
Tales of: A God

Dio has always been quite competitive and determinated, that helped him become one of the greatest speedrunners on his past life. But now he has suddenly been taken away to another world with unfair balance and a system that clearly has got favorites. Will he be able to get on top of the competition when all odds are against him?

Molkter · Fantasy
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10 Chs

No body.

Sven was terrified, below that rug was another person, he couldn't hear no screams but he could clearly feel the earth below him shake

Powerful thunder claps and rock falling could be heard. Whatever was happening below his feet was intense.

He was feeling too tempted to push that rug and free his companion from whatever was happening there, but he also wanted to keep his word.

Then he noticed some people approach the cave, they were covered on leather clothes and were using masks so he couldn't see their faces.

Sven stood up and walked to them, there was three of them, he was wary about them, so he kept a good distance and asked.

-Who are you? What do you want?-

-Is there a demi god in there?- Asked the one who appeared to be the leader

-So what?-

Sven could sense some kind of hostility coming from them, he didn't know why nor what they wanted, but he was ready to fight if he had to.

-Step aside and avoid problems- Insisted the leader

-I don't want to- Replied Sven

-You're quite an impertinent kid, huh?-

-You're the ones trying to get to the cave for no reason though-

For a moment, all of them kept silent, suddenly they lost patience and tried to attack Sven.

Ice projectiles flew at an impressive speed towards Slime Boy. But he could easily dodge them all thanks to one of his skills: [Slime evasion]

It allowed him to create holes and deformate his own body with ease so he could avoid incoming attacks.

["Sun I need a little help in the forest pretty please come fast"] Sven posted that in the group chat as fast as he could.

"I just need to make time until he arrives" he thought

The masked people started advancing, he wouldn't be able to hold them back for much time. Sven was prepared for the worst.

The seconds seemed to be infinite as they were slowly walking towards him, clearly not afraid of killing him if he stood in their way...

Then a thunder striked over the leader. It was sudden. Unexcepted. Sven had only felt a breeze of air pass next to him before it happened.

Something was over the leader who was now lying on the floor, something heavy that wasn't allowing him to get up. Something invisible...

-Sven!- A voice called for him from behind

He took a moment to look back and saw a Spider girl coming out from the cave

-Dio!- Replied, happy to see she was alright

-What is happening?- She asked

-We need to run- He said

Without expecting an answer, he grabbed her hand and started running without looking back. They needed to get out of there.


Some minutes ago


[The secret Quest: 'Awake the monster within' has been completed]

It was dark, that message just popped out of nowhere...

In front of me, a crimson light started shining, brightening up the room for a bit. I was confused, so many things had happened so fast... Those memories...

-Where am I?- I asked

A mysterious silloute showed up from the crimson light. It was a blonde woman with crimson red eyes, with elegance, she bowed in front of me.

-Greetings, Alex...-

-Alex?- I asked

She raised her head confused by my voice and corrected her posture

-...Y-you're not Alex- She said, apparently confused

-Yeah no shit-

-But this is not supposed to happen? Who are you? I don't recognize your appearance...- She said opening a System window

-I'm Dio- I replied

-Dio...? You mean Zero? Why are you... not a spider?-

She said, then, looking at the System screen, added

-And why is there a protection shield activated? That's not a resource supposed to appear ever again after the start...-

She got quiet for a moment. Looking at me in confusion, then she decided to ask.

-How long has it been since you got into this world...?-

-Barely a day?-

-What?! How did you find the glove?-

-It was in the general shop-

-There are over a thousand articles before it appears!-

-I'm a fast reader-

I couldn't help but to grin, is this the "Special assistant" System mentioned? She looks so confused right now.

-This was not supposed to go like this...-

-Yeah it shows- I said just to annoy her a bit more -...So i have some quest_-

-On it-


-I'm reading your secret information, I'll have answers once I'm done-

-I just want to know where am I-

-This is your soul-

-How do I go back to the real world?-

The woman closed the system screen and looked at me with a serious face.

-You need to know something important. Your soul has been divided in two and the other half will be the one getting the spider body, you currently have no body-

-Does that mean I can not go back?-

-You can, but you'll be using a "Spiritual body", that means you can not be seen by anyone in the real world and you're specially vulnerable. If your spiritual body gets lethally harmed you'll be erased from existence. Forever-

-That sounds... horrible is there a way t_- I was mid sentence when a message popped

["Sun I need a little help in the forest pretty please come fast"]

-Uh, looks like Slime Boy is in trouble, I guess you'll be around... here and I'll be able to talk to you later? I think I should go help now-

The woman smiled and said.

-Yes. I'll remain here, I'll let you go by now- She then did a weird gesture with her hand

And I woke up.

In front of me there was a Spider girl. The other half of my soul. She had just woken up too.

-Ok, you go get the body and then reach for Slime Boy, I'll go help right away- I said

Without waiting for an answer, I started climbing the hole and removed the rug that covered the exit.

I started running towards the exit of the cave and used [Lighting Step] to go faster.

...Maybe I went faster than expected

At a speed that I almost couldn't control, I dashed and crashed with some masked guy that was on the way.

I looked everywhere in confusion. There were two more of those weirdos apart from the one that was... Uh... Below me.

The remaining two tried to attack me... Or well, my general direction I guess? But I could easily dodge those attacks.

I distanced myself from them and looked at where Slime Boy was, he took the other half of my soul by the hand and ran away.

I looked at the masked guys again. Are these weirdos the threat Slime Boy was afraid of?

"What exactly are them to start with?" I asked to myself

To my surprise, System answered.

It was a short, straightforward answer.

"[Demigod hunters]"

I looked at the message for a moment... The memories came back. The reason why that kid couldn't leave the cave.

Those weren't my memories.

Then why did I get... So mad?

I felt my fingertips itch while little sparks subconsciously started generating on my hands.

My heart started racing.

I took a good look at them.

I am going to kill them.