
Tales of Aeolus the Outrageous

After being accidentally killed by the god of Earth, NET. Hishaku Arisu is offered a chance to reincarnate into another world owned by the god- which also happens to be the inspiration behind the game, Kingdom Crawlers that he's the best at- on the condition he agrees to be the god's champion, and help him save his world through world domination. This is an offer he can't refuse, and the offer he's been waiting for, since he's bored anyway.

Presli_James · Fantasy
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102 Chs

And So, Onto Bigger Things

I walk back to the grand hall, Damocles trailing silently behind me, where my black and red throne sits in the front. Settling into it, I pull up the system window, and scroll throw some of the features I had seen earlier. Inventory, Vanity, Status, Messaging, World map, Shop, and a few others. What interests me the most is the shop, but for now, for some reason, I can't seem to be able to access it. Every time I try it says I must first upgrade one of my special attributes. That would be the Gluttony and Mischief, right? I still don't know what those are though, but right now, what I need is the World map. Just like in the game, the world map allows me to view the area of a particular place I have in mind.

"My lord," Agamemnon speaks, walking in, along with Vanir, and Dionysius following behind him.


"It appears Mercury has found their location."

Huh? Seriously? That's faster than I expected, but right on time.

"Is he headed there now?" I ask, pulling up world map on the system window.

"At the time the message was sent, he was heading there, so he should be starting the extermination now."

"I see,"

I wish I had popcorn, but whatever. Tapping on Mercury's location on the world map, I expand the view so it looks like a bigger screen. Using the map, I can identify all my allies and subordinates. It's a good thing I tagged Mercury earlier before he left.

Agamemnon and the others arrange themselves behind me as we view the screen together. The location isn't one I'm familiar with, then again, I'm not familiar with anywhere in Dorma. It looks like an idle, but the area seems to be quite a busy part of town, and looks to be at the center of the city. Soon, Mercury comes into view, standing at the entrance of the building. I zoom in a bit to read what the sign hanging above the door says. 'Alchemy Workshop'. I see, so they worked under the guise of an ordinary alchemist shop. Well none of that matters now anyways.

A string of faint light emanates off Mercury's body, before slowly, he begins to increase in size. Soon, he is as tall as the building, standing at 35 meters tall.


"A giant!"

"It's a giant!"

Pretty flashy that he did it right in the middle of the city in broad daylight like that.

He raises his foot a bit above the ground before kicking the building down, sending bricks and dust flying in the air, and the building crumbling. After that, a number of mages come rushing out the shambled building, and from under the rubble. Looks like not all of them died.

Using a slew of joint spells, they aimed their attacks at the giant Mercury. It isn't much of a fight as it ends pretty quickly with him stepping on each of them but sparing one. Then reducing his size, back to human, he dragged the remaining mage by the collar to a dark alley way.

"Who is your leader?" Mercury asks the trembling mage in his hands, with a raspy voice.

"P-p-p-p-please! P-please spare me!" The mage cries, too shaken to comprehend anything.

"Was that all of you? Answer and you'll live." Mercury continues, ignoring his trembling, and crying.

The mage took a second, crying and shaking before accepting the terms and answering, "I-I've never met the leader. I'm just a low-level follower. Please believe me! I've only ever taken orders from Sir Kaius!"

Mercury sighed before asking again, "And where is this Sir Kaius?"

Tears ran down the cheeks of the mage, and his trembling grew more as he pointed out the alley way to the area they had just been. There, his trembling finger directed at a body that lay squashed, guts spilling out, on the ground before the crumbled building.

Another exasperated sigh left Mercury's lips. Then he questioned, "Who did this Kaius answer to?"

"H-He relayed orders from the l-leader."

"Was there anyone above him?"

The mage stopped to think for a moment before mentioning a name. "S-sir Craith! He's the only one allowed to serve our leader closely!"

"Craith? And where can I find him?"

"I don't know! He would be with the leader, and I don't know where that is! I swear!"

Mercury closed his eyes, processing the information before speaking. "Alright. That's all."

A weak smile showing relief spread slightly across the mage's face at the thought that his torture was finally over, but, before he can blink or say another word, his head is twisted in a 180 motion, and he falls to the ground, slipping roughly out Mercury's hand. His neck had just been snapped at a speed his brain couldn't even process, because his expression was still that of relief, even as his body gradually began to run cold.

That was a fun watch. Would've been really great if I had some popcorn though.

"My lord. Shall I begin to look into this Craith fellow?" Agamemnon asks, as I close the screen view.

"Mm. Immediately." I answer, standing up. "And as soon as Mercury gets back, gather all the generals here. I will inform you all of my plans."

Now that I've started, it's time to tell them the purpose we've all been brought here for. But given their personalities, I think this is something we'll all enjoy. Since when has World Domination not sounded like a fun task. Plus, since the majority of them are demons, they mostly all hate humans. I can't imagine them having any complaints.

"Yes, my lord."

After that, I break off with Damocles still following behind me, to where my bedchamber is. Like in the game, this room is way too big. The huge curtained bed that lies in the center is elaborate as well. I don't think I even need to sleep in this form. But that's not what I'm here for.

I reach for the large chest by the side of the bed and open it with the spell I placed as the password. With a click, the chest opens, revealing a few items that I'd been saving for a while. One of which is an 'Evolution potion'. They were really hard to come by in the game, and I wasn't sure I'd still see it here, but thankfully here it is.

"Bottoms up," I say casually, handing the potion to Damocles patiently waiting outside with a confused expression.

"My lord?"

"Drink it."

Without further hesitation, Damocles takes the potion in my hand and gulps it down. My, what loyalty. No questions asked huh? If that had been poison he would've kicked it. Well, I did say I would increase his evolution points.

Slowly, his veins begin to pop out, as he flinches a little from a brief immense pain. That's a sign that the potion is working.

The 'Evolution potion' is only usable by items, familiars, and created or defected subordinates. After a being that falls under any of the said categories reaches a certain level, evolution would be possible, either upgrading them to a stronger version of their specie or as in the case with my subordinates, increasing their power, reputation and influence over others of their kind. Like how I made Dionysius queen of the Seraphim, Amaymon King of the Vampires, Castor and Pollux Kings of the Dark Pixie Elves, and Agamemnon King of Demons. However, in Damocles' case, since he was originally a sword, the evolution makes him stronger, and upgrades his sword form.

With the potion he just drank, he has just obtained Legendary Class. In Elrev, item grades went from Inferior, to Regular, Rare, Unique, Supreme, and then Legendary. It looks like I've finally maxed out his evolution cap.

After the potion finishes circulating around his body, as he gasps from the subsiding of the pain, he glances up at me as if checking to see if the result is as I desire.

Well, it is. Looking at the his new status, I'd say it is very much as I desired.


Name: Damocles

Age: ??

Level: 148

Job: Magic Sword

Titles: Subordinate of the Demon Lord, Dragon Slayer, Player Slayer, Guard of a Champion

HP: 200000/200000

MP: 124978/125000

Strength: 320

Agility: 315

Vitality: 301

Sense: 265

Endurance: 263

Intelligence: 251

Magic Craft: Tier 9 Dark mage, Tier 6 Summoning mage

Stigma: Mischief; Break


Not only the increase in his stats, but he's also gotten what seems to be a new skill? A stigma. I see Mischief so it has something to do with me then. A skill called Break. That sounds easy enough to understand.

"Damocles," I begin.

"Yes, master?"

"We're going down."

Now that I've upgraded my sword, it's time to level grind. Wow, it's been a long time since I've had to grind for an increase in levels. I maxed out all my stats about a year and a half ago, and before then, leveling up was only possible from the XP of high level monsters. In Kingdom Crawlers, once you hit level 100, it begins to take up to years to level up significantly, so really, I haven't had to level grind in about three or four years. That's a long time. But now that I can level up again, I'll make full use of it. And I have to get used to this body now, so I might as well start by taking over all those monster villages I saw on my way here. I hope I haven't gone rusty.