
Tales of Aeolus the Outrageous

After being accidentally killed by the god of Earth, NET. Hishaku Arisu is offered a chance to reincarnate into another world owned by the god- which also happens to be the inspiration behind the game, Kingdom Crawlers that he's the best at- on the condition he agrees to be the god's champion, and help him save his world through world domination. This is an offer he can't refuse, and the offer he's been waiting for, since he's bored anyway.

Presli_James · Fantasy
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101 Chs

And So, I'm A Tier 4 Mage

For the third stage, we move to a room adjacent to the space we took the second test. In this room, there is only a single giant orb, and a secondary grading tool attached.

"This magic tool will allow us to read your individual mana capacity, and determine the number of magic circles around your core," The professor who directed the second test says.

"After all, when it comes to magic, the amount of mana you can wield is very important."

This is going to be harder to manipulate. I've decided to allow attention to fall on myself, but it would be ridiculous if I let them realize my mana capacity even as Hishaku Alice is enough to destroy the entire school with one hit. As for the magic circles surrounding my core, even I can't manipulate that. I would've been able to if it were somewhere else, but the grading orb their using is an S-grade tool. I won't be able to manipulate the readings on such a high grade tool.

A mages tier is determined by the number of magic circles surrounding their mana core or heart. A tier 1 mage would have only one magic circle around their core, and a tier 2 would have two, and so on. A magic circle is formed when they have enough experience to break through to another tier. Not many mages pass tier 2, and the elites are those who reach tier 3. So for me who is a tier 6 in light magic and tier 5 in dark magic when I'm supposed to be only 17 years old and a commoner. This will definitely arouse suspicion.

What's even more troubling is that, in Elrev, most mages are light mages, that is the mages that practice normal clean magic, while dark mages, as the name implies, are seen as scum mages who have defected to the dark side. If that orb reads the dark magic circles around my core as tier 5, I may very well be executed on the spot.

At this point, the only thing I can do is to use the power of a title I earned as Aeolus. Earlier I was able to use a title from my other form without having to switch, so I know I can do it again, the only problem is that, for the title to work, I have to have horns. This is why my character as Aeolus has horns on his head. If I suddenly pop horns out here, I would just be announcing to the world that I'm a demon, which defeats the entire purpose.

The title Demon Lord allowed me to wield immense magical power even stronger than the title Mage King. Using it would make manipulating even an S-grade grading tool easier than cutting butter. But to mask the horns that'll pop out of my head, I'd have to use illusion magic, and I don't know if that level of spellcasting will go unnoticed by the professor supervising over this test.


Name: Oren Grale

Age: 34

Level: 54

Job: Mage

Titles: None

Mana: 12100

Strength: 23

Agility: 26

Vitality: 43

Sense: 52

Endurance: 42

Intelligence: 34

Magic Craft: Tier 4 Light mage, Tier 2 Summoning mage


His magic sense should be high enough to notice if I use an illusion spell. And using a high enough grade of magic spell to go unnoticed would mean it would be a tier 4 spell, and that may influence the reading on the grading tool. I wanted to reduce my tier to 3 on the orb but with the way things are, it seems I'll just have to settle for tier 4. At least this level of magic affinity shouldn't be too suspicious if I increase my mana capacity a little. The only problem is that I didn't want to give that much of a gap between me and the third prince of a kingdom. It would definitely call more attention that I would like, but I'll figure out a way to make do.

"Alice Hishaku,"

My name is called and I step up to the giant reading orb. Not much of a surprise, chatter breaks out in whispers.

"It's him right?"

"The guy who is at level 51?"

"Isn't that a professor's level?"

"I hear his mana is insane!"

"I wonder what it will read,"

"Please directly pour your mana into the orb," The helper says, gesturing to the grading tool.

I nod and do as instructed, aiming my mana at the orb. As soon as I'm done, the helper gasps as she gazes at the result on the screen by the side.

Earlier they announced Larien's magic capacity to be high A-grade and tier 3 which aroused many gasps and admiring cheers to echo in the room, not much surprise since numerically, his mana capacity is 36000, which is enough to potentially become a high ranking tower mage in the future. And tower mages are so high level, most are above tier 5. But by the look on this lady's face, it seems I've done too much again.

"Um... l-l-low S-grade! A-a-and you have four magic circles! Amazing!"

I almost thought I went super over the top. I breath a small sigh of relief hearing her say 'four magic circles'. It was tough trying to constrict my mana flow while casting a tier 4 illusion spell. I almost thought it would read tier 5, but I can settle for tier 4. The difference between each tier can arguable be compared to the difference between a small hill and a mountain, but I'm satisfied with the outcome, though I would have preferred to be a bit under the radar.

The only downside is that now, they will start comparing Larien and I. A prince and a commoner, yet I have surpassed him not only in level, but in tier too. One's mana capacity does not really dictate how proficient they will be in handling magic, or place one mage higher than the other, it merely defines the amount of mana a mage can absorb and keep in their body. And since mana is used to cast spells, it is usually seen as a talent. This is arguably true, but a mage with a smaller mana capacity can still be of a higher tier and be stronger than a mage with a bigger mana capacity. I just hope Larien understands that, and doesn't relent in his effort to...

As I turn to look at Larien at the other end of the room, I find no need to finish that thought. The kid still has a wide dubious grin plastered across his face. I guess I was worrying for nothing. The only thing this attention I'm gaining is doing to Larien, is only strengthening his resolve. I was just going to use him for my plans, but I think I getting quite fond of this kid.

I turn and move to stand beside Darius who showers me with praises as the whispers of the other examinees grows more intensely. The fourth test is where the true test of ability lies. And I have to say, I'm actually quite excited. I've been feeling tingly since before, with all these noble brats glaring and scowling at me. The only way to solidify my position, is to just prove myself on stage. And the fourth test seems like the perfect place to do it. Ah! This reminds me of a saying my father used to spout all the time before I left home. It didn't make sense at the time but I think it fits now.

It goes, "the victory only lies with the man who has the coldest glare." It's a shit saying but I think I get what it means now.