
Tales of Aerkha - History Of The World Series Volume 1

This book includes untold stories of different but deeply related times that should go down in the history of the World of Aerkha. Then a bard must tell... An unsung song, a bard must hear, For an unforgiven soul, must play the reed clear. An unheard battle cry of a valiant warrior bold, A bard must scry and sing with honor to the threshold. A bard trembling in fear, with a fireball spell so near, A mage, lost in thought, may miss the spells he wrought and steer. A rogue slinks and sneaks, seeking the bard's heel to strike, A fiendish jab thrown hard, a tale left unrevealed alike. None heard the bard's final tale, as she cried out in pain and travail, After all is said and done, what is a glorious charm to unveil? Without a rhyme and a song, it's nothing but a lifeless arm, For it's the melody that breathes life, and the verse that keeps it warm. Author's Note to Reader: "Dear Reader, History Of The World series comprise of unique tales and suspense short stories from different ages and lands of the Aerkha World." This book marks my fifth attempt in the last fifteen years, but the third to be published here or anywhere. Previously, I was hesitant to share my work, but now I am eager to receive any criticism. Therefore, dear reader, I implore you to provide your comments freely. Your thoughts are invaluable to me. Thank you in advance, and I hope you relish this tale. The seeds of these novels sprouted from a role-playing game that I played during my university days. A finely crafted scenario allowed my friends and me to embark on hours of memorable sessions, each one rife with wondrous adventures. With each passing session, a new, special adventure took hold. We exchanged ideas for hours on end, discussing events in this fantastic world's history or debating the creation of new races. Now, I regret not having taken more detailed notes back then. Most of the events and dialogue have faded from my mind, leaving behind only an obscure old story and a faint outline of the fantasy world we created. But I knew I had something significant in my possession; seven characters, each more exceptional than the next, with sturdy backstories, waiting for the right moment to be reborn. Even though it has been nearly twenty years since those days, I always felt an obligation to do justice to the legend of these seven heroes. It was the writer's responsibility to reassemble and transcribe the fiction with skillful storytelling, as the tale was worth remembering."

Mahir_The_Bard · Fantasy
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The Professor (Part 3)

As Allendra and Brad roamed the foggy outskirts of Mistra's hills, the harsh winds blew constantly, causing them to inhale the poisonous gas and leaving Allendra coughing intermittently despite using her scarf as a mask for protection. An ordinary individual would've succumbed to the toxic fumes, but Brad's body was resilient to such poisons. With his strength and speed, he took the lead, hoping to chance upon the right cave along the way.

Apart from the towering peaks adorned with jagged, slate-grey rocks and the mountain ranges obscured by rising mists, there was nothing else in the vicinity. As per the duo's conjecture, they sought a cave that would suffice for the summoning spell and was within reachable distance. Even the fauna and flora were scarce in this region, and the absence of any discernible signs of life in nature had irked Brad considerably. He was itching to conclude this expedition as soon as possible and depart from this desolate area.

"Cursed be you, Brad," hissed the sorceress, her eyes glowing with anger. "Once again, you have led us astray. What happened to your renowned sense of smell?"

Brad, feeling defensive, retorted, "Am I a mere hound to sniff out the trail perfectly? My instincts told me this was the way. I didn't claim certainty, you ignorant wizard."

"Your shortsightedness will be our undoing," warned the sorceress, her voice heavy with concern. "For every moment we dawdle, the demons grow stronger." she contniued.

Brad, however, scoffed at her apprehension. "Very well. More damned creatures to send to their eternal rest."

"You underestimate the demons, Brad," Allendra chided, her expression grave. "They are unlike any foe we have faced before."

Brad was unfazed. "Do they not have physical forms? Are they not made of flesh and bone? Does not their blood flow like any other creature? Then there is no issue."

"Ah, but you forget, my dear Brad," said Allendra, her tone laced with warning. "Demons possess the ability to absorb vast amounts of energy, rendering our spells useless. They are virtually immune to magic. Their will and physique are formidable, and their attacks are deadly - claws, tails, bites... the list goes on."

Brad waved her concerns away, confident in his abilities. "I have the Gift of Gaia on my side. Focus on your own incantations, Allendra. These demon traits you speak of seem to be of more concern to wizards like yourself."

But Allendra was not so easily swayed. "Something is different about these demons, Brad," she murmured, her eyes darting nervously about. "I can feel it in my bones. And this time, I truly fear for our lives." she finally confessed.

Brad, however, only sneered at her trembling form. "I can smell your fear, Allendra. But fear not. With the Gift of Gaia, I will prevail."

His face lit up with amusement and he let out a joyful chuckle, while the sorceress simply shrugged with a hint of anger in her demeanor.

"We understand your confidence, warrior. Your sword is a marvel to behold, and you trust it with your life. But alas, even that may not suffice. Sooner or later, these accursed demons will ensnare their summoners, slay them, and beckon their kin to join them in their foul deeds." said Allendra.

"To the abyss with them! Let them come at me, as an army or otherwise. I'll make sure they all get a taste of my blade!" Brad roared.

"Be that as it may, we cannot afford to waste any more time. I shall ascend and search the west with my magic, and we shall rendezvous there. We've been scaling these cliffs for hours, and I want to find that blasted place before nightfall." Allendra declared, before performing a spell that allowed her to take to the skies.

After a while, the warrior received the signal he had been eagerly awaiting from Allendra. With lightning speed, the brawny man scaled the steep slope, and arrived at the level ground where the sorceress had alighted with grace. "I believe this is it," Allendra declared, scrutinizing the tracks around them. Brad confirmed her suspicions with mounting hope - evidently, a few individuals had recently passed through this spot. The mouth of the cave, which measured three meters wide and three meters high, emitted a series of indistinct, disparate scents. Among them was the odor of sulfur - a stench that Brad detested and that wizards frequently utilized.

"After you, warrior," Allendra said, reciting a sequence of arcane incantations before vanishing into thin air.

Brad, accustomed to the sorceress's vanishing act, followed quickly in the darkness, aided by eyes that had grown accustomed to the lack of light. Although Allendra was unable to see in the dark, her psychic powers, although diminished, enabled her to sense the path in front of her, much like a sightless monk, and conjure it up as a ghostly silhouette in her mind's eye. At times, aided by her staff, she was able to make out her surroundings. Brad, however, had already surged ahead, scouring every nook and cranny with his swift and broad movements.

After a few minutes of a downward slope in the darkening corridors of the cave, the warrior's steps began to slow considerably. Sensing that his wild aura was becoming tranquil, Allendra surmised that he had uncovered something significant. To alert her of his position, she briefly kindled a light, which she immediately snuffed out.

"We're nearly there," Brad whispered as he approached her. "The cave expands ahead and leads to the flat area. They're down there, below the slope," he continued.

Allendra hesitated before casting additional preparation spells, but she began with a potent protection spell, one that was amplified by her mythical power and shall embolden her in battle. This was a spell of heroism, a magical ode that bards of old had created long ago.

Her mind raced with various incantations as she worked, feeling the weight of the task ahead. "If only we had a bard to sing one or more rousing epic to lift our spirits," she lamented.

Brad's gentle grasp steadied Allendra's trembling shoulders. His unexpected kindness took her aback, and she turned to him with a grateful nod. 'Are you prepared, Allendra?' he asked in a serene tone, his voice barely audible over the din of their surroundings. She nodded in agreement, her heart racing with anticipation. With a deep breath, she steeled herself for what was to come.

They moved toward the wall, straining to hear the throaty sounds of the creatures beyond. Allendra strained to focus on the words, her theoretical knowledge of the demonic tongue no match for the speed and complexity of live conversation. But she caught a few words, a fragment of meaning amidst the chaos. "I'm sure...sounds...from the south," said one. "Go...check it out," the other replied.

Allendra signaled Brad telepathically, warning him they had been discovered. Brad held his position on the left wall of the ten-meter-wide passage, while Allendra pressed against the right. They heard the sound of footsteps approaching, drawing nearer from at least two steps to the west. Then, more footsteps, quickening the pace. The element of surprise was slipping from their grasp, and the duo communicated swiftly through the psychic bond the sorceress had established, ready to take action.