
An apology from Author

Hello readers,

WritingDreams here. Well, as you can guess from the title no mass release tomorrow (cause of a time difference for me the month I mentioned ends tomorrow). Yeah, I realise I got all of your hopes up and did exactly what I wanted to avoid in the first place, by not meeting the deadline.

Unfortunately, I first got sick for half a month and then one thing after another happened in my family that kinda of threw me off my great path of writing this novel. Aside from the third of the volume 3 I wrote before getting sick I barely wrote anything. My life calmed down now more or less so I hope to get back into writing the novel, but I would rather not give you a deadline only to not meet it again. I will keep writing the volume and post it once I finish it.

I apologise for not meeting your expectations and I am grateful for your understanding and patience.

Just a note for those who will surely raise the question: no the novel is not dropped. It never will be. I am still writing it, just maybe not as quickly as desired.

Thank you and kind regards,
