
Chapter 0: Crying Under the Mountain Tops

-------------------------------------Tales of Calamity------------------------------------------------

In this dimly lit room a single candle rested between two figures. Their shadows danced along with the flame and the smoldering crackles it released overpowered the howls of the wind.

They were at the very top of a mountain glazed with ice. At this snow-capped peak, the wind's howls had a certain spite to them. Its cold tongues felt as if it could lick off chunks from your skin.

However, unperturbed by this disturbance were the two beings who sat within the hollowed out mountain.

"I believe you know why I summoned you over here, no?"

A woman's voice asked. It was frail, yet wise. Familiar with the marks of old age.

"No, not at all actually, Madame Rhys." He joked. "I can't imagine you'd call me all the way out to the peak of this mountain just to exchange old pleasantries."

"You know I'm not one for jokes." The lady retorted.

Before the conversation could get any further diluted, she spoke. "The coin has flipped."

The man froze. He wasn't moving initially, but even more so one could tell he froze.

The chills of the wind suddenly grew colder. How powerful must this woman be? With just one sentence, she had changed the temperature of the room.

If she were to say she was joking, it would immediately drop back down by a good 50 degrees.

The man eagerly awaited such a response. To no avail.

"Among you adventurers, are there still those who are able to perform the summoning ritual?"

"The quality of adventurers have dropped the last century. Nowadays there's only 12 platinum rank adventurers."

"I see...I trust they hold enough capability?"

"I don't suppose you are still able to perform the technique yourself, are you?"

The old lady sighed. "Unfortunately, with these seal placed over me, I'm no longer able to perform like how I used to. I fear trying it may ultimately weaken me."

His breath was still rigid, but he stood up. "I will..- I will start the necessary steps. Please do not over-exert yourself. Humanity will surely be victorious this time."

He began to chant some words, and from the top of the mountain, a giant blinding flash of light towered to the heavens.

So bright was such a light, that for a couple seconds, it seemed as if the entire world was illuminated.

With that one single flare, it signified the beginning of a new age. The era of calamity was once again upon them.

Many looked on at the light in confusion, others looked in amazement. However, there were a select few adventurers that saw the light and their face visibly grew stern.

These were adventurers nearing the levels of 90 and above. They had seen many battles and even slain dragons. However, that one light invoked a sense of terror and uncertainty in them that only manifested in their early days.

"Lord Nazazi... what is that light?!"

A child clung onto her staff curiously. The other four in her group also stared at the light wondering what it was.

Nazazi inspected the skies through his metal visor. His rusted knight's helm clanked with every slight motion he made. Aside from just a helm, he wore no other article of armor. In fact, the rest of his apparel were just simple garments.

His long sword rested on his back as he turned towards the light. "I see..."

He stood up and put out the camp-fire that they had all been resting at. They had only just had a chance to rest before traveling to their next mission. "It seems this is urgent. We shall be heading back to the capital at once."

"Huh?? But,Naz, we just finally rested. Can't we take a break for a little bit?!" Horen protested. The other 3 seemed to share the same sentiment.

Nazazi continued walking for a couple seconds, and upon realizing his team was not following him, he stopped.

"Keep in mind, we are still in the Forest of Tears. Your levels are all too weak to survive on your own should an attack manifest itself."

With that statement, he picked up his pace. This was enough to frighten the rest of his group and they very hurriedly matched his speed.

A man a woman sat by the campfire. They both dawned hooded robes and dressed entirely alike. The fire sat ablaze between the two of them as they ate the venison they had just caught.

Mid swallowing, the light illuminated both of them and the man almost choked on his food. "Shish, that brighght lighgdst."

"Oi, finish your food before you talk. Its disgusting."

He forcibly swallowed the rest of his food. "That light.. it couldn't be-"

His sister nodded. "Mhm. Emergency Summon."

"But they've never once performed an emergency summon before. It could only mean-"

"Mhm. An Era of Calamity is coming." She threw the rest of her venison in the fire. She had lost her appetite.

"Let's get some rest. We'll head back to the capital in the morning."

He nodded, finished his food, reached into the flame to grab hers and devour it as well. Truly ravenous.

"Hoi, Illim. You can't tell me you don't know about the Legends?"

"I haven't bothered looking into them. They are after-all, just legends."

Sero sighed and facepalmed. "I get that you are from the southern continent and all that, but you're a level 98 adventurer. There's no way you can't know of the story. I learned it at level 80!"

Illim's robe fluttered behind her as the light illuminated them both. "I have no interest in tales."

"Heh. You've heard of the 13 heroes right?"

Illim shook her head.



"Ah wait..." she suddenly exclaimed, putting a hand to her chin.

"Oh..no, actually never mind. Never heard of them."

Sero practically fell over upon hearing that. "Well, it seems that another calamity is about to happen. It would have to be on us platinum rank adventurers to stop it."

"By Calamity, do you mean to say something as powerful as the demon king?"

"Maybe even more powerful. Either way, its going to have massive effects on the world."

Illim sighed. "How troublesome. I want no part of it."

"Hey now, you can't just decide that. You'll be dragged in either way. Besides, you're the second strongest adventurer."

"I'm the highest level adventurer yes. But There's many different factors that play into winning a battle. My defense and vitality are severely lacking."

"It's like what Zexel said. I'm... s- squishy.." she instantly got gloomy upon remembering those harsh words. Sero suddenly perked up and tried his best to lighten up her mood with jokes. But to no avail.

The duo headed towards their destination, the capital city slowly, enshrouded by a tenebrific cloud hanging over Illim.

-------------------------------------Tales of Misfortune------------------------------------------------

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