
Chapter 2

As soon as Alexa reached the training room there was nobody there. The lights were off and silence covers the space. She was about to take a sit to wait when she heard a noise from the other side of the room. She slowly walked to the middle of the room and grabbed her weapons.

"Is anybody there?" She asked while staring at the dark side of the room. She turned around as she heard footsteps behind her. "Show yourself!"

The lights suddenly opened after she yelled and a group of men in black ran towards her to attack her. She uses her shield to defend herself from their attacks. She disarms them by kicking them. She takes a quick look at her surrounding. Archers placed at the top of the bleachers, swordsmen continued to run towards her.

She grabbed the nearest arnis to use it as her weapon. Alexa runs towards the swordsmen and disarmed them using an arnis and her shield. When she noticed that one of them has a boomerang she steals it and aims it at one of the archers to disarm him.

Alexa continued attacking and defending herself until the swordsmen are all down. She then climbed the bleachers to get to the archers and take them down. After she takes down two of them two more are left. They are placed on both of her sides. They pointed their arrows at her.

Alexa takes a step back until she stepped on something. A boomerang, she attempted to pick up the boomerang when an arrow was released beside her. Alexa looked at both of the archers, trying to make a plan to take them down.

Alexa suddenly used her shield as a boomerang to attack the other archer. The last archer released a couple of arrows at her but she kept dodging them. She grabbed the boomerang and aimed it at the archer. As soon as the archer went down a horn sounded.

"Congratulations Alexa! You passed the sparing today." Alexa followed where the voice came from. She looked at him in shock. "This is sparing?" She asked. Wally nodded and patted her shoulder. Alexa was catching her breath but she still managed to talk. "But I wasn't ready."

Wally laughed as he signals her to walk with him. "You were ready Alexa, and that is one of the traits of a warrior. But at least you passed. And you're ready." He said and left her to escort the other warriors from the sparing.

As soon as Alexa gets home she immediately changed clothes and rested. "Alexa? Are you home?" Alexa came out of her room to find her mother. She roamed around her house until she found her in her storage room arranging some potions.

"Hey mom, need some help?" Alexa offered as she walks towards her mother. "Oh yes please," Ezotl said as she handed Alexa a box full of potion bottles.

She started stacking the empty bottles at the top shelf using a ladder. When she finished she placed the box in the corner of the room. She glanced at the other side of the room and saw a glowing potion. Alexa walked slowly towards it, she was about to grab it when her mother called her.

She headed to the kitchen where her mother is. "Yes, mom?" She asked. Ezotl smiled at her. "You better sleep early today my dear. You're going to help me get some ingredients for my brewing tomorrow remember?" She said as she continued sweeping the floor.

Alexa smiled and nodded. "Yes mom, good night." She said as she walks to her room.

"Good morning Ezotl! Good morning Alexa!" The neighbors greeted them as they walked through the town. "Good morning!" They both greeted back.

They both journey through the village to get to the forest. As they get to the forest they both stopped to get the ingredients they needed for brewing.

They searched every tree and bushes to find what they're looking for. As their baskets were about to be full Ezotl was looking for one last ingredient.

She roamed her eyes at her surrounding. "Oh, where is it?" She said as she looked around. Alexa, who is carrying a basket looked at her mother. "What is it, mother?" She asked.

"I'm missing one last ingredient. And it's an important one. Remember those purple leaves? They're called yulens, could you go and find it for me, dear? I'll be searching here." Ezotl said as she gestured for Alexa to go to the other side of the forest to search.

As Alexa walks her mother shouted. "And bring as many as you can if you find them!"

Alexa walked through the forest while looking at each tree and bush that she came across carefully. Hoping to find the yulens. As she continues walking she saw a bush with purple leaves. She excitedly ran towards the bush to get the leaves.

As Alexa gets to the bush she gets as many as she can and placed them carefully in her basket. As she was about to leave when she heard noises beyond the bush.

Out of curiosity, she gently walked towards the noise. She continued walking until she reached the barrier of the force shield covering Enchanita. She can't see clearly through the shield but she can see some blur silhouette of a man and a woman.

"They must be the moon warriors," Alexa whispered to herself. Her heart is filled with great joy, for it's her first time to see something beyond the shield, even though it's just a silhouette.

She was told that they were the great warriors of Pili when she was a child. But she always wondered why the mages didn't include them in the shield.

When Alexa remembered about the leaves she gently stepped back, trying not to make any noise. But she accidentally stepped on a stick that makes the two shadows look at the shield.

Alexa remained standing in there. "How odd, mages and the other warriors don't usually go to this place of their forest." A voice of a man said. "Ugh, maybe the magicians are doing one of their stupid brewing, finding some ingredients. So that they can strengthen their shield. To protect them." Said a woman and chuckles. "Such selfish little pests." She said as Alexa heard them walk away.

As they walked away Alexa was stunned from her position. She always wondered why the people of the moon weren't included in the shield but she never thought of it that way. It's the first time she heard someone saying something bad to her kind, and it hurts her.