
note to all (Important!!!)

Heya everyone! I'm a relatively new writer and I kinda wanted to try something new... A collection of short stories instead of a long winding one, and since I wanna write them as close as possible to what I intended for it to be, they will all be written at once, so each story will be in volumes, where it will have around 10 chapter with on average 1,500 words each, they will all be released en masse so don't expect 2 chapters per day, expect something like one volume per half-month!

I don't know if you would like it though, so feel free to suggest something more efficient in the comments after I drop my first one in the next half month!

Important thing to know is that they will all have completely different genres, so some maybe the typical action hero, others will be more horror oriented, and some may even be romance, and because of this I advise you to look at the whole thing to see which you like most (Of course I would like for you to read all, hehe...)

And when the collection gets big enough, I would make an auxiliary chapter detailing the title, genre and other relevant info!

[P.S. First story will follow the conventional story telling a la young hero meets old man, goes on adventure, comes back a changed person...]