
Tales of Demons And Gods :Divine Kingdom! (Hiatus)

A young man is reincarnated as Shen Yue in Tales of Demons and Gods, betrayed by his new family he is determined to survive and claim what is rightfully his. Shen Yue declares "No matter what means you have Shen Xiu, Shen Fei, and Shen Feng I will defeat them all!" To the Shen family and to his future enemy Nie Lie: "All actions have a cause and effect the consequences of actions and choices are called Karma and you shall surely have yours." Observe Shen Yue's Journey in this world of Demons and Gods. The schedule is every  Saturday and Sunday at 6 pm EST. https://discord.gg/JzyCkr4Vb5 Join the discord server to discuss the book with author-Kun and chat with your fellow readers.

BlackKingJade · Book&Literature
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32 Chs

Chapter 5

Shen Xiu sighed briefly before talking; it was time for the acting to begin first start with Shen Xuan. She looked him in the eye before rubbing his head effectionaly taking in his obviously downcast expression.

"Why can't father stay with us? It was much more fun than that cultivation thing right?" Asked Shen Xuan, to his second "Mother".

"You are right Xuaner, everyone, one of you is funner than cultivation but your father needs to work hard to protect us from bad guys and from losing our status inorder to keep it. "Shen Xiu replied, continuing her Oscar worthy performance she once again opened her mouth.

"He needs to keep cultivating and is depending on all of you to become worthy of the Sacred family name.

As High nobles there is a reason why we are far above commoners that correct Shen Fei?" She asked confidently knowing that the years she spent "shaping" her image was working and in fact planned to make Shen Fei more closed from reality through his maids.

Shen Yue was observing this and had calmed down, no longer freaking out but he wasn't blind to what she was doing. It was basic and simple indoctrination.

"It's because we pay the most, that we are better than them. From the moment we are born we have to feel this pain that these commoners can blissfully ignore and while we fight to protect the land they serve us in return.

It's natural for the weak to serve us to avoid the pain of the strong and that is why we have this authority, that is why we can be arrogant, it's because we deserve it." Spoke Shen Fei with some affection being eloquent but only him, Shen Xiu, and Shen Ming knew that those words weren't his.

This sparked both pride and sadness in the hearts of Shen Fei's siblings but for Shen Yue there was something more in that statement that made him deeply wonder about something.

`"How did he go from this, to the: ignorant, selfish, lustful, and cruel man he was in the future? Did Shen Xiu really have that much of an impact or was it something else that triggered it?

Questions for later I need to be more cautious and must study carefully in the future. It looks like I don't only have to watch out for Nie Lie."` Thought Shen Yue before glancing at Shen Xiu with the same eyes as everyone else.

Shen Xiu inwardly smirked when She saw Shen Yue's eyes and recalled that Shen Yue never knew he was going to meet his father until today.

`"Looks like he was more nervous of me than normal, but for what reason? Was it puberty?" Thought Shen Xiu before speaking up once more.

"In 6 months we will be having a secret trip to a very fun place. If I do say some myself this will be one of the best places you have ever been too.

Make sure to let your mother know, and Shen Yue you can decide yourself if you want to come with us or not." She Announced

Seeing the others nod she left her seat and with her meal already finished she walked off with a small sway in her hips to prepare for the following stages in the meanwhile each of the children left one by one with Shen Yue being one of the first to leave.

5 minutes later Shen Yue arrived at his room and walked in before closing the door with slightly heavier thoughts.

"I need to train but I don't know what to do and although hard I am part of the Sacred family so why not make use of it.

For all my pre knowledge, it will be useless if I mess up the timeline majorly andI don't believe I am strong enough to afford that and although some things will change to me existing I don't think that training would cause that big of a difference."

Tired from the day Shen Yue laid to rest not knowing how wrong he was with how things would change.

Waking up early in the morning, something that he did often in his previous life he began doing a slight warm up in his room.

`"Today is going to be a good and productive day. I don't know what needs to get done nor do I have a solid plan. But I know I need to be strong for whatever comes my way, and a good way to do so is to head over to the academy they have for all main and branch children.

While it's required for the branch children it's not required from the main family for reasons I don't understand."` Thought Shen Yue to himself smiling as he did a few jumping jacks.

After taking a cooldown walk, Shen Yue then started reading and as for meditation that was a bit too much for him at the moment and he would prefer to read the books he had instead so he spent the next 30 minutes going each one slowly.

Some of these books touched upon different educational topics like the meridian system, and some knowledge on inscriptions while others were just some fantasy ones to read for fun but to his disappointment the writing was shit and one of the worst of the books he read was called love in a thousand steps..

"What the hell, the main character despite having over 2 thousand mu of land and being the strongest and richest on the little red continent got slapped around by a crazy little girl; that's not only in love with the mc. But, has multiple marriage contracts to different people from questionable circumstances.

Not only that she also somehow got her abilities sealed away so now the mc has to fight everyone one of the dudes and their 7 generations of ancestors to find the ingredients to an antidote.

Then it turns out that the mc mixed up the herbs, causing him to transform his future wife into a man.

This really is love in a thousand steps but why is this in the sacred family library! And I am 100% sure this isn't one of the books I took with me from the library." Shen Yue ranted while roaring in grief about what he read unknowingly to him.

The servant who picked up the books slipped this in inorder to not have this book on his record but never found the chance to take it back.


But all this self talk and binge reading was just a way to temporarily cope with the situation.

~~"The best way to handle this is to stay calm and positive. Until I learn all the details I won't be able to tell if this is an AU or not.

What I need to do is blend in and also hang out with my siblings more so heading to school and playing games with them might help.

I also need to find toilet paper soon or it's equivalent."~~ Thought Shen Yue in his mind

After putting the book in the "needs to be destroyed with a fire pile." Shen Yue changed and got ready in informal school attire.

Once he was ready he stood near the door waiting for a servant to knock on the door.

`"According to my memories the servant should arrive right abou-"`

Knock. knock.knock.

Shen Yue's thoughts were interrupted by the knock on the door.

"You may enter." Spoke Shen Yue with a bit of haughtiness.

The Door opened revealing the servant on the other side, he had average looks and was well muscled standing temporarily taller than Shen Yue.

"Young master, today what would you like for breakfast?" Asked the head servant

"Steamed Buns, just send them to the family Academy since I have decided this morning to head there today. " Shen Yue said with a slight smile on his face.

might rerwite this one

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