
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Interwoven Tales

Osaka, Japan

Black Cat Cafe

April 1st, 2023

Alice stood up from her seat and approached Mike.

"Well, you were told that when a person dies, their memories become entities called tales, right?" Alice asked.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that," Mike replied bluntly.

"Well, you see, tales also have a hierarchy. I'm sure you're aware of that too. At the very top are the god tales, the deities from different myths. They have been in control of the fate of the tales for countless millennia," Alice began to explain.

"Wait... If tales are born after a human dies, how come there are gods from myths? Aren't they supposed to be fictional?" Mike interjected.

"I've been pondering that myself. That's why I was so perplexed when I discovered you were Baldur," Mike said to Baldur.

"There's another way for a tale to be born as well. Faith. When humanity believes in something strongly over a long period of time, their faith transforms into mystical energy that brings these tales to life from fiction," Alice responded.

"That's how I came into existence, nya," added the black cat.

Mike looked at the cat, raising an eyebrow. The cat simply chuckled and leaped down from the window, then approached Mike and hopped onto his table.

"I am the Curious Cat That Died. I'm sure you already know what that means, right, nya?" the cat said.

"You were born from that famous saying? Was it the same for all of you?" Mike asked.

"Yes, all of our tales are born from the power of faith as well," Alice replied and continued her explanation.

"Below the god tales are the monarchs, who command the low-level tales. Then there are the dukes, earls, counts, and barons. After them come the rare tales, and at the bottom of this hierarchy are the common tales. These are tales from ordinary people, and they are highly susceptible to becoming damned if their stories are forgotten," Alice explained.

"All was good and bright until the god tales decided to alter the fate of the tales, nya," the black cat interjected.

"That's right. The god tales have been manipulating the tales. When they believe that a tale has the potential to become their equal or might interfere with their plans, they will do everything in their power to eliminate that tale. That's why the exiled came into existence. And that's why we have gathered here today," Alice continued.

"We don't want to be controlled or manipulated by the god tales when we die, Mike. We have already suffered enough in this material world. We want to live a life of leisure when we become tales ourselves," Rika said, fidgeting her hands on the table.

"So, what is it, Mike? Will you help us or not?" Alice asked sternly. Her gaze pierced through Mike, conveying the weight of their agenda.

"I..." He began, his mind racing as he grappled with the decision. He racked his brains and carefully considered his options before reaching a conclusion.

"Will I risk my life to save my afterlife? Or will I resign myself to mediocrity and potentially be damned once I die?" Mike thought to himself.

His heart raced, and his hands grew cold. Things had taken an unexpected turn. Mike had not anticipated hearing this information before coming here.

"What's your plan?" Mike asked. Alice smirked and nodded at the cat, signaling for him to speak.

"In order for us to stand a chance against the god tales, nya, we need to strengthen ourselves first," stated the cat.

"The number of damned in the city has been increasing. We can harness some of their power to enhance our own," Alice said.

"That's right, nya. While they may be enemies of the god tales, they're not necessarily our allies either, nya," the cat added.

"Kaiba is in charge of tracking the damned. His tale was a great help in locating that damned wolf creature back at school," Alice began.

"Rika and I will be the ones doing the fighting, and hopefully, you'll join us as well if you decide to join," she added.

"What about the cat?" Mike asked, looking at the black cat as it licked its paws.

"That's Teacher Cat for you, nya," the cat replied.

"Teacher Cat is responsible for gathering intel. He's quite skilled at it," Alice responded. "So, what's your decision, Mike? Are you in?"

"What do you think, Baldur?" Mike asked, turning his attention to Baldur. He was partially convinced by their cause, but he still had some reservations. His cautious nature prevented him from diving headfirst into something uncertain.

"I believe their plan is plausible, to say the least. However, we need to proceed with stealth to avoid drawing the attention of the god tales. If the population of the damned were to suddenly decrease, it would surely attract their notice. It's fine if you decide to join them, as our goals are aligned from the start. Just make sure to advise them to exercise caution and avoid attracting too much attention. Also, ask them about their tales. I don't mind being known to others, but please refrain from mentioning my name," Baldur explained.

Mike nodded, taking in Baldur's words. He then turned to Alice with determination and said,

"Before I give you my answer, tell me about your tales. I already know the cat's and yours, so just Kaiba and Rika."

Alice paused for a moment and then responded, "Tell us about yours first. Since you already know the tales of half of us, isn't it time you share yours?"

"The Prince Exiled by the Heavens. That's my tale. Now, tell me about yours," Mike replied sternly and directed his gaze towards Rika.

"If he's your tale, then I'm sure he knows about mine. Does the title 'The Tricked Woman' sound familiar to you?" Rika asked.

Baldur's eyes widened as he heard what Rika said. His face turned red, and his brow furrowed in anger.

"She's the original god tale who agreed to the verdict. What is she doing here?" Baldur exclaimed.

"A god tale?" Mike said summoning his sword. Alice and Teacher Cat swiftly stood up, positioning themselves between Mike and Rika.

"The real one. What your tale saw in that palace was her, you could call it, her twin sister. Her shapeshifting ability was so refined that she could even deceive the gods and impersonate my tale," Rika explained.

As Mike listened to her explanation, he slowly lowered his weapon and took a seat. Alice and Teacher Cat followed suit, returning to their chairs.

"She fabricated a story and accused my tale of stealing her appearance and deceiving the gods. My tale was defenseless and faced punishment. She became an exile and was named 'She Who Betrayed God'," Rika continued.

"And you?" Mike glanced at Kaiba, signaling that it was his turn to speak.

"The Spear of the One-Eyed Wizard," Kaiba replied.

"The One-Eyed Wizard was also a god tale. What is happening here? Why are there connections to the god tales that exiled me?" Baldur exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"You're also connected to the god tales?" Mike asked.

"You could say that. Well, before they exiled my tale, the One-Eyed Wizard just wasn't satisfied and decided to find a new plaything," Kaiba explained.

"Now that you know about our tales, Mike, I believe you'll join our cause, right?" Alice asked.

Her patience was wearing thin as Mike seemed lost in deep thought once again. She couldn't understand why it was so difficult for this newcomer, Mike, to grasp the importance of fighting for their lives in this world and the next. Why couldn't he simply accept it and help them?

After some time contemplating, Mike looked at Alice and said,

"I'm in."

The team grinned with joy as Mike finally uttered the words they had longed to hear.

"Now that he's in, I'm off, nya," the cat said, leaping onto the table.

"I'll be back tomorrow, and I hope to see you then, nya," he added, looking at Mike before leaving the cafe through the front door.

"I'm also heading out. I'll text you if I come across any more damned," Kaiba announced, standing up and waving goodbye to Alice as he made his way to the backdoor.

"You're also from Kaminari Academy, right? If you ever have any problems with your tale or anything else, feel free to come find us," Alice began. "And oh, be sure to come back here tomorrow. We'll have our first gig then."

"And make sure to visit the library more often. Let's hang out sometime. I can introduce you to some new friends as well. I noticed it was just you and the other guy all day long. Okay, Mike?" Rika added.

With that, Rika and Alice stood up and made their way to the backdoor. They waved goodbye to Mike before mysteriously disappearing into thin air.

Mike sat there for a moment, allowing everything that had transpired to sink in. He contemplated the path he had chosen and the new role he would play.

"I suppose in addition to being a ghost student, I'll also become a sword-wielding host, huh?" he chuckled to himself.

With a sense of determination and a hint of excitement, Mike left the cafe and made his way back home.