
Chapter one - Waking up

Zachs' eyes jolted open one day as his alarm went off. He jerked his head at it and slammed his hand down on while grumbling something about oatmeal. This is how he usually wakes up but something was slightly different this morning, his hand didn't stop at just the alarm clock. With a thundering crash his hand not only broke the alarm clock, it also split his nightstand in half! 'Well that's new' he thought. As he sat up and pulled his blankets off he could hear footsteps running up the stars frantically. He heard his mothers voice scream out,"ZACHARY MATTHEW DAVIDSON WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT NOISE?!?!?" 'Oh shit I'm gonna die' He frantically looked around his room and in his wisened groggy state he threw his blanket over his splintered nightstand. His door flung open as his mother stormed into his room. "What was that loud noise?!" Slightly freaking he accidentally yelled back,"Uh erm i-it was n-nothing!" "Well obviously not it sounded like the house was falling apart!" At this time Zach felt it would be best to simply tell her what had happened. With a sigh he said,"Okay fine but promise not to be angry with me okay?" "No promises." 'Good enough' he thought. "So I may have accidentally hit my nightstand a little too hard and It broke...." dumbfounded, his mother's brain started to short wire and she stuttered,"B-b-but HOW?!?!?" "Well mother you see when an object has enough force applied to it, it som-" "Don't be a smartass or I'm gonna kick you out." "Well I don't know how I broke it! I don't even think uncle Bryan could do something like that. Uncle Bryan was a Goliath standing at 6'6 with hulking muscles from years of physical training and hard work. "Well anyways we'll figure it out later come downstairs breakfast is ready." As his mother's footsteps faded down the stairs he thought to himself, 'it's too early for this!' While he put on some clothes he thought to himself 'How did I do that? And why doesn't my arm hurt? Surely after slamming my fist on the metal alarm clock there'd at least be some aching right?' However he felt nothing, in fact he felt like he'd actually slept well and didn't feel tired after waking up for once. This is the best he's felt in a while. After he was fully dressed he went down the stairs and sat in his usual seat at the table and saw his mother had cooked waffles with sausage and eggs. His father looked up from the newspaper and asked,"So your mother told me you somehow broke your nightstand, how'd that happen?" "I don't know I guess I don't know my own strength." "That's my boy! I always knew you were hiding something under that scrawny body of yours!" Zach was once again reminded that every man in his family was massive, his father was one of the largest men in his family currently, standing at an impressive 6'8 with bulging muscles from the family business. Our scrawny protagonist wasn't short but also didn't quite fit into the family's average size, he stood at 6' exactly and he was already 17 and didn't have too long left to grow. He was also not very muscular but not so much as to look unhealthy, he had muscle however it only showed because of his fast metabolism. His father followed up that sentence with another stating,"You might even be able to finally get a girlfriend and continue the family business! After all you will be graduating this year and you need to find a job soon or we'll kick you out!" Zach sighed as this was not the first time his parents had threatened this. He simply replied,"Yeah I guess, but I still have no idea how I did it." As he picked up his fork and knife to cut his waffle a loud knock came from the front door of their house. This startled Zach and he accidentally put too much pressure and cracked his plate in half and digging his fork and knife into the oak table. His mother grumbled things like,"what a bother....who even comes by this early in the morning?...and I swear if it's....." as she opened the door she saw two imposing figures standing in the doorway in black suits. They completely blocked the doorway and allowed nothing to be seen past them. These two figures didn't have a feminine or masculine shape they simply looked.. well human. In unison they spoke in a voice not being manly or woman like more in the middle they spoke,"Is this the residence of the Davidson family?"

This is my first time writing anything like this so please don’t judge -_- also I’m accepting constructive criticism or just criticism I don’t really care

MrFysh_Clappscreators' thoughts