
Tales Beyond The University (Icarus)

It wasn’t easy for Jones Youlge to keep living after the incident then again it wasn’t easy living in the first place. It certainly didn’t help when Jones was given a strange ring that contained a cosmic entity with reality bending powers from out of nowhere. From just a simple life, Jones was thrown into the spiraling adventure with this anomaly that just won’t leave. Jones has to deal with uncovering the mysteries of it’s past, it’s mysterious reality bending power, and a secret organization that keeps their watchful distance all the while learning what it means to be human.

25thJamzy · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Report 9

Subject: Jones Youlge

Anomaly: Icarus

Report 9

After that awkward dinner Gary had placed another box on the table. I prayed to Icarus that it wasn't just another sushi box because I don't think I could've held it in anymore. My face grimaced on what it could be.

Gary: Happy birthday! Or at least it was a long time ago. I figured that I would be the first one to give you your first birthday present when you wake up.

Jones: Oh wow... couldn't you have given this to me when it was actually my birthday though?

Gary: Well, I was pretty busy too. And I felt like it wasn't appropriate to give it to you until the right time.

Jones: Appropriate?

Gary: Open it. See for yourself.

It was a simple box that could easily be opened if I just removed the lid. This thing isn't going to jump up at me or something is it? And what the hell did he mean about inappropriate? I looked as his expression became excited. Gary was always such an oddball when it comes to being friends. He doesn't really know how to act normal because of how he grew up. His parents were pretty high caliber celebrities so it was only natural that he would inherit their looks and power. Gary's childhood was filled with flashing lights from cameras that dulled him of any embarrassment. Sometimes I wasn't sure if the Gary I knew was the real Gary or the one on camera. His grandfather was the only person I've heard Gary openly talk about being family. He has some sort of sore spot when it actually comes down to his mother and father. Is that somehow why I feel we're connected? Now that I think about it, we don't really have much in common. Guess it was some kind of unspoken connection between us. We both hated our parents. I held the box in my hand, to my surprise it didn't feel like it didn't have any weight at all. It seemed to be an empty box. Lifting the lid revealed a small piece of paper! Before I could read it Gary held another in his hand.

Gary: Ta da! I'm inviting you out to a premiere showing of a movie. I wasn't in it sadly but I have connections that sent me these free tickets. I didn't want to bring somewhere so out in the open right out of your recovery. That's what I meant by inappropriate.

Jones: Oh! I see. Thanks for being considerate I guess. So this is a premiere? Like before it hits the screens?

Gary: Yeah, not only that but it's a red carpet event. So lots of celebrities and their friends will be there. It's going to be a huge surge of celebrities. Didn't you say that you wanted to be in these sorts of things?

Jones: I did but now that you're giving me something like it feels like you should bring someone who really wants to go.

Gary: But I want you to go. It's my way of saying sorry for missing your birthday.

Jones: Geez, alright. You guys are always so pushy.

Gary: That's great! Perfect timing too because it's happening in three days! Enough time to prepare what to wear.

Jones: In three days?!

Gary: Yeah in three days. Why is something wrong?

Jones: Well... erm... I kind of made plans in three days already. I'm sorry.

Gary: Huh?! I thought you weren't the type to go out. Who could've possibly asked you?

Jones: That kind of hurts y'know...

Gary: I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way. It's just that. It's a red carpet premiere. Can't you just politely ask them to reschedule?

Jones: Well... Ben asked me to dinner with him on that day.

Gary: Ben!

Jones: Yeah, I already said yes because I didn't have anything planned that day. I'm so sorry! I can't just say no to a reschedule.

Gary: Damn it... I guess there's nothing I can do... But please, reconsider anyway. It's quite the event too. Plus there's an after party right after that everyone is going to afterwards. It's hosted by the director in his private penthouse!

Jones: I'm sorry but...

Gary: Please! Just give it some thought. It could just be the time of your life!

Jones: I already promised Ben that I'd go with him.

Gary: Just think over it before then. In fact, I'll even talk to Ben if he could reschedule. This is a big event!

Jones: I know, I heard you say that a bunch of times already.

Gary: Oh! Look at the time. It's already getting pretty late. I still have some things to do later in the evening and that's actually all I came here to do. I was expecting that I'd have you with me to the event but it's alright. Just please reconsider. I'd appreciate it.

His expressions really change often. Well he is an influencer afterall. Somehow I wished he didn't show what was on his mind. It just makes me feel intimidated whenever it happens. When Gary is mad, he's clearly mad. Though the faces he made today were on a different scale. Was it disappointment? Jealousy? I wasn't sure anymore which made it even scarier. His voice that would usually be so soft and welcoming became sharp. Did something happen between them again? Or did this event really mean a lot to him? I tucked my arms away while trying to pester my legs to finally get back to moving. Minutes later Gary had finally finished up then took off with a bit of an expectant look. This sucked. Isn't it a bad thing for friends to choose? I mean it is an important event for influencers like him but this is a bit hard for a nobody like me. Icarus entered the room a bit confused. He hovered his body towards me but playfully doing it upside down.

Icarus: Why are you even friends with them? They seem to distress you a lot. The memories you have with them are painful too.

Jones: I've told you before to stop reading me like that. If you want to try to be human you can talk to me.

Icarus: I can't just do that because I know you well enough that you'd never bring it up.

Jones: Guess you're right. You know me way more than I do. Am I just being too passive?

Icarus: Judging from the situation. I'd take Gary's side. It seems more important to him than just any dinner.

Jones: You have a long way to go if you think that's an easy answer to this situation.

Icarus: Do explain?

Jones: Well... when you commit to a promise it makes people happy. It helps you increase your relationship points. So not pulling through is like a distrust.

Icarus: But isn't an event with important people good? It's for his career after all.

Jones: Important doesn't always mean like that. I don't know why Gary invited me in the first place. He could've just asked a girl instead.

Icarus: What about Ben? Can't he just bring your other friend?

Jones: Well, if it were that easy then Gary would've invited him already. I'm not sure why they're in some kind of weird fight. I wouldn't even call it a fight but it feels that way.

Icarus: Quite confusing for someone like me to understand. What makes people like them fight over such petty things?

Jones: I wished I knew.

Icarus: Then I shall call it human error.

Jones: Error is what makes it feel human. The fact that we can just mess up like this means things don't get boring.

Icarus: You think I can experience something like that?

Jones: I'm not quite sure. No one can see you after all.

Icarus: I've been thinking about that actually. Will you care to listen?

Jones: Sure thing.

Icarus: The doctor said Hera downstairs was a class C anomaly. Does that mean I'm possibly a much higher class?

Jones: I guess. I mean there wasn't something like you pop out. I thought that it was normal for an anomaly to have something like you.

Icarus: So we have the thoughts on this then. Not every anomaly has the energy to turn into something like me. But in return that would mean there are anomalies like me. One where they have a manifestation.

Jones: The probability is high I guess.

Icarus: I know we barely truly know each other but I would like to take it upon you to help me. Would you do that for me?

Jones: I'll do it but because we're family.

Icarus: Family... Is that what family is for?

Jones: I'm not quite sure myself because I don't have much of one.

Icarus: For family then.

Jones: What are you going to do when you do find someone like you?

Icarus: I'm not quite sure myself. Maybe ask some questions. Why did we decide to come down to humans? Or anything really? This isn't even my body so why do I possess such an appearance? I wouldn't know. It's all just troubling. Usually I would've merged with whoever owned me.

Jones: You're you Icarus. My family. That's all you need to know for now. It must feel terrible to not know a thing.

Icarus: Is this what it feels to be terrible? No wonder humans hate it. Feelings of pain, frustration, and a sense of belonging. Too foreign.

Jones: I wouldn't even imagine what would happen if we merged.

Icarus: You would've had infinite power. A being without being restricted to a reality. It would have spared you from these fleshy feelings.

Jones: Except, that's just not what I want.

Icarus: It still confuses me. You genuinely don't want power.

With the remark, he leaves the room. Even I know that he's finally realizing that those feelings he has are mine. My task for the night was just to close up the building. Though I was just going to have to wait until my legs would finally start moving again. If only I actually knew how to help everyone around me. But that's a problem for the Jones of tomorrow. There isn't anything I can do for today. I crawled back to my room.

The following day was a lot more lax than the other because it was just an off day for us. Icarus was just intely "reading" along with Max while I was just organizing the next batch of people coming tomorrow. The university is a pretty big school but despite that we're the only counselors available. Max said that they were out for the holidays so that should explain why. However, this building is clearly built for two people only. Could it mean that other counselors have their own buildings? Max left the door open to his office so I was able to see glances of him from time to time reading or writing on his notebook. Icarus would be curious about it but I don't think he's ever actually understood what he was writing in that notebook. After a while, it was slowly turning a little bit too quiet. But as if it were just to answer my prayer, the door opened with another familiar face. It was Ben wearing what seemed to be his off day clothes. Just a plain red shirt, brown shorts, then big black boots. He still had his brown satchel with him that made him look like he was out going to discover the world or something. I couldn't help but laugh a bit because of how weird it was to see him in this getup.

Jones: What are you wearing? Out to be a pokemon trainer or something?

Ben: Hm? Oh! Very funny. I didn't think you'd still have your sense of humour.

Jones: I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. It just didn't seem like something you'd wear. Someone as uptight wearing an outfit like that is a pleasant surprise.

Ben: Does it look terrible?

Jones: I don't hate it.

Ben: That doesn't help.

Jones: Anway. Did you come here to list an appointment with the doctor or something?

Ben: No, actually I came here for you.

Jones: For me?

Ben: Yeah, I thought we could hangout for a bit. It seems like a good day for a couple of friends to catch up or something.

Jones: I'm not sure. I still have some work to do.

Ben: Oh I thought...

Max: Oh it's quite alright! Go have fun with him Jones. We aren't doing anything anyway. It's about time that you put your legs back to work.

It seemed that Max didn't consider what was going inside my head. Though, I couldn't say no already since he's said all of that. All he was doing was giving me that genuine smile that started to crawl on me the wrong way. Ben looked exceptionally happy hearing that I was able to leave now. Damn it Max! There were things that I just didn't want to do today. Plus Gary would probably be weirded out if he sees me with Ben. Max probably didn't mean anything but I wished he didn't just decide for me like that

Ben: Shall we go?

Jones: Erm... yeah sure...

Icarus: Humans are the strangest of all the species on earth.

Icarus with a slightly annoyed expression on his face hovered towards me. Ben would lead the way so I had to take everything I could to make sure I was going to be fine outside. A big coat, thick pants, and gloves. It was still snowing outside but it didn't seem too troubling to walk around. Somehow the one thing that's probably amazing me the most would be that Ben was able to get here without looking like he froze himself to death. The man was wearing shorts in the snow! Ben is just built differently. Even his work ethic was immensely superior to anyone else I've known. This is why it's a bit rare for him to just come over then telling me that it's fine if we just hangout. Usually he's had something lined up for him to do whether it would be mental or physical. I've if I could recall, Ben even been to monk temples trying to get his mental being in check. Which is a bit funny because usually people would go there so they could de-stress from a schedule. Ben goes there on schedule. After wrapping myself with everything that could possibly warm myself up, Ben put on his winter coat getting ready to leave. To my surprise, there was a car waiting for us outside. It didn't seem likely for someone to have their own vehicle in Norbern because it's still a campus despite how huge it is. We entered the car but there seemed to be a small problem. When I entered the car, someone that was dressed up like some sort of fashion police was already in the back. Ben looked like he hadn't noticed Gary was in the back of his car. Gary had a smile that could cut through steel on waiting for Ben to notice. Seconds later, Ben looked at the rear view mirror to his shock.

Gary: You seem quite prepared that you even brought your car here. Did you always bring your car around?

Ben: I'd appreciate it if you just didn't hop inside my car like that. You're lucky you're my friend or I would've reported you to the cops for breaking and entering.

Gary: Breaking and entering? I just opened the door. You didn't seem to want to lock the door.

Ben: And what do I owe the pleasure of being in the presence of the great Gary?

Gary: You know I told you to stop calling me that.

Both of them were already quite heated despite just being in the same area for more than ten seconds. Were they always like this? What the hell happened while I was gone? Ben wouldn't normally be so agitated even if it would be Gary's quirk to be spontaneous. From the sounds of it, Gary was a bit more annoyed than usual.

Ben: Well that's what it feels like you're telling me to call you. How's your interviews huh?

Gary: You're really getting heated because I entered your car without your permission.

Ben: I'm more annoyed that I had things scheduled and you seemed to be delaying things.

Jones: Scheduled?

Gary: That's right Ben. What do you mean scheduled?

Ben: I don't want to answer that.

Gary: Then don't bring that up.

Jones: What the hell is happening?! If you two don't explain yourself then I'm going to leave.

Gary: ...

Ben: ...

Jones: What the hell?! No one is answering. Usually when people say that someone usually tells them right away!

Ben: Erm...

Jones: Fine! Guess I'm leaving.

Gary: Wait! Where are you going?

Jones: If you aren't going to explain then I shouldn't either.

Ben: Fuck... Damn it Gary.

Gary: Serves you right.

I didn't want to hear another word from either of the two anymore so I headed out into the cold. There was no way that they were going to say anything to me. Classic quirks I've always had to experience whenever I'm with them. They never really want to say anything that could possibly hurt. As if I'm some sort of baby that needs protecting. Maybe that's why I've never felt that close towards them. It's always about showing off their good side to me. That non genuine behaviour just makes me so angry. Is it because I'm not strong enough to confront them about it or is it because they know I'm not strong enough that they're taking their distances? Everything just pisses me off now! There isn't a place for friendship if that's the case. Icarus followed me walking towards whatever place I wanted to be in. He seemed to enjoy the experience of seeing me annoyed. What's with those two anyway? It's just been a year or two! They were completely friendly and even die hard brothers. Now it feels so complicated. The snow was slowly starting to pile on making it a bit difficult to walk in. There was only one place to take shelter and that was the mini bazaar by the plaza. Some of the shops were still open.

I took shelter inside the normal cafe place that students would normally go to. However, this place was a lot more empty because of the holiday season. A lot of students were already going home to their hometowns. As a fun solution, the cafe would hire the remaining students to help run the shop during these times. I sat by the heater because I could've sworn that my fingers were about to fall off. The cafe was empty except for what looked like a female student. She was wearing a green apron and a usual black and white barista outfit. What really caught my attention was the silver hair that was flowing down her ponytail. It was my first time seeing shiny silver hair like that. Her hair didn't feel like it was dyed too which was strange. We locked our eyes for a second then she smiled which made me feel awkward. I went back to heating my frozen near the heater.

Voice: Don't you want something warm?

Jones: Eeep!

Barista: Wow! You have a much girlier voice than I thought.

Jones: I'm sorry but I've had a rough start of the day. I'm not really in the mood.

Barista: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. Would you like to order some coffee at least?

Jones: Yes please...

She went back to her post then after a couple of minutes made a quick house blend coffee. I took a seat close by the heater because I was still thawing out. The coffee was placed next to me as I tried to hold it together. This cold weather is just something I'd rather stay away from. Usually I'd stay at home where it wasn't snowing but now I didn't have much of a choice. As I reached over to drink my coffee, the lady sat down beside me. She had a welcoming smile looking like she was about to start a conversation.

Barista: You looked like you're having some trouble. The coffee is on the house. It's not like we're having a lot of customers anyway.

Jones: Thanks. I think I just really needed a good gesture.

Barista: It's quite alright. It's kind of part of our job to figure out if our customers need someone to talk to.

Jones: So you're just doing this because of a job? It's not really helping me feel any better when you put it that way. It sounds like I'm just some kind of trouble.

Barista: I wouldn't call it that. Normally I wouldn't talk to customers and just go for a small chat. But you seemed special.

Jones: Special...

Barista: You have a problem with being called special?

Jones: Not in particular. I feel like I have a problem with being special. I just want to feel normal.

Barista: I see. Why not tell me about it then? Isn't that what normal people do?

Jones: Hm... I guess...

Barista: It's alright if you don't want to. I can just sit here with you.

Jones: I guess.

Barista: Maybe Icarus would want to try something new.

Jones: WHAT!?!

Barista: That caught your attention hehehe.

Jones: How?!

Barista: I know a lot more than you think Jones.

Jones: Who are you?

Barista: Call me Ai.