
Tales of kings

civilizations rise ,society divides ,wars spreads . a full historical documentary and story of the fictional world of terra . Indulge into fantasy adventure with unique and individual characters with outline on events such as war and unifications of empires

menchen_uberra · Fantasy
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tribes of elluir

The world was built by fire and blood as the gods cinder in dying flames ,civilizations rise and fall ,when the world was born anew ,the tribes of men spread like water to a bowl ,like the bog men of the marsh land ,the riders of the east and ,the mountain men above north . The tribes of men was scattered by fierce conflict by nature and by itself , men who stayed in the Forrest like the bog men was preyed upon by the men who cultivated the vast land of the west or what they call elluir ,due to there openness and there will to expand ,they have vastly out progress the men of the marsh lands who stayed to within nature and clinging to they're tradition .

A huge man in a chairs sits at his masculine physic radiates around the room full of silent men ,the huge man shout's "where is my DAUGHTER!!!?" ,a man with a stuttering voice replies "you're grace ..um we found out that she was taken by the bog men " the group of men whispers to each others ears ,the huge man swings his axe at the middle of the grand table breaking in half, the room fell into silence and the huge man rises with his axe and announces "call all able bodied men ,where going to war" the men replies in there synchronizing voices "yes ,lord arkayim " lord arkayim shouts "Now!!!!!".

In far south lays a life less dessert ,but out of the melting seas of sand, there is a market place at the horn of south ,along the desserts of akbar ,a man rides a camel rides to a akbari market place ,he puts his camel near a stable , he walks around the market place and saw the big tent with two men guarding the entrance , he walks inside the tent and was greeted by a hooded man with a golden curved sword "oh what bring you here namurrian ? The man replies "how could you tell ?" the hooded man answers "your clothes are embodied by gold and colored by that dye " the man replies "oh that is the famous namurrian blue ,it is only found on our kingdom " the hooded man questions him "ok what is that you want , speak quickly before I personally cut your tongue " the man answers " you're grace the kingdom of nammmur will be building a tomb near the nammur river which give life to our life less domain to honor our gods , we would like to purchase some slaves" the nammurian man steps closer and presents a bag full of gold ,the hooded man was surprised and said "you have your self a deal ,come with me" the two walked out of the tent ,the hooded man points at the incoming caravans and said "this will be your slaves, savages form north we had some trading agreement with some kingdoms of the northern region ,we come to their flat and fertile land for food and fur for exchange of gold and spices ,they have this what they call bog men ,they are savages according to the other northern kingdoms", as the two was observing the caravans a couple of slaves from the marsh land was kicked out of the carriage ,they where all in chains, a young slave girl bit the slaver's neck a soon as she was out of the carriage ,she tried to run but was pulled back by the chains on her hand and neck, the hooded man says to the nammurian man "as you can see they are nothing but savages ".

The lord of the men of elluir ,lord arkayim ,the men ready their spears and shields while the women say their goodbyes to their husbands ,the messenger came to arkayim and announces "my lord, the mercenary has come to aid us for gold", arkayim looked at the messenger and said "let them in" , five armed men came to the room ,arkayim observes them and asked "where are you cut throats from " ,one of them says " we from the north ,we heard that you we're going to fight the bog men so we came here to fight just for some gold and food", arkayim ask them again "what kind weapons do you have ,and are there any more of you?" ,one of replies we have metal spears and skirmish weapons ,there are 20 of us the other men are out side with our master ", arkayim said to them " bring me to your master " ,the 5 men moved out of the hall and walked outside of the village ,arkayim was greeted by a man with long white hair he was sepus the white ,sepus bows down and greeted arkayim "your highness we are wondering adventurers aiding anyone for gold and glory" ,arkayim replies " you have such manners for a cut throats " sepus replies "of course my lord ,I'm at best with my words" ,arkayim was surprised by sepus 's sarcasm , arkayim asks him "our people has no money but we have land to give I will make you lord above a village north from here with a few land you can sell ,survive and you will lord of your own village ", sepus was surprised by this "hmm seams dangerous but I'm willing to pay the price .

A large group of men marches from the western part of the Forrest ,they have planed to besiege the wooden walls of the village ,the bog men screeches and shout out they're battle cry "a hæd 'kek aku" ,the tower guards saw the approaching bog men and sounded an alarm ,the bog men rushed to ram the village wall with a huge log ,arkayim was awoken and commanded his men to man the walls ,the village men poked the men with their spear and purred down burning hot oil ,and some of the bog men climb the wall and was cut down by the village men , the fighting continues on ,sepus and his men was camping out side of the village near the Forrest ,they saw the bog men attacking the village and setting the wooden wall around it on fire ,sepus commanded his men to aid them by striking afar , they move at the back of the Forrest ,some small group of bog men sees them and approaches to fight, the sepus and his men fought of the in coming bog men ,he pulls up his spear and smacks one bog men head and stomps on his head as he parries every attack of the two bog men around him but swiftly he killed them by pushing himself to the other then stabbing the other at the neck with his spear and swinging his spear to the other one, arkayim plunges his axe at a bog man's chest and shout "defend the gate!!" ,the village men pushed the gate closed while a few men and arkayim awaits at the back of them ,the bog men breaks the gate ,arkayim and his men faced them with there weapons arkayim swings his axe towards the group of bog men cutting of the head of the bog men in front of him, arkayim and his men has pushed by the continues waves of bog men ,sepus and his men rides with their horses and charged at the bog men outside the village wall ,one by one they put down any bog men on their sight ,sepus's men rained down javelins upon the bog men's ranks ,the bog men was pushed to the wall by sepus and his men, arkayim mowed the bog men like a blade thru a field .

Morning comes ,the burning village was peaceful once again, out of the distances lord akùr ,the lord of the mountain tribes ,lord akùr was riding with his men from the mountain lands above north of elliur ,sepus and his men was carrying a bog men that they have capture ,arkayim meets sepus at the village wall ,sepus greets arkayim "my lord ,we have caught one of the bog men ,he was one of those who retreated to the Forrest my lord" ,lord akùr arrived with his men ,he greeted them "lord arkayim I'm here my lord ,I have come here to aid you my lord" arkayim pulls him by his neck and slam him by the wall, akùr whimpered with a weak voice "calm down my lord ,I'm here to aid you with war against the bog men" ,arkayim shouts at his face as he choke akùr "how the hell did the bog men captured my daughter, what kind of husband are you to let your wife be captured " , akùr replies at a graspy voice while his hand as his neck desperately breathing "my lord ,your daughter was traveling to you and according to my men her carriage was attacked along the mountain pass by the bog men", arkayim puts him down and turned to sepus ,arkayim asked the bog man that sepus have captured "where is my daughter bog man ,speak up or I will have your skin flayed from your body " ,the bog man replies "damn you and your whore of a daughter ",the bog man hysterically laughs at arkayim's face ,arkayim grabs the bog man's head and slams it into the ground, he presses his foot to the bog man's face, the bog man desperately tries to breath as arkayim's foot presses his face onto the muddy ground ,arkayim lifts the bog man's head and said "my patience is limited you swamp dwelling pig" ,the bog man laughs and spits on arkayims face, arkayim grabs a daggers below his waste and stabs the bog man at his genitals , the bog screams on agony as he runs away with vowels of blood floods away from his pants , sepus ask "your grace, will he escape? " arkayim responded "he may die from that wound ,but follow him he might lead you to where the other bog men are hiding ,akùr clears his throat and said to arkayim "my lord, my men are ready to aid you in battle we had some skirmishes with the bog men so my men are distinct to the marsh lands ,we have also found that they crossing our borders by the river near our aligning borders north west from here", arkayim responded "I'm expecting you to bring me more men ,also bring me yourself ,I want to see you fight in the battle field , akùr replies "yes my lord, I will do my best to fight for our lands " ,akùr leaves the village with his guards at arkayim's command .