
Tales From The Alphaverse: Rising Of The Aberrant

( This book contains dark themes, as well as that, the book has no romance for the MC, I own the alphaverse and the ocs there, however I do not own any other being, this book contains ocs like a lot of ocs ) The destruction of the All-Verse, and then the reformation of it creating the new Alphaverse, a mixture of all the verses within the once amazing All-Verse. Many evil beings who were once dead are now back, bigger than ever, a being will rise... He will come out of the very depths of the abyss and claim himself at the peak of the alphaverse... This is the tale of Aberrant Akar. _______

Indie_Excursion · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 1, The Start

| Chapter 1, Volume 1: The Start.

The see-through leaves that looked like glass moved gently to make way for the winds, the sky was darker than the abyss itself however small dots that shined a rainbow littered the sky, a pale white circle hovered in the sky, as still as a rock, there were multiple cracks running through the moon...

Then suddenly, a screech of panic rang out through the forest of red leaves, a deer came rushing through the forest, blood leaking out of its dangling mess of an eye that was only still connected to the deer head by a thin line of flesh, its leg was torn into shreds, its crimson pulsating flesh painfully writhed as the deer fell onto the ground.

The once luscious green grass turned red from the deer blood, gurgling sounds came from the deer's motionless corpse, then a spike ripped right through the deer's chest. Blood spewed out as something slowly crawled its way out of the deer corpse, the thing burst out of the deer's chest.

It was far from something that was human, it was a blob of flesh, bones, and small crystal. Pitch black flesh and glowing dark purple veins, bones so dark that they are comparable to the night sky, this being slithered towards the dead deer as it started to eat its meal for the day. The snapping of bones and the squishing of meat is all that was heard for a couple of hours, by the end of this creatures feast there was nothing left of the deer. Not even bone. The blob grew faster as the deer's very flesh and bone became apart from its being.

The blob grew a pair of pitch black eyes onto its front, it looked around slowly, taking in its surrounding area, it was already familiar with the layout of this large forest, however it needed to be sure that there were no predators... The black and blue trees stood tall as small insects wandered on it, consuming small pieces of wood to fill up their stomachs for the day, the "sky" turned out not to be a sky, but a rocky ceiling, and the stars were just glowing gems. The blob rolled up to the tree and then started to climb it, it struggled to fully climb the tree, however it still managed to do it by the end of the day.

The blob laid down on one of the branches of the tree as its body relaxed, its fleshy body stretched insanely long, as the blob now looked like a long worm, the gentle warm wind hit the flesh creatures face...

| Meanwhile in another area.

A large kingdom, built out of the palest of stones, and from the darkest of metals, tall towers stood above the rest of the small buildings and looked into the realm of heaven itself, brick and wooden buildings covered the ground of this kingdom... Thieves, thugs and more casually wandered around, always looking around to see if a problem would come towards their way, within the kingdom of Janxilim or HavoltHedge, crime was an ordinary thing, the soldiers, and enforcers of the kingdom were rarely seen, as they were always deployed outside the kingdom, for unknown reasons.

We change our focus from the outside of the kingdom into a small building, this building was an Adventures Guild, where all adventures or people who wished to become adventurers would come, to either join, or find missions to earn gold. Many adventures were inside the building at the current moment, some of them wearing tight chain mail armor, others wearing bulky golden armor to flex their wealth, but some were wearing mere rags. Suddenly a large man wearing light brown armor came walking in, he held his silver helmet in his hand, his face was chubby, he had a big beard with white hairs sticking out, his head was covered by a thin layer of white hairs.

On his sides he had two women, both of them had golden hair with red tips, they had a collar tightly placed on their necks, they wore big white and brown stained shirts, massive rips were on these shirts however revealing some parts of their skin. They both also had long sharp dagger like ears, the man chuckled darkly as he then slowly walked towards the main desk.

His steps caused the wooden floors to creak due to his weight.

The Man: *He chuckles as he slams his hand down onto the desk causing it to break a little* "Hey... David, how has your mother been?"

David: * he sweats rapidly * "S-s-she's been alright, s-sir!" * he glances at the man's girls who were just standing there * " ... "

The Man: "You like em? I got them for a good price, and they are thick~ And scream a lot while in bed-"

David: * He raises his hand up stopping the man from continuing talking * "Just stop, Wilt... What the hell did you come here for? Another mission or something?"

Wilt: *Snaps his fingers* "Exactly, so what dragons need to be slain?"

David sighs as he pulls out a drawer, inside the drawer there were a lot of wrinkled papers, he moves the papers to the side and then finds one. He then would then place the sheet of wrinkled paper onto the desk, Wilt looked interested as he looked at the paper.

Wilt: "Soooo~ I take it that you want me to kill this thing ?"

David: "Yes... that is what the paper says..."

Wilt: "Well, consider it done! That flesh thing won't know what was coming."

Wilt stuffs the paper into his pants and then walks out of the building, his girls following him while still looking down. David sighed as he went back to work.

| Back With The Flesh Monster

The flesh creature was now no longer hanging on the branch of the tree, instead it was on the ground consuming some dead wolf, it was getting bigger and bigger as it gained more biomass. After finishing its meal, it started to roll on the ground, moving forward slowly as the grass bent underneath its big body, around the flesh creature were massive black and light blue insectoid beings. One of them was resting near a tree, another was fighting a horned insect in front of a smaller insect, and the last one was looming over the flesh creature-

The flesh creature rolled backwards in surprise at the sudden large creature, this being resembled a praying mantis, however it had another pair of arms that were covered in a thick spiky crystal. It moved right to left slowly as it moved forwards towards the small flesh creature.

* BOOOM! *

The mantis slashed at the flesh creature, as it moved to the side, the mantises deadly claw slammed into the ground.

The flesh creature molded its body into something like a worm as it started to slither away at high speeds, not wanting to let its prey go, the mantis opened up its wings and started to charge forwards towards the fleeing flesh monster. Its loud stomps and roars were heard over the whole forest, it slashed at the flesh monster, however its claw got stuck in a tree as it roared.

The flesh creature noticed that the praying mantis was stuck, and decided to use its advantage, it slithered towards the massive struggling praying mantis as it jumped up. Wrapping its long black and purple flesh body around the praying mantises head the being begun to strangle the insect, the insect not wanting to die used its other claw to slash at the meat monster.

However, it was futile.

The flesh monster with one movement snapped the neck of the praying mantis and then instantly begun to eat the nourishing flesh of the powerful insect, feeling the biomass go into its body making it stronger, faster, and larger made the flesh monster happy.

The creature then let go of the praying mantis and then begun to slither away slowly, it looked at a large tree and then thought that it would be a good idea to sleep there. So it crawled up the large tree, this time without any form of struggle, then it went to one of the branches and then slept on it....

Somewhere nearby however, the man and his two girls were walking through the forest, in the man's right hand there was a flame, he was not harmed by the flame though. In his other hand he held a short sword that looked like it had been through a lot of battles, he slashed one of the long vines attached to a tree causing it to fall down onto the floor, growling in annoyance the man then would turn his head towards his two girls.

Wilt: "It's been seven fucking hours! And we can't find one little fucking meat thing!? You girls! Stop being so lazy and find it! Do it before I fucking gouge your eyes out just like I did to your mother!"

The girls were shaking in pure fear as they remembered the eyeless, naked corpse of their mother, they started to cry as they obeyed their masters will, searching for the flesh monster, they turned over every rock, climbed over all boulders, looked in every cave, they searched and searched to the point where their hands were a bloody mess. Tears covered their soft cheeks as they knew how angry their master would be since they could not find it.

Wilt: "Jane... Kara.... You stupid fucking bitches! YOU CAN'T EVEN FIND ONE MEASLY MONSTER!"

Jane: "W-we t-tried o-our hardest m-maste-"

Wilt raised up his hand and then slapped Jane, leaving a red mark, she fell to the ground, as Wilt growled in annoyance.


| Meanwhile with the flesh monster

The monster was chilling on the tree when it suddenly heard some loud screaming coming from the distance, usually screams and roars were normal within this forest, however these screams were strange... The monster grew curious as it fell out of the tree and then began to slither towards these screams. After a long time of moving through the forest the monster then saw a man hitting two girls, these girls had a lot of bloody marks on their bodies, the monster moved forward a little.

Then the man snapped his head towards the flesh monster, the man smiled as he stopped attacking the girls, then he took out his sword and dashed at the monster attempting to kill it, surprised by the sudden move the monster moved out of the way of one of the man's attacks.

The monster dashed away, however suddenly it couldn't move, the man held onto the end of the flesh monsters body as he grinned. The man then stabbed his sword into the monsters back, the flesh monster felt unimaginable pain course through its body as it created sharp teeth at the front of its face and then roared.

The man suprised took a step back and then stepped onto something, the ground began to rumble as suddenly it broke, the man and the monster were falling, the man hit a sharp spike that was protruding out of the wall causing his neck to be slit. After a couple more minutes they both landed onto the hard ground, the meat monster was instantly knocked out.

( First chapter done )

The beginning.

Indie_Excursioncreators' thoughts