
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs


"Shut the fuck up, Lucy."

Boy said loudly as he wiped his reddened cheek. With that sentence, I was now 100 percent sure who he was. He looked at other running boy and sighed. I felt my surrounding change. At the same time I heard yelling.

"Lies! Lies! You can't be. This is nothing but a small pebble compered to your sins!"

Looks like they weren't satisfied with what they saw.

"Hey, I understand but there is something called privacy. You can't go around looking at others memories."

Despite my protests I was at an another memory.

"Now, it is an apartment."

Again, it felt familiar. Even though I couldn't remember those memories, it seemed like they still were somewhere in my subconscious.

"He is a freak."

"Mother, he scares me. He always speaks to himself!"

Two young girls voice. Hearing them made me feel anxious. Like I had something stinging at my back. I probably knew the reason. I heard knocking. Walking at the source, I was met with the same body as before. He was taller and more muscular now. Maybe around 14 years old now? Since I haven't seen humans for around 2 months, my ability to understand those type of things were nearly gone. Boy wore a unhappy face. He probably heard what the girls were saying. It didn't take a genius to understand why he felt that way. The one they were talking about was him. He entered the room. Following him from back, I saw two young girls, slightly older than boy and one middle-aged woman. While three females looked like each other, they didn't resemble the boy.

"Here is the phone. I fixed it."

He handed one of the girls an old looking phone. She just snatched away. She immediately opened it and called someone.

"I will be going to boxing now."

He turned around and left. More he walked away from others, more muffled their voices became. But I understood that the girl who took the phone was going to meet with her boyfriend. I again followed him. Riding a bike, he went inside a rundown building. While I first thought he was getting into shady stuff but inside was remarkablely clean. Several dumbells and barbells were on floor and walls. Heavy bags with several different shapes were hanged from top. Several others were already training. He greeted them with short sentences. I watched as he calmly warmed up. He didn't seemed angry or upset. That was until he started to hit heavy bags. With one punch poor thing was sent to air. I saw his gritted teeth. A face convulsed with anger.

"Can't say this is a healty coping mechanism."

While it was not like he forgot his form and technique. But he was surely moving with anger. With Wrath. I gulped.

"Seems a little bit too familiar."

Considering he was probably me when I was still a human, it hit too close to home.

"Hey, time for padwork!"

An old, short man screamed with loudest voice I ever heard. Boy turned back to him.

"Yes, Coach!"

Despite his rough breathing his voice was loud and clear. That old man seemed tough despite his age and stature. He kept up with my human version. He even got him in several places.

"You always lower your guard after combos! Tighten your guard!"

He also kept screaming instruction to me. After round 15 rounds, they stopped.

"You monster! Even in my prime I didn't had this much stamina!"

He said as he slapped the boy. He gathered all the other boxers.

"Okay, we are closing! Who is on cleaning duty now?"

I lifted my hand.


He threw me keys.

"Tomorrow at 6! If anyone one of you fucker is late, I will skin you alive!"

Everyone nodded. Despite his serious tone, old man seemed to care about his pupils. Everyone except me left. He started to clean the gym. He talked with Lucy, time from time. It was mostly seemed like back and forth insulting. Even that felt similar. Tidying all around the gym, he left with his bike. It was night now. The road he rode his bike was poorly lit. Seeing a poorly lit place with not many people gave me not so good flashbacks. After riding the bike for 30 minutes, he arrived at the apartment in beginning. He used his own keys to answer.

"That bastard is here!"

"Father, punish him!"

"We should call the police!"

Boy seemed to be confused. Before he called his family, an overweight man came towards him.

"Father, what happen-"

With a loud noise he was slapped away. He held his cheek. His eyes were filled with not pain but confusion.

"You even dare to ask what happened, you little shit!"

Grabbing him from coller, man lifted him.

"You went and raped your sister, you fucking pervert!"

He slapped him again.

"I didn't do anything like that! What are you speak-"

He was thrown away by the man. He fell uncontrolablely and hit his head. Before he even tried to get up, a heavy kick was blown away in his stomach. Doubling over with pain, he tried to protect himself.

"I fed you! Gave you a shelter! What did you do!"

He screamed to boy who was trying to defend himself.

"You fucker!"

I swung my spear. It just passed though him. I swung it again and again, yet only thing I hit was air.

"Stop it!"

I screamed. I knew what this memory would lead. I knew what would happen it the end. Even with no memory, it was carved into my soul. I knew that a huge part of my personality was shaped in this event. Boy finally got his bearings and dodged the attacks.

"What happened! I didn't do anyth-"

His eyes caught one of his step-sisters. She was beaten down. She had several bruises all over her body. Her clothings were also torn. Her red eyes told the boy that she was crying for some time.

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