
Tales Of Distortion

An 18 years old student Wrex walker's life ends in a mysterious manner while he was hearing weird voices in his head, but is that it? Just after he dies he learns it was all a mistake and gets to live another life in a different world, but this world has many secrets revolving him, will he be able to find them out? After all this, is he really just an ordinary 18 years old?

Star_saber · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Chapter - 05 New Faces

"Huh?…..What?…..Where am I ?"

Rayne thinks as he is lying down in a completely dark place, he stands up and looks around.

"Ohh no, pitch-black place, nothing can be seen as far as the eye can see.….I'm…..I'm…..I'm back at Gaia's!!!…....No wait....I didn't die…..wait my clothes are on."

He says in a panicky way, he looks down at his feet.

"Wa….water ? Is this the effect of the confusion..."

As Rayne is thinking, 2 enormous red glowing eyes begins to emerge from behind.

"Hmm? Who are you? How can you be here ?"

A voice that would strike fear to even the bravest of souls begins to speak as Rayne is standing still being paralyzed by fear.

"Hmph, you are afraid only by my voice and you dare to come to my SoulSea, who are you kid ?"

As the voice stops Rayne begins to feel his whole body once again and turns around, he looks up and says.

"I'm Rayne.....Rayne silver ."

"Silver ? Hahaha don't lie, those silver haired freaks have already died.....unless you are…..but you are a silver…..not a Fenix..."

The Eyes lit up even more as Rayne looks at them.

"Tell me the truth or you will die right here, right now, it's a bit her staying up all this time, I'm missing my nap time for you anyway.…"

The voice stops.

"I am telling the truth, my name is Rayne Silver and I don't have any idea what this place is I don't even know how I came here ."

"Stooooop lying, there is no way you can be a silver, you know why kid ?"

The voice shouts and suddenly a giant figure of a dragon appears in front of Rayne which makes Rayne go backwards and fall on his ass in fear.

"Because I'm the one who killed all of them ."

Fear spreads all over Rayne as he looks at the dragon's face, it's as dark as a clouded night with glowing red eyes as if a fire is burning inside each of them, it's horns are Spiked up all over so that no one can harm its jade-like skin which shines even in the darkness.

"Remember this face kid because this is the face of the Lord of all dragon kind, even the mightiest of warriors tremble in fear when they see this face and this is my SoulSea, I only allow one human in here and he is dead, so if you don't want to get killed then get the fuck outta here…"

The dragon tries to move forward, Rayne being scared closes his eyes, but the dragon stops as if it's been chained.

Rayne sees that and understands that situation......The dragon is chained by an unknown force in the darkness.

"Huh?….he..hehe you can't move any further can you?" Rayne says with a smug face.

"Hehehe, now where is your big dragon talk huh ?"

Rayne says while going back several steps in a blink of an eye with a smirk on his face.

"Oof thought I was gonna die."

Rayne thinks as the dragon begins to open it's mouth.

"You puny human dare to mock me!!! You will dieeeeeeee!!!"

It says as a ball of electricity begins to form inside its mouth, in just a second it shoots the ball of electricity towards Rayne.

"Ahhhhh you fucking maniaaaacc." Rayne shouts in his panicky voice.

Suddenly Rayne sits up in his bed while shouting the same words.

"Huh? What?"

He opens his eyes and see his mother, Bolard and a man with a weird moustache.


As soon as the sound comes out of his mouth Alicia hugs him.

"You're okay!!! You're okay thank the Gods ."

She looks at him.

"Never do anything dangerous like this again."

As she says that he looks at everyone while his mouth is still opened.

"And where did you learn that word....the....the one you just said." Alicia asks.

"Ahhhhhhh…", he looks at Bolard.

"Uncle Bolard!!", he says.

"Woa…..woa…woa…woahhh no….no….no…no I didn't I swear I didn't…"

Bolard begins to stutter while looking at Alicia with fear in his eyes, as Alicia looks at Bolard with almost with a killing intent.

"Wait wait wait how much are you gonna hit him, you wanna kill him or something, look at him he is already in a broken shape from the last one and if in this age he breaks some bones than what…"

The man with the moustache says as Rayne looks at Bolard once again, he is bandaged all over his head only his mouth and eyes are not bandaged.

"Woah what happened to him?" Rayne thinks.

"Hey are you saying I'm old…", Bolard says while looking at the guy with the moustache, the man looks at Bolard as well.

"Ohh yeah yeah yeah I mean what he is saying is true just think about it Alice please ." Bolard says with tears almost appearing in his eyes.


Rayne laughs, seeing him the others also begins to laugh.

"I'm relieved you are okay young man.", says the guy with a moustache.

"Ahhhhh…um…I can't remember who you are I'm sorry.", says Rayne.

"Well that's because you've never seen me before, tsk where're my manners lemme introduce myself first, I'm Langford Tanor one of your mom's friends from past, you can call me uncle Lang if you want."

"Ohhh nice to meet you, I'm Rayne...Rayne silver."

"Well yeah I know that very well, I also know that you took down 3 Shadow Nymph Wolves and one Shadow Nymph Ravager, which at your age is something that is called extraordinary. You know the Ravager is….well was a dangerous beast which is born once in every 10 years and the one you took down was at least 70 years old unfortunately you were unconscious maybe because of exhaustion, so can you tell me how exactly were you able to kill them?"

As Lang says that Alicia steps in.

"That's enough!!!! My son is hurt and tired I can't let you guys….."


Rayne stops her.

"It's okay I'm perfectly fine don't worry...…as for uncle Lang, I've learned a new skill, with the help of that I was able to kill it."

Everyone except Rayne, looks at each other.

"Skill you say…..and what skill might that be?"

"It's called Eye of The Night."

Listening to this everyone looks at everyone once again but this time with a face of confusion.

"You sure it's not Eye of The Day?", Lang asks.

"No I'm sure."

"Well that's something new." Lang says while sighing.

"Why what is it?", Rayne asks.

"Well you see Rayne the skill you just told us about as of now no one has ever able to learn it as it's only written in scrolls with ancient language which no one has ever able to decode till now, learning it by accident have never occurred as of now and the Eye of Day we just spoke of, only one person have ever able to learn it by accident, and that person is…." Lang looks at Alicia.


As he tries to say Alicia stops him by saying.

"He's not dead…"

"Come on Alicia you know…" Lang tries to say something again but gets interrupted by Alicia.

"Yeah I know….", she looks at Lang.

"I know he is alive....he can't die not like that…", as Alicia says that a drop of tear comes off her cheeks but before it could drop down Rayne goes and clears it off her cheek with his hand.

"Don't cry mom I know whoever this guy you are talking about is alive I'm sure about it.", Rayne says with a smile, this makes Alicia hold his hands.

"Yes he is." she says.

"Hey mom..."

Rayne looks at Alicia.

"Who is the man you guys are talking about ? you never told me, as he learned a skill similar like me then I have to do what he did to control it right ? who is he mom ?"

Alicia looks down for a moment but looks up soon enough, "He is the strongest being in the whole Novaria, his name is...Grey Fenix."

The word Fenix left Rayne in shock.

"Fenix ? It is the same surname the dragon was talking about, and.....and the strongest being in whole Novaria ? What !", he thinks, while many others thoughts come to his mind....but somewhere in his heart he had this urge to meet with this Fenix that he can't contain.