
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Beast of Calamity

This chapter contains mention of self harm.

(Passive skill Curse Resistance is acquired.)

I felt the stamina and magical energy drain slow down. I sighed in relief. I was hoping I would get it from first barghest I used Devourer.

"1 skill point to Regeneration, 2 to Curse Resistance."

(Regeneration became level 5.)

(Curse Resistance became level 3.)

My body was covered with wounds. While it wasn't something new, they didn't heal.

(Inhibit Healing.)

A skill barghests had besides curses. Because of that skill my healing slowed down considerably.

(Feeling regretful?)

I laughed.

"It is going to take more than some papercuts."

While they were painful, it didn't meant that they were so deep. Tough Scales and properly placed magic shields blocked most of the damage. I also didn't just stood there and took it. I also was dodging and blocking.

"And now."

I stood in middle of a mountain of corpses. Blood pouring from them moved towards me and absorbed.

(Blood Stone filled 1 percent.)

Only 1 percent? Does it needs to shallow an entire country to fill itself? I pulled my spear from a corpse.

"So what is this place? Only thing I could see is a huge grassfield."

(Are you bored?)

I transformed my wings and flew up. With my Clairvoyence I could see a lot of.

"Nevermind, I found it."

Ruins in the distance. I flew quickly there. Some beasts with wings tried to attack me but I cut down them quickly. After flying for some time I reached the ruins. I landed on ground and transformed back. This place was a mess. But from what I understood, it was like this for some time. I saw huge claw marks. They were carved deep at ground and walls.

"Is it like barghests but bigger."

And possibly meaner. I searched more. I saw some marks indicating a fire.

"Something strong enough to left marks in the solid stone."

But whatever it was, no longer was here. Marks were old. Looking around, I guessed that this place was huge when it was in one piece. Possibly something like a mansion?

"None of the beasts I met here could built something like this."

Then who did? Some intelligent species? Where they were now then?


While it was a grimm answer, that was the best I could come up with. From marks I didn't thought that whoever owner of this mansions were died without putting a fight.

"Or maybe they ran away."

As I said I saw some black liquid in the walls. Looking at closely…

"Me and my tongue."

It was blood. It was old but it was there. But no bodies. Then again…

"I don't think beasts would pass an easy meal."

While I haven't seen beasts here eat, they could maybe digest bones. That would explain lack of bones.

"Or whatever destroyed here ate them."

When I flew again I saw more and more ruins.

"A city. Or whatever remains."

Not all ruins were as big as first one. But I still could understand that this place used to be a city.

(Beasts of Calamity.)

Lucy chimed in.


(This floor only contains one.)

Walking in a dead city filled my heart with a bitter feeling. In this place countless people lived. Children runned around and played. Neighbors helped each other. Friendships were formed and people were wed. This place contained tens of tales that I didn't know. What did people who lived here were like? What were their dreams? Hopes? One question painfully appeared in my brain. I wanted to ask it. No, I had to know it. But also possible answer scared me. Despite my fears I asked it.

"Did you caused this?"

Don't answer yes. Please don't answer yes. I beg you, please don..


I dropped my spear to ground. I wretched and wanted to vomit.



"Answer me."


"How many people lived here?"


I wanted to punch myself.

(You also killed.)

That was her defense. Her defense made me more angry.

"Not like this Lucy! You don't just release monsters in random cities!"

(It wasn't random.)

I looked around. Something felt wrong. Something felt… familiar. I ran. I ran to a place that felt most familiar. I looked at the building that was front of me. While it was mostly destroyed I could read some of the writings at top of the building.

"City Library. City Library."

I read it several times. My brain refused to take the information I was reading. Language was different from the books I learned at Minerva's home. It was my native language from when I was a human. I turned around. I knew those roads. As I remembered more and more my headache increased. I walked slowly towards to shortcut. My legs refused to move but I forced myself. After several steps my headache increased so badly that I had to support myself by leaning on walls. Despite that I walked. I walked the that dark alley. It wasn't dark anymore. Buildings towered over that part were completely destroyed. Despite all the debris and destruction I could see myself here. I could see the woman crying and covering in corner. I can see thugs lying on floor, unconscious. I can see myself bleeding on the ground. I started to hyperventilate.

(Surpressing unnecessary emotions.)

(Title Defiant prevents System from mentally manipulating User.)

(Mental Barrier became level 8.)

I didn't noticed the system notifications. I was too busy having a panic attack.

"This is my world!"

I screamed.

"My country! My city!"

I flailed my arm around uncontrollable. I didn't knew what I was doing at the time.

"You destroyed it!"

I fell down to my knees.

"What about my family? What about my friends?"

I punched the ground. A crater was formed where my fist touched.

"Are they dead? Are they crippled? Are they in stomach of a beast?"

Her silence only made me more delirious.

"I still thought you as my family! What the fuck have you done?"

(You have no memory of here.)

"It doesn't fucking matter!"

She thought that made it okay?

(I am enough for your family.)


I spat out my words.

"You are not my family. You are not my friend."

My voice cracked mid-sentence.

(Surpressing unnecessary emotions.)

(Title Defiant prevents System from mentally manipulating User.)

(Surpressing unnecessary emotions.)

(Title Defiant prevents System from mentally manipulating User.)

(Surpressing unnecessary emotions.)

(Title Defiant prevents System from mentally manipulating User.)

" I am not going to ask you anything. Just fuck off. Just leave me alone. I don't want to do anything with you."

I screamed. I sounded like shit but it didn't mattered.

"I planned on listening you after saving Minerva as to thank you for helping me."

I shook my head hard and fast. So hard that I felt my brain smack my skull wall.

"But now I am going to to opposite of what you want. I am going to kill myself after saving Minerva."

(Nocturnis, think logically.)

"I am thinking logically. You are an immortal God. Only way I can punish you is by not giving you what you want."

(You can have anything you want! You can conquer other worlds! You can recreate what you liked about this world!)

She… She made me furious beyond words.

"You think this is a fucking game? Others are toys?"

(They are.)

Her voice felt more distant to me than ever. Pointless. Pointless to talk with her. Pointless to try to change her.

(Chaos is assimilating the System. You can choose to turn off messages from Admin. Do you want to proceed?)

"Yes." I said as I tried not to vomit.

(You won't recieve messages from Admin no longer.)

I opened my hand and held it out. Basat came flying at sonic speeds. It destroyed several remaings of building in process but I didn't reacted to it. My screams seemed to attract beasts to here. I looked at perhaps hundreds of them.

"I am really angry."

I am really really angry. I felt energy overflowing from my body.

(Magic Circulation became level 8.)

(Magic Circulation became level 9.)

(Magic Circulation became level MAX.)

(Passive skill Magic Circulation can be evolved. Do you want to proceed?)


I growled, sounding more like a beast rather than man.

(You acquired passive skill Breath of Primordial.)

I felt magic power quality and how it travelled in my body change. It was as painful as using Demonic Beast's Outrage. I felt my magic capabilities increasing. This way of generating and moving magic power felt different and much more powerful. Despite that, I didn't even let out a gasp.


I heard a loud howl. Louder than any other beasts here.

(You resisted the Curse of Weakening.)

(Curse Resistance became level 4.)

I looked at the beast coming towards me. Pitch-black fur, thick enough to stop a tankshell. Fangs and claws bigger than me. Muscles that can be seen even under its fur. With every step it took, ground shook and some of the remaining parts of city fell. It looked at me eyes full hatred. I also looked at it with same eyes. My body transformed to a demonic beast's. Black lightning sparkled from every part of me. Time slowed down. My spear became 5 metres and released an aura darker than night itself.

"I am going to rip you to pieces."

I wasn't going to fight it. I was going to tear it to pieces. I roared as an answer to its howl.


Just a reminder that Lucy is an Evil Goddess.

TheBarakcreators' thoughts