
Let’s take challenge

In today's social we make lots of friends we play different games suggested by the people. But in this a girl name Asifa was 16 years old and she made a friend name Rahul 19 years old . They created her own challenge.

Let's see who won the challenge ...

The chat starts here :

Asifa: Hey ! Do you wanna play a game ?

Rohan: Yes for sure . Which game ?

Asifa: It is called as 'do not ignore me'

Challenge in which you are not

allowed to ignore your friend for once.

Rahul: Okay. Done we shall do this game.

*But little they know this game brought them closer to each other . But Rahul was for wrong mean and when he didn't receive want he wanted he blocked Asifa...

—That Evening...

Asifa : You lost the game and like always I am the winner . And I have been winner of this game past 16 years .

That night she thought why !! People just can't tell their mean .

Although she won the challenge but in reality she felt that she has lost one more friend like always she do.