
Tales Beyond The University (Icarus)

It wasn’t easy for Jones Youlge to keep living after the incident then again it wasn’t easy living in the first place. It certainly didn’t help when Jones was given a strange ring that contained a cosmic entity with reality bending powers from out of nowhere. From just a simple life, Jones was thrown into the spiraling adventure with this anomaly that just won’t leave. Jones has to deal with uncovering the mysteries of it’s past, it’s mysterious reality bending power, and a secret organization that keeps their watchful distance all the while learning what it means to be human.

25thJamzy · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Report 4

Subject: Jones Youlge

Anomaly: Icarus

Report 4

His smile was genuine which made it even scarier to me. People with nothing in their minds are the scariest because no one knows what they are truly capable of. His laid back nature was all over the place, it was fitting for someone with the job of a counselor. Max also had the sandals to prove it. Despite all those descriptions, his face was fixated on mine, just waiting for my next answer patiently. A bit hard to keep up to be totally honest. This colossal amount of eye contact was too much for me to bear. I wanted to look away so badly! Just my luck, I could also start to feel myself blushing for some reason! Just kill me now.

Max: What are you so nervous for? Hahahaha. I'm sure you already know what's going on. I'm telling you to do anything drastic. Just give me the anomaly back and I'll be on my way.

Jones: I can't help blushing. Maintaining eye contact with you is very difficult.

Max: Really?! I'm sorry about that. I just thought that you'd feel less nervous if I looked like I was listening to your every word. In which, I am.

Jones: Well stop it. It's making me uncomfortable. That was the biggest amount of eye contact I've had since the start of the year.

Max: I apologize. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. But please relax. I'm just here to be a counselor to you first before anything else.

Jones: It doesn't make sense to me that they'd bring a counselor from all the way from school.

Max: Well it's because we felt an anomaly activate. So we had to rush in.

Jones: What the hell is even going? Nothing is making sense to me.

Max: How peculiar... Your eye is a different shade from the other but the pictures I've seen on your file look otherwise. Is that perhaps the anomaly?

He got up from his seat then made his way to me without any sign of thinking. His face was just a bit too close for liking as he examined my left eye. My body felt tight and I didn't want to move an inch because If I do then I might be in another awkward spot. Max didn't seem like he noticed that I was beyond the confines of uncomfortable. This is straight up harassment!

Jones: Could... you possibly move away... please?

Max: Oh my! I'm so sorry about that! I was just genuinely interested in that eye of yours. This is the first time I've seen someone with Heterochromia in person. Or at least to this deep degree. Usually the hue would be a tad different but in this case... It's a completely different color. Almost like a completely different eye! That is absolutely intriguing for people like me.

Jones: But.. space...

Max: Right!

The counselor shot back with great speed as if I was dangerous then laughed it off a bit. That whole situation still made me feel like some kind of museum piece. Max sat back down in his relaxed position while scribbling down more notes in his tiny notebook. Now that I've finally regained a bit of myself. Did just two days pass?

Jones: How long was I asleep?

Max: Hm? Oh... Are you sure that's what you want to know first?

Jones: What do you mean?

Max: Well I guess, we can start there then.

Jones: Alright. Tell me then doc.

Max: I already said that I'm not a doctor. Just call me Max.

Jones: Fine then Max.

Max: Well... You've been out for... Now don't take this as a shock. You've been gone for a year.

Jones: A YEAR!

Max: Now calm down. We wouldn't want you to have another complication!

Jones: I've been gone for a year! How could I be calm! What the fuck!

Max: Please you must understand that if you start acting like this you might cause some mental problems. Just calm down.

Icarus: I was wondering when you were going to come back. I guess a mortal shouldn't be using a god's power.

Jones: This was your power? I got knocked out cause I wanted to see someone elses fate?!

Icarus: It wasn't the power that broke you into a coma.

Max: Interesting... It seems like you do have some mental damage from the shock.

Jones: WAIT!

Icarus: You dummy! They can't hear me!

Jones: This isn't what it looks like!

Max: Hahaha! Don't worry! I was just kidding.

Jones: Huh?!

Max: I'm aware that you can see a separate being only to you. His name is Icarus right?

Jones: How do you know that?

Max: Because we have the compendium.

Jones: Compendium?

Max: It's a bit hard to explain right now. It's not easy to track where it is because it jumps from person to person after all.

Jones: Now you're the one that isn't making sense.

Max: What I'm trying to say is that we know about your powers. We know about Icarus.

Jones: It doesn't explain how you know Icarus or his specific name.

Max: His name isn't specific. Almost every anomaly in existence has a predetermined name. It just so happens that there this phenomena that each user who obtains or finds an anomaly names it exactly the same as what's written in the compendium. The only ones that don't are the ones that haven't been discovered yet.

Jones: If you know about it then you know that I can change the world as I see fit. A power of a god.

Max: You could say that. I think the appropriate explanation would be that instead of changing the world. Icarus jumps you into another reality. A reality where it fits your criterion.

Jones: Is that true?

Icarus: I don't know. Nobody has ever explained it like that before. But it is possible. Wherever I "change paths", the process is similar to entering a new world. Not exactly the easiest to explain when you have experienced it before.

Jones: I see.

Max: Quite the amusement, if only I knew what you were conversing about with the entity. Is he a boy or a girl?

Jones: Icarus doesn't have a gender.

Max: Amazing, absolutely intriguing.

It seemed like the doc was in his own world again. He was busy scribbling on his notebook once more but this time longer than usual. This is going to be a bit of trouble. I won't be able to get a lot of answers if he keeps this up. But being gone for an entire year? That's just too far into it. What happened to school? Or my brother? Or my parents? I could feel my head slowly and slowly falling into place as the seconds started passing waiting for the doctor to finish writing.

Max: Oh! My apologies! I got lost into it again! I'm too much of a scatter brain aren't I? Please tell me when I'm going off again. I just find this stuff exciting. The unknown. Oh wait this isn't about me! Goodness! I'm a terrible listener.

Jones: Right... Do you know why I was gone for a year? And what about school?

Max: The school continued of course. But you can catch up no problem, the school decided to help out on something for you. As for the reason...

His smile vanished from his face. It seemed like he was in deep thought this time but for a different reason. Was he looking for a good answer? Or an excuse to give me. He started to cross his legs then lean in forward. Max was completely stumped while Icarus wasn't even looking my way. There's definitely something going here.

Jones: Just tell me doc. I mean Max.

Max: Very well. It's not like hiding it will do anyone any good. There was an incident at your house last year. The details are a bit fuzzy but...

Jones: But what?

Max: Why is this so difficult?... Well to place it bluntly. Your parent's got into an accident...

Icarus: That's a lie. He's lying to you Jones.

Jones: You're lying.

Max: Huh?!

Jones: You're lying. An accident? I don't think so.

Max: But it's the truth! There was a casualty. It was a tragedy. Your father...

Jones: My father?

Max: Well... he's gone. Your mother survived.

Icarus: That wasn't a total lie. There was no accident! He's lying to you!

Jones: I'm giving you one more chance.

Max: I swear it happened!

Jones: No... you're hiding the truth. Tell me please, I want to know. Stop lying to me!

Max: Strange. Each time you respond, you look upwards. So Icarus is an entity. I had my doubts about it but he appears to know the events.

Jones: Quit playing dumb before I start to get mad.

Max: Alright then! Just calm down. I don't want you to enter shock! Please be mindful you just got better.

Jones: Fine. Just tell me the truth already.

Max: Your father... well... it was a homicide. I get it you're not a kid at this point but it's still hard to break it to people that their parents died.

Jones: Who did it? And what about my brother? What happened to him?

Max: It was... self defense... Your mother did it. The story goes that your family was already listed down with domestic violence. Well to the police, it was only a matter of time when something went to the deep end. Your father assaulted your mother. Long story short, it was self defense and your mother was cleared as the victim. At least, you still have your mother.

Jones: Mom?

Max: Also your brother is now living with your mother. And you will eventually too. You still have your family to look forward to seeing after your recovery. Not a lot of people can say that to other cases.

Jones: So that's it. My old man finally snapped huh.

Max: Yes. I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you. I truly am...

Jones: Was there a reason? But I guess it wouldn't matter.

Max: Do you want to know more? It's still a bit fresh don't you think? You just got back afterall.

Jones: I can handle it. Please.

Max: Hmmm. Fine, but this is the last thing. No other questions after. You need time.

Jones: Thank you.

Max: Your mother testified that your father was under the influence or illegal narcotics. And he was probably under the influence of it when he attacked your mother. The evidence was all over the place of substances around the household. From the backyard to their bedroom. That goes to show that those things can seriously ruin someone's mental state.

Jones: Wait! My father?! A drug user?!

Max: I know it's hard to believe but that's what happened. Please calm down.

Jones: No! That doesn't make sense! My dad would never do that! He doesn't do drugs!

Max: I know that's it hard to accept it but please.

Jones: No way!

Icarus: Remember now?

Jones: ARGH!

It was like the biggest headache I've ever faced in my entire life! The force of a thousand waterfalls throwing themselves down on me trying to get inside. I could feel my vision start to give in again. This pain. It's HELL ITSELF! My left was burning like never before. The doctor started to call in for help as he raced to me! But that was the least of my worries! I was seeing something. It was a different scene. My right vision could see Max trying shaking me while trying to say something but the other was different. From the corner of my right eye, I was able to glance at Icarus smiling again. I closed my right eye!

The scene was different. The world was different. It was the kitchen of my house but I wasn't in some kind of body! I was floating this time. Am I looking through Icarus' eyes this time? He was looking at my parents fighting from upstairs. As if one que, the sounds I heard started to rattle again. However, this time I could see it happening. Mom was charging at dad with a knife while dad was trying to keep his cool tossing items to knock it off of her. It wasn't working. There was no remorse in my mom's eyes at all. No tears, no mercy, and no guilt. They were red, she was in her episodes again. This one was a lot worse than usual. It was the day that my dad had finally gotten tired of it too. Unlike other times she had an episode, dad would be calm and try to help. He must've been sick of it. He tried his best to maneuver around her swings around him but I already knew that he was starting to panic. It was like watching a horror movie, I just couldn't stop watching it. I need to know what is going to happen next. Minutes into it, my dad tried to run out the door. Unfortunately, mom threw the knife straight at him only for dad to turn around and get hit right on the chest, knocking him down. She then continued to take the knife out and watch him bleed out. Her episode probably ended because she started to silently cry. Hands on her mouth to make sure she couldn't scream. My skin turned pale as she started to move the body towards the center of mess. What she did next horrified and disgusted me, she started to cut herself then threw herself on the walls crashing the vases to bruise herself. Even going as far as getting a black eye. After a few more minutes of prep, she left the house. That was when I went downstairs to see everything. The story progressed with how I remembered. That metal sound I heard drop was from mom. She forgot to clean the knife prints. Right after she dropped it next to dad's corpse. She was pure evil. There was nothing but silent rage burning inside of me. I closed my eyes. Dad was framed but where was my brother?

Icarus: Do you know why now? The shock must've been too much for you. It fried your brains. Though it was partially my fault for showing you. It wasn't part of fate that you would find out through me.

I awoke in the bed again but this time my hand was strapped to one side of the bed. It seemed like they had deemed me a danger. Icarus was just by the corner of the room, sleep floating. I've never seen him sleep before! The room was empty except for me. It was a standard hospital room with white and blue walls all over. A chair with some flowers and my phone on the side. There wasn't even a television in the room. Nothing else to notice besides the small two person couch that looks uncomfy and the mini fridge. It was pretty peaceful. However, that silence was going to be broken with a knocking on the door. A brief moment later, the doctor was sticking his head out of it looking a bit lost. He caught my gaze then did that lady killer smile. Wait? Why am I flustered about that?! I looked away but he had already made his move inside the room. He was wearing his lab coat outfit along with some casual wear under it. Felt a bit strange looking at the odd combination of a lab coat and just a normal printed shirt with a UFO design then brown slacks. He sat down on the small couch after placing something by my side.

Max: Yikes! This couch is severely uncomfortable. I came to visit you but I think you've already figured that out.

Jones: ...

Max: I figured that you wouldn't feel like talking, especially what happened after. But you must understand, that's what happened.

Jones: ...

Max: I see. It's alright. I hope you like sushi. I got you some.

Jones: You really don't feel like a doctor are you?

Max: That's cause I'm not hahaha. I said I'm a counselor.

Jones: Then why the lab coat?

Max: Oh! I'm also a researcher. It also feels good to wear sometimes too.

Jones: How long?

Max: Hm?

Jones: How long was I gone?

Max: Nothing too serious. Just a solid twelve hours.

Jones: I see. It wasn't a year this time.

Max: I'm sure you'll feel better in no time.

Jones: Where's my brother?

Max: He's with your mother. I'm surprised that you didn't ask where your mother was first.

Jones: I don't care about her. I just want to know about my little brother.

Max: Quite the familial bond huh.

Jones: Where is he?

Max: Well. That's a bit complicated right now.

Jones: What do you mean? He should be with mom.

Max: And you're right about that. But so far. We've yet to find them right now.

Jones: What?! What the hell do you mean?!

Max: It seems that no one can find them. After quite some time. It was hard to get hold of them. We were hoping that once you woke up from shock. You would help us out.

Jones: What the hell are you talking about? I was a dried fish for a year! How would I know!?

Max: He's missing. Along with your mother. Seemed like they made a run for it when you recovered. We couldn't get in touch at all. I'm sorry

Jones: It seems like it's always bad news with you huh! What the fuck is happening!

Max: Now calm down. It was just a long shot after all. But I want to let you in on something.


Max: I understand but...

Jones: Fuck! Why! Why is this happening to me! Little bub...

Max: Please listen.

Jones: It's over! I can't go on living...

Max: Please just wait! Jones listen to me! Be patient with me. It's alright. You don't need to say anything. We can find your brother for you. Police can't yet but we have something that the police don't right?. You cooperate with me and you'll be able to find your brother. Don't tell anyone I said this but I've had my suspicions too. Maybe we can even bring your mother to justice if that's the case. So if you help me out, then maybe I can help you out. What do you say? Don't you want to find your brother? Help me to help you

He reached his hand out with a genuine smile. I felt reluctant to accept the offer but what am I going to do? I don't have anyone else to ask for help. There wasn't anyone else that was going to believe me besides this guy. The only else that was important now was finding my brother and mother. They probably left by now with the amount of time that had lapsed. No clues or a shred of a hint to where they could possibly be. Icarus was smiling in the corner knowing that there was going to have to be an easier solution. But I didn't want to resort to it, nor did I want to try testing my luck in seeing through the path of this reality. I gave him one more look and all he did was smile.

Max: Do we have a deal?