

Luck is a funny thing, because of luck, two strangers might meet and become partners for life while on the other hand, a stable boy might become the king who slaughters millions of people for fun.

In short, luck didn't care if you were a saint who saved the world or an atrocious murderer it all depended on you to be at the right place at the right time.

A fickle thing coming into one's life and going away as it deems fit, yet luck is one of the things one can't live long without.

And on that day Cain seemed to have freshly run out of it.

"GODDAMMIT" a curse escaped his lip as he saw a fifty-meter-long reptilian monster falling towards him at very high speed.

The fear of imminent death overwhelmed his flight or fight response and made him freeze, unable to run and save himself.

But before we end the story right here with the protagonist's death let's go back in time and look at the series of events that lead to this moment.

Cain had been relatively lucky his entire life though it had a rough start with him being left for dead under a bridge by his heartless relatives after the death of his parents.

Fortunately for him, the old man from the orphanage found him right on the brink of death and took him in, and from that day his life had been smooth sailing.

He found a family with kids living at the orphanage and got to get an education he very much needed to survive in this unforgiving world, finally he even got a scholarship into a prestigious university within the city.

His life was going great and till that morning all of it still held. That is until he got a message in the afternoon.

'Cover my shift today, okay ~' A short message.

"Again?" he said, exasperated as he looked at the message.

The message had come from his beloved elder sister. She had been in the orphanage along with him for a long time, and all that time she had called him his younger brother since he didn't mind it the two inadvertently become siblings.

Over the years their bond grew deeper and stronger causing them to become dependent on each other leading to today's scene.

"Haaaaaaaah, why did it have to be on my day off?" he sighed and got off the mattress, and left for work.

As he got out of the building Cain took a long breath and started walking towards his workplace. Even though it was quite far away he decided to enjoy his day off with a nice and relaxing walk knowing reaching his workplace meant toiling for hours on end.

As he neared his workplace he saw a towering building with a giant 'H' engraved onto its side.

This was the headquarters for the legendary Hermes company, the biggest delivery company in the world. Though it was just a branch getting a job here had been a dream of Cain's for a long time.

Cain stared at the building wistfully for a while, lost in his fantasy of becoming a manager at Hermes and living a fulfilling life.

"Aaaaahhhh" "Run away" "MY GOD" He was broken out of his fantasy suddenly by multiple screams. He looked around confused at the fleeing pedestrians when he realized the spot he was standing had become darker, he looked up to see the cause of this darkness was a large reptilian monster and what looked like several tons of debris.

And now that we have caught up with the events leading to this scene let's see whether he survives or not.

"Booooooommmmm" with a loud boom everything fell, crushing him and many others who weren't fortunate enough to run away quickly.

As the dust created from the impact settled the survivors could only see a small hill of debris with the monstrous beast poking out in some parts.

"Quick someone call the police." A shout rang out waking everyone from their shock and slowly shouts and cries started to resound through the square with people trying to find their loved ones through this pandemonium.

But as the outside was in shambles the converse was true for the inside of the pile neither the body of the dragon nor the debris had touched any of the people who were all unconscious instead all of them were protected by a thin blue aura.

Cain right wasn't doing so well even though his body was fine because of the aura his soul on the other hand wasn't. Another soul had invaded his body right when the dragon fell and was wrestling for control of the body.

And as if to add salt to the injury, the giant dragon keeping the tons of debris at bay and the aura keeping everyone safe suddenly shrunk into a small, pure drop of energy and entered his body, and started to rip his body apart.

On top of all that all the debris fell on the victims crushing them in the process.

Although his body was slowly tearing apart while simultaneously being crushed under dozens of tons of debris, the condition of his soul was even worse with the energy from the dragon causing havoc in his soul world slowly breaking it apart.


In the soul world all Cain could see was a blurry white blob eating away at his soul while countless rays of energy tore through the space he was currently in.

He tried to fight the white blob but no matter what he did every attempt went through the blob without causing any damage.

After what seemed like an eternity trying to fight away the blob and failing miserably Cain gave up accepting his impending doom.

While he waited for the sweet release of death he felt soul rending pain running through his soul. He looked at white blob expecting it to be the cause of the pain but instead he saw that the energy that was causing havoc in his soul world condensing at the chest of the soul and slowly trickling in.

As more of the energy trickled in the pain kept going up after a while the pain became so unbearable his entire consciousness went out .

Although the energy was causing unbearable pain if Cain had any shred of consciousness left he would feel the subtle changes it was making to his soul, the changes even extended to his now mutilated body.

The changes were unnoticeable when the pain started but they slowly became bigger and as more time it would continue to grow and snowball into something big.

Cain right now was going through metamorphosis.
