
Tales of Mankind

Michael, commonly known as Mike, is a 19-year-old university freshman at Kaminari Academy. He is an orphan and has grown accustomed to a solitary life. An intellectual yet indifferent person, he prefers to maintain a low-key identity. Unbeknownst to him, fate has a different plan for this indifferent young man, as he becomes a host for an exiled tale. These tales are mystical entities created from the solidification of a person's story and experiences, personifying history itself. Now, bearing this great power, Mike must learn how to utilize his newfound abilities as strange enemies start to appear around him. Join Mike as he embarks on this strange yet exciting new adventure!

sylverlight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
46 Chs


Osaka, Japan

Mori's Residence

February 16, 2020

On this gloomy afternoon, Kaiba sat at the rustic dining table inside an old shack nestled on the mountainside. The wind whispered through the creaky walls, and the sound of distant rain added to the melancholy ambiance. However, a small glimmer of joy brightened Kaiba's eyes as he spotted a lone black cat gracefully strolling across the overgrown front yard.

He felt an immediate connection to the feline and couldn't resist calling out with a soft, inviting whistle. To his delight, the cat perked up its ears, its inquisitive gaze locking onto Kaiba's. In a swift response, the black cat darted toward him, its tiny paws making soft thuds against the wooden floor.

"Hey there, little one. Where did you come from?" Kaiba said, his voice gentle and welcoming. He reached out to the cat, and it nuzzled against his hand, seeking comfort.

"Happy birthday to us, little kitten," Kaiba whispered warmly as he lifted the cat into his arms. He pressed his nose gently against the cat's cold, wet nose, and a playful smile danced across his lips.

"Meow," the cat responded affectionately, showing its appreciation with a tender lick on Kaiba's cheek. The simple gesture sent a surge of warmth through Kaiba's heart, filling the void left by his parents' absence.

Gently placing the cat back down, Kaiba reached into his bag, retrieving a small, delicately decorated cupcake. The sweet treat was adorned with a single candle that flickered with each passing breath of wind. He carefully placed it on the table before them, a symbol of celebration and companionship on this lonely day.

"Look what I have for us, a birthday cupcake!" Kaiba said, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I know it might be a bit strange to celebrate like this, but I have a feeling you understand me, don't you?"

The cat tilted its head, seemingly as if it comprehended every word Kaiba uttered.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor, Kaiba watched as the cat curiously sniffed at the cupcake. With a mischievous grin, he lit the candle, the soft glow illuminating the dim interior of the shack. Together, they gazed at the flickering light, a moment of quiet connection shared between a boy and his newfound feline friend.

As the black cat continued to explore its surroundings, Kaiba found himself opening up to this little creature, sharing stories about his past, his dreams, and the deep sense of loss he carried within. The cat listened intently, occasionally meowing as if to offer reassurance.

"You know, I used to have a family, but they're not here anymore," Kaiba said softly, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I miss them a lot, but having you here somehow makes me feel a little less alone."

The cat sat still, its bright eyes fixed on Kaiba as if understanding every word he spoke. It purred softly, its comforting vibrations resonating through the air, as if to say, "You're not alone now."

From that day forward, the shack on the mountainside became their sanctuary, their secret world where Kaiba and the black cat forged an unbreakable bond. They spent their days exploring the rugged terrain, chasing each other among the trees, and lying side by side under the pale moonlight, sharing stories whispered into the night.

The black cat seemed to have a mysterious air about it, as if it carried ancient wisdom within its soul. Kaiba often wondered about the cat's origins and how it had ended up as a stray. He imagined it might have a tale as tragic as his own, and that was why they understood each other so well.

As time passed, the cat's presence became a source of healing for Kaiba. The burden of grief he carried began to lighten, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and resilience. The mountains, once a lonely and desolate place, now felt alive with the joyous laughter of a boy and the playful antics of his feline companion.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Kaiba and the cat sat side by side, their gazes fixed on the breathtaking panorama before them.

"Do you think my parents can see this beautiful sunset from wherever they are?" Kaiba mused, his voice filled with a mix of longing and curiosity.

The black cat nudged against his leg, as if offering comfort and understanding. Kaiba smiled, taking solace in the thought that, perhaps, his parents were watching over him, just as he watched over his newfound friend.

As seasons changed and months rolled by, Kaiba and the black cat's bond deepened further. They faced both triumphs and challenges together, drawing strength from each other's presence. The shack transformed into a cozy home, adorned with mementos of their adventures—a collection of rocks, leaves, and feathers that held sentimental value only they could understand.

Two years had passed since that fateful meeting on the mountainside, and the bond between Kaiba and the black cat had grown stronger with each passing day. They had become inseparable companions, sharing laughter, adventures, and moments of solace.

But on this particular day, a heavy weight hung in the air, as if the mountains themselves sensed the impending sorrow. Kaiba sat on his front yard, the grass soft beneath him, but his heart felt heavy with an inexplicable sense of loss.

As tears streamed down his cheeks, he turned to the black cat, seeking comfort in its familiar presence. He embraced the cat tightly, the warmth of their connection offering a fleeting respite from the pain he felt.

But this time, the cat remained still, not offering its usual response of meowing or licking his face. Its silence pierced Kaiba's heart like an arrow, leaving him feeling even more vulnerable and alone.

"Why do you have to leave me so soon, little kitten?" Kaiba's voice broke, choked with emotion, as if pleading for an answer that he knew he would not receive.

As if on cue, the rain started to pour down, mirroring the torrent of emotions within Kaiba. The raindrops mingled with his tears, soaking everything around them. Nature itself seemed to mourn the impending loss, as if it understood the profound bond that was about to be broken.

Kaiba held the black cat close, cherishing every moment, as if trying to etch the memory of their togetherness into his very soul. The cat, though silent, radiated a sense of peace, as if it knew its time was coming to an end.

As the rain intensified, Kaiba whispered words of love and gratitude to the cat, recounting all the joy and companionship they had shared.

"Thank you. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for being the sunshine in my darkest days. And thank you for teaching me how to open my heart again,"

In that raw moment of vulnerability, Kaiba found solace in expressing his emotions, knowing that the black cat understood him in a way no one else could. The weight of grief felt momentarily lighter, as if the cat's presence was still a guiding force even in its silence.

Hours passed, and the rain finally subsided, leaving behind a misty landscape bathed in the soft light of the setting sun. The black cat nestled closer to Kaiba, as if seeking reassurance that everything would be alright.

Kaiba held onto that moment, treasuring the precious time they had left. As the night fell, he carried the cat inside the shack, keeping it warm and comfortable. He stayed by its side, whispering tender words and recalling the memories they had created together.

As the first light of dawn broke through the horizon, the black cat took its final breath, its life force gently slipping away. Kaiba wept, but he knew that the cat's spirit would forever be a part of him, guiding him like a guardian angel.

Kaiba carefully wrapped the lifeless body of the black cat in the soft, white cloth he had used so many times before to dry the cat's fur after their daily showers together. Each fold of the cloth brought back memories of their shared moments, making the pain of loss even more acute.

As he gently cradled the cat's body in his arms, Kaiba's tears flowed uncontrollably. He tried to hold back the torrent of emotions, but they rushed forth like a waterfall, unstoppable and overwhelming.

"I never thought we would say our goodbyes like this, little one," Kaiba choked on his words, his voice breaking with grief. "You were my confidante, my comfort, and my closest friend. How can I bear to let you go?"

The shack that had once been their sanctuary now felt empty, devoid of the lively spirit that had filled it with warmth and joy. Kaiba couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loneliness, as if a part of him had been torn away.

He found solace in the memories they had created together—the playful chases through the mountain trails, the quiet moments of shared understanding, and the simple joy of having each other's company.

Kaiba carefully dug a small grave in the yard, a final resting place for his dear friend. With trembling hands, he lowered the wrapped body into the earth, as if letting go of a piece of his own soul.

Just as he was about to bury his friend, a blinding light suddenly glowed out of nowhere. Kaiba shielded his eyes from the sudden brilliance, squinting to make out the source of the light.

"Will you be my host?"