and her friends are not our enemies, so we must proceed with caution," Baldur explained, his tone serious and contemplative.

Mike quickly finished his meal and efficiently washed the dishes. He grabbed his bag and keys, ready to head out. His plan was to train at the deserted area behind his apartment building.

Locking the door behind him, Mike made sure no one was around to witness his training. He ventured to the secluded spot and began his training session.

Baldur guided him through various techniques, teaching him the art of combat, swordsmanship, and strategies for duels and warfare. As the hours passed, Mike started to grow more comfortable with his newfound abilities. His body felt agile and light as he slashed and stabbed the air with his mystic sword, honing his skills.

Mike's eagerness to master his abilities grew stronger with each passing moment. The once seemingly ordinary life he had known had now transformed into something profound. Although he was not fully committed to Baldur, he started to understand the true nature of what was unfolding around him.

During breaks in their training, Baldur shared moments from his own life with Mike. Mike listened attentively, soaking in the stories while continuing to practice his swordsmanship. The time spent training and conversing brought them closer, forging a deeper connection between Mike and Baldur.

As the sun had already set, Mike realized it was time to meet his newfound acquaintances. He made his mystic sword vanish, wiping away any residual tears.

"Let's go, Baldur," Mike said, grabbing his bag. Despite rarely venturing out of his apartment, he knew the city's locations like the back of his hand.

Midway through his journey, he changed into more casual attire, donning a hoodie to partially conceal his face. Determined, he made his way directly to the cafe that Alice had mentioned.

Upon entering the cafe, Mike surveyed his surroundings. The room was shrouded in darkness, with shadows seemingly crawling along the walls. Despite being a cafe, it appeared deserted, devoid of any customers or staff.

The sound of a chime echoed through the room as the wind blew, creating an eerie atmosphere. A deep and hollow voice suddenly broke the silence.

"You're quite late for a newcomer, nya," the voice said.

Startled, Mike tried to locate the source of the voice. His gaze fell upon a black cat with piercing green eyes, leisurely licking its paw by a nearby window.

"Do you possess the same ability as Alice? Can you shapeshift?" Mike asked, his perplexity evident as he faced the black cat.

"Alice possessed the ability of animorphism, while I, on the other hand, am just an ordinary black cat, nya," the feline responded.

"Don't tease the kid too much, teacher," another voice chimed in. This time, it sounded like that of a young boy.

A boy materialized at the cafe's counter, holding a glass of fruit juice. He bore a striking resemblance to Mike, he's short, with black hair but compared to Mike, his eyes were similar to the cat.

"And who might you be?" Mike inquired.

"The name's Kaiba. Kaiba Mori. I'm your senior," Kaiba replied, taking a sip from his glass of juice.

"Yeah, right, you're just a kid," Mike retorted skeptically.

"I assure you, I am telling the truth. I'll be turning 21 this year, and I'm about to graduate from university," Kaiba replied confidently, finding a seat at one of the tables.

"Now, now, that's enough, Kaiba. Let's not bicker. It's time to start the meeting," Alice interjected as she entered the room through the back door. She was accompanied by the same woman Mike had encountered at the library earlier.

"Wait, that's the woman from the library," Mike whispered to Baldur, feeling a mix of surprise and curiosity.

"Yes, it appears she has been keeping an eye on you as well," Baldur replied, his tone tinged with concern.

"I'm sure you've already met Kaiba and Teacher Cat, and of course, you're acquainted with me," Alice began.

"He's actually familiar with me too," the woman interjected, gesturing toward Mike. "We crossed paths at the library. I had no idea he was also a host."

"Oh, and that's that. So I assume we all know each other by now. Mike, I'm sure you're pretty unaware of the reason why I invited you here," Alice said, gesturing for Mike to sit at the table while finding a seat for herself.

"Pretty much," Mike responded bluntly as he took his seat.

"We're a group of exiled hosts, planning to take revenge on the gods," Alice said sternly.

"I like where this is going," Baldur said in excitement as he heard the magical phrase, "revenge on the gods."

"But why, though? I mean, we were chosen randomly, without our consent. Why are you trying so hard to fulfill the demands of the tales?" Mike asked. Baldur was flustered by the revelation that Mike was still not fully invested in this. Mike continued to express doubt about Baldur's request.

Alice stood up in his seat and approach Mike.


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