

"Evil?" Shen Xiu muttered, looking at the face of Ren.

The young man shrugged his shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"Evil and rotten to the core, That's the way all of you from the Sacred family are," Ren said, "No exceptions, I feel like all of you learned that from Shen Yue though, I mean his evilness is on an entirely different cliff,"

Shen Yue turned his eyes to Ren but Ren refused to look him in the eyes.

"There are a lot of Commoners IN THIS CLASS with the potential to surpass even you, Look at you, With the vast resources of the Sacred Family, You're still silver and not only that, But a THREE STAR spiritualist," Ren stated without fear, He didn't care what the Sacred Family would do to him if they heard about this, He would throw Black Flashes at them.

Ren then stood on his table, letting the rays of the sun bounce off his face as he smiled at Shen Xiu.

"Sooner or Later, You'll see, I'll become the world's greatest demon spiritualist," Ren said with folded arms, "And then I'll kick your Sacred ass,"

'Wow, that line made a whole lot of sense,' Ren thought as he came down from the table and stood on the ground, "And then perhaps I'll have a harem of beautiful women, From all around Glory city,"

'Come on, I'm not going to be simple-minded like Nie Li! Why have one when you can have ten or twenty? All's fair in love and war,' Ren thought.

Shen Xiu scoffed while everyone looked at Ren with surprised eyes, He had made a lot of bold statements in four sentences and the part about the Harem made it all the more surprising... A commoner wanting a Harem? That was unbelievable.

"That is the funniest joke I ever heard," A Noble said with a chuckle.

"The greatest Demon Spiritualist of the city, with a mere soul force of 8. He must be delusional," Another Noble said.

"Fighters and Demon Spiritualists are divided into Bronze, Silver, Gold, Black Gold and Legend ranks. The higher the rank, the more powerful one is. If a family produces a Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become an aristocratic family. If a family produced a Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualist, they can become a Noble family. If a family produces three Black Gold rank Demon Spiritualists or a Legend rank Demon Spiritualist, that family can become a Major family. We have thirty-six people here. Some come from commoner families, some come from noble families. Although your starng point is the same, your idenes are not. I hope each and every one of you has self-awareness and a degree of manners. Commoners will always remain commoners. It's impossible for you to become an Aristocratic family, so do not dream of rising up to become a phoenix. Even within nobility, they have a strict difference of levels that can never be exceeded, Lord Ye Mo had already reached Gold rank at your age so if your soul is a drop of water, Then the soul of Lord Ye Mo is vast endless ocean, Even in a lifetime, You will never be able to reach such great heights," Shen Xiu said with a dominating smile.

"I will, No sweat but you... You'll be stuck in gold rank for the rest of your eternity," Ren said, "Your cultivation path will be your demise and your pride, It wil lead to even more down the road to power,"

Shen Xiu restrained herself, she wanted to silence the Young man.

'I can always send other people from the family to do it,' Shen Xiu thought and calmed herself down.

"Now that I've shown you how vast the difference is, It is better to seize the time when you can still be free, You better take your time studying then when you graduate, perhaps you will reach a Soul force of 30 when the exam starts," Shen Xiu said, causing laughter to erupt from the class.

Ren, his being literally oozing with defiance put an arm on his waist.

"So you say Innate talent determines one future? What a bunch of crap," Ren said, "Even a Horned sheep can beat a Snow wind demon beast with a little bit of determination,"

Shen Xiu's eyes widened.

"Teacher Shen Xiu, If you do not believe, Then let us make a bet," Ren said, extending his arm forward and licking his lips, "Let's bet on the exam in two months, If I turn Bronze rank and have a soul force of 150 then... You'll become the first edition of my wonderful harem as well as submit a resignation letter but If I can't enter the Bronze rank and have a soul force of 150, Then Teacher Shen Xiu, You are free to do whatever you want with me!"

Ren's declaration stirred the attention of everyone in the class, Shen Xiu narrowed her eyes at Ren and smirked.

"So funny, A commoner with a red soul realm thinks he can gain a Soul force of 150 in a span of 2 months," Shen Xiu said.

"It's none of your business, If you have the courage to lose to a student, Go ahead," Ren said with a smirk.

"Insolent brat, If I give you 2 months, Your soul force will enter 150?... I accept but you will receive a punishment for being disrespectful for your teacher," Shen Xiu said.

There was absolutely no way that Ren with a red soul realm would be able to enter the Bronze rank in a span of 2 months nevertheless have a Soul force of 150! It was absolutely impossible!

Du Ze, Lu Piao and Nie Li looked at Ren who put his hands into his pockets and smirked.

'She won't believe it when I do so,' Ren thought with a shrug.

"Your punishment is to stand still by the wall and listen to lessons for 2 months until the exam starts," Shen Xiu said with folded arms.

"2 months to turn Bronze? Maybe he can reach Legend in those 2 months?" A pink haired boy said and erupted with laughter.

Ren walked to the wall and leaned on it.

"Oh, You believe I can become a legend, What good intuition," Ren said with a smile and the boy stopped laughing.

Shen Yue rolled his eyes.

Du Ze looked at Ren with watery eyes.

'He's a commoner, In the same place as us. The rest of us didn't stand up to her but he did, He defended our rights,' Du Ze thought and stood up, 'The other nobles laugh at him... How can I sit here?'

He stood up and walked to Ren, standing beside him. Two other boys stood beside Ren after Du Ze came along.

"Lu Piao? Nie Li?" Ren asked, He knew Lu Piao would come but Nie Li? That was surely unexpected.

"My body feels sore while I'm sitting," Lu Piao gave his excuse and Nie Li looked at Ren with watery eyes.

"Brother, Your speech... The way you stood up to Teacher Shen Xiu, I admire you for that and I shall support you," Nie Li said with a smile as he stood beside Lu Piao.

'Nie Li is such a nice person,' Ren thought, 'Too bad I'll be taking Ye Ziyun from him,'

"If those people want to stand, Then let them stand," Shen Xiu said.

A brown haired boy stood up.

"Hey, That guy is being punished for talking about Commoners. No, We can't stay here," The brown haired boy said to his seatmate.

A Blond haired commoner looked at him.

"Seems like someone reliable," He muttered and stood up as well, making his way to Ren.

"I can't stand this teacher," A red haired commoner said, his red eyes as blazing as his passion, "Let me go with Ren Kato,"

And before Ren knew it, He had supporters standing beside him at the wall.

'This is just getting more troublesome,' Ren thought, 'Might as well pass the time for the class,'

"Shop," Ren muttered causing Du Ze to look at him, not understanding what he had said.

A translucent golden screen appeared in front of Ren who looked at the screen with fervor.

[Welcome to the System Shop! There are three segments for this shop: The first segment is the recommended section with Items that the system has recommended to help with the growth of the Host although Host will have to pay for them.

The second segment is the medicinal section which is filled with pills, elixirs and drinks that the Host can buy for reasons.

The third segment is the discount section where Items are sold for discounts, Items in the discount section are changed at 12: 00 AM every morning]

Ren nodded to himself and stared at the first item on the Discount section, drool nearly dropping from his lips. He focused on the tab and eventually it popped up in front of him.

'Can't look like a crazy person in front of my followers?' Ren thought.

[Name: Slave Mark

Description: A single use technique that is drawn on the body of the victim with Yin energy, After drawing this on the body of the victim, He / She will start to see you as their master and never disobey your orders.

Quality: God

Cost: 25 SC

Purchase Item 'Slave Mark'

Y / N]

Ren knew that this technique was fit for his plans against Shen Xiu especially since she was annoying him a lot... He focused on the Y tab and instantly the purchase was made.

The System Coin bar on the top right started dropping and stopped at 75 SC causing him to wince a bit but the technique was his now and he was going to use it but it was not going to be now... He wouldn't be able to come close to Shen Xiu, maybe after the bet?

Another scroll flew to Shen Xiu's hand and she grabbed it, opening it and pacing around the Teacher's podium.

"Among all the students, Ye Ziyun has reached 86 soul points with Shen Yue and Xiao Ning'er having 78 soul points. Soon they will reach 100 and become bronze rank spiritualists, Congratulations," Shen Xiu said.

To Ren, It didn't matter. With the memories of Nie Li combined with the memories he had of watching Tales Of Demons and Gods as well as reading the manga and even the novel, He knew the things to do and the things to not do.

Shen Yue stared up in pride.

"Undoubtedly Shen Yue is the genius of the Sacred Family," A girl next to him said with a blush.

"His talent is good though," Ren commented earning a slight frown from Du Ze.

"We know," Du Ze said, "But it's because he's from the Sacred Family, He has access to resources that can increase his aptitude and a mere two months will be enough for him to enter the Bronze Stage,"

Ren looked at Du Ze.

"Brother, Why must you be so... Envious? I mean I'd hate being born a member of the Sacred Family," Ren said with a frown, "They're just a clan filled with scumbags,"

Shen Yue's eyes shook as he looked at Ren with hatred.

'I'll send my goons after him and then we'll see the look on his face,' Shen Yue thought.

"We are commoners, Be prideful about that, Nobles and Nobles and Commoners and Commoners," Ren said, "Besides, You have a Yellow realm so I don't want to hear complaints, I and Nie Li have red realms,"

Du Ze and the others looked like Ren.

"But, that doesn't mean we can't become great Demon Spiritualists, We have to push ourselves," Ren said, encouragement seeping into his voice.

Ren then shifted his focus from his subordinates, ahem Brothers and then looked at Xiao Ning'er.

'Xiao Ning'er, The brightest star out of our year but she has to marry Shen Fei because of the decline of the Winged Dragon family,' Ren thought and eyed her features, For being 15 like him, She had amazing boobs and a nice ass... He turned to Nie Li and then sighed, 'The future Nie Li is obsessed with Ye Ziyun so much that he didn't even reciprocate her feelings... He was such an idiot but I... the god of Harem will not overlook this!'

"Brother, Why are you looking at me?" Nie Li asked.

"Nothing," Ren replied, "Just thinking of how we can get out of this class, It's becoming boring,"

"While looking at Xiao Ning'er?" Lu Piao asked with a questioning gaze.

"Nah bro, I was observing her... features," Ren replied with a crazy smile, one that depicted his pride at being a pervert.

Xiao Ning'er upon hearing him turned to Ren and was met with an emotionless gaze, causing her to turn back.

Everything they had been talking about had been heard by everyone in the class.


Author's Note:

Power stones!

Next chapter