
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Premature progress Pt.1



Name: (Zero) Dio

Age: 19


Current trees:

•Lighting tree: Deflect thunder lvl.1, Lighting step lvl.1

•Wind tree: Speed boost lvl.1



Str: 11

Con: 13

Dex: 19 (+1)

Int: 14

Wis: 14

Car: 18


Hp: 180/180

Mp: 120/120

Lp: 200/200


I was staring at my profile while wandering the city. I don't really get what the "Zero" behind my name means...

"System, if I used deflect thunder during a storm, what are my chances of succeeding?" I thought in my head

[0,01%] A screen appeared to answer.

I figured out that was what the guide did, apparently only players can see the system screens. This means two main things: Native people from this world is unable to see what I'm doing, the system is something unnatural for the world.

"How much damage would it do?"

[Around 300-580 health points]

I wonder if that's enough to kill Alex, it certainly would be capable of reducing me to ashes... However... Apart from that highly RNG based idea all my abilities feel too underwhelming.

I opened the [Store] again and started searching for options. It was separated by [Recommended] and [General], in the recommended section appeared perk related to my highest stats, current trees, races and, of course, budget. On the other hand the general section was... well... general

Awfully general actually

I think it is infinite.

It is a list of possibly every imaginable skill, with an equally high variety of prices, I scrolled to it as fast as I could, gathering as much knowledge as I could of it to get a better general idea of the world.

It wasn't working

There's almost no correlation doable among all these things, this world is the most random thing I have ever seen.

Maybe Alex's advantage IS merely luck and system isn't selectively giving him preference after all.

Looking at the city wasn't helping either, there's not a predominating race here, there are humanoid creatures of all kind walking the streets.

I was starting to feel tired, I had been info dumping myself way too much expecting to find some kind of meta on this world but it was simply not working.

That was until I found a surprisingly convenient item


"Exorcism Glove"

Cost: 100Pp

Description: A glove that can separate the body and soul of an individual, these two will remain connected by a chain, but if the chain is broken then the person will not be able to return to his body and will be consumed by despair. [THIS ITEM CAN NOT BE USED DURING FIGHTS]




This is literally a copy from a certain Shinigami comic series back in my world...

...This world progressively feels more and more like a bad isekai novel rather than a videogame.

Anyways this is obviously a chance I AM willing to take advantage of.

I instantly purchased the glove and started heading towards the entrance of the city again, I need to get into the forest, to a lonely place.

I'm not gonna lie, this might not work and kill me for trying, it is extremely suspicious for a item with such a specific function to exist, no body in their right mind would buy it unless they identified where it comes from... Also it being so cheap...

Yeah, I am willing to ignore all the red flags.

I got into the forest and scouted the place for a bit, my plan was to dig a hole by myself but that would have been way too hard... Also... I had a feeling, like instinct.

I followed that instinct and it led me to... A cave? It had some kind of white curtains at the entrance which made it clearly unusual though.

I entered the cave, the place felt awfully familiar...

And the most weird thing was... It looked like someone lived there

There was some kind of a bed in a corner, it was actually just a lot of spider web placed over a bunch of rock, those same spider webs decorated the place in a... beautiful way? There were some kind of weird boots near the bed. Someone did indeed lived there.

Which was mostly weird was... The FREAKING GIANT HOLE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PLACE.

Moreover, there was some kind of spider web rug probably intending to hide it... It was a really thick rug though... And I was expecting to get a hole...

Man this world scares me beyond comprehension, why is it all awfully convenient?

I was either about to fall into a trap or doing exactly what system expected me to do... Or both. And I actually don't care... I... I want to take the risk, if I don't, I'd need to rely on training and a normal progress curve to become stronger... If I did that...

Alex will probably have a way higher growth curve. I need to match it.

The only problem now is that I'd need someone else to break the chains and cover the hole with the rug.

"System, is there a way to get assistance from another person without interacting with other people?"

[This information can not be provided yet]

Screw you system.

Then I remembered there were other players, I opened the group chat and searched for the Direct Message option.


[Party members:]





Sun is way too big for the forest, I am definetly not asking Alex to help... Hmm... Is this 'Sven' Slime Boy? I guess he is fine. I sent him a message.

"Hey Slime Boy, what's up?"

"I think I have a crush on System"


"Nothing. What do you need?"

"Could you go to the city entrance? I need your help with something"

"Sure thing"


I closed the system screen, took a deep breath, and started going to the city entrance to meet Slime Boy.