
Tales Beyond The University (Icarus)

It wasn’t easy for Jones Youlge to keep living after the incident then again it wasn’t easy living in the first place. It certainly didn’t help when Jones was given a strange ring that contained a cosmic entity with reality bending powers from out of nowhere. From just a simple life, Jones was thrown into the spiraling adventure with this anomaly that just won’t leave. Jones has to deal with uncovering the mysteries of it’s past, it’s mysterious reality bending power, and a secret organization that keeps their watchful distance all the while learning what it means to be human.

25thJamzy · Urban
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Report 15

Subject: Jones Youlge

Anomaly: Icarus

Report 15

I couldn't keep track with time because maybe I was just having too much fun with everyone. It was like I finally found where I belonged. Everyday could be my last in this world but I didn't care at all. Things were hitting it mark and for once I felt like I had an idea on what to do. I've even decided to take on a small hobby too. I thought I'd take up teaching. Lately that's all I've been doing actually. There were a bunch of books that I could read online so I could learn to become a proper teacher but I wasn't sure whether or not it would matter because I was going to take a memory drug when the years are finally over. Time was moving but it didn't matter yet. Lunch was going to be ready soon so I had to prepare things before both of them arrived. Kathy and Max were finally going to have their closure talk today. She wanted to make sure that everything was going to be fine between them. At the start of it, Max was just some hired quack to take care of a rich man's daughter. Now he's much more than that to her but nothing too serious. I couldn't help but wonder what they could possibly be talking about. It pains me to think what she could say. The door finally swung open and both of them emerged with a bit of pained smiles on their faces. Looked like things went well.

Max: Did you really have to pull me in for that?

Kathy: I'm sorry but that's what I wanted to say. I think it would be unfair to keep you longing for something not coming.

Max: I see. Thank you for that actually. It does hurt a bit though. Being rejected like that especially when you didn't expect it.

Kathy: Are you going to be fine?

Max: Well. To be frank, I knew that your answer if I ever asked for one was going to be no but I think I understand. Besides I think this is for the best. Your personality type is a bit too different to get along in the long term.

Kathy: Jones! You told him didn't you! I HATE YOU!

Kathy let out a bunch of curse words that I somehow managed to block out of my head. I guess I've developed some sort of selective deafening to Kathy's cursing. She wheeled her beat red face back to her room then slammed it shut with an aggressive lock to finish. I could still hear her cursing despite how thick the walls in the penthouse could be. Max sat by the table and I did the same. His face was a bit damaged but I think that's fine. I think my face was much worse when he rejected me years after.

Max: I understand her sentiments but it still kind of hurts.

Jones: What made you like her in the first place? Besides her weirdness of course.

Max: We've lived together under the same roof for almost four years now and you're only asking me this now? I'm surprised.

Jones: I'm sorry, I just didn't want to feel like I'm forcing you to answer it. And it felt weird considering that she's literally on the same roof as us.

Max: No, I'm just surprised that it took you so long to ask me.

Jones: I'm just awkward. Sorry.

Max: It's alright. Well it's hard to describe because I believe in love at first sight. I remember when I first met her, it was during her father's ball party ages ago. It feels like such a lifetime now. She was so pretty that night. Yet, I just knew she was like a delicate flower.

Jones: Was it because of her wheelchair?

Max: Funny but she wasn't using one when I first met her.

Jones: I always thought she was handicapped her whole life.

Max: No, she just tells people that to make them feel bad. She likes people in pain if you haven't noticed.

Jones: I noticed.

Max: Well, I saw her that night and I just fell in love. I just knew that she was someone I would want to spend the rest of my life with.

Jones: Beautiful story. Very simple too.

Max: What about you? Do you have someone in the future you're waiting for?

Jones: Nope. I had a bunch of friends but we had a huge fight before I jumped. So I'm not even sure how they feel about me now. Feels weird that I haven't seen them in a long time. Sometimes I'm scared that I might forget their names.

Max: Well if they really are your friends then do your best not to forget about them.

Jones: For sure.

Max: Oh is that lunch? I'll do the rest for you. Thanks for the talk. Let's have some lunch.

He stood up to take care of the rest of the cooking and I'm glad he did. I don't think I could've held another strong face. Even when Kathy had done so much to help me out, I couldn't even have the courage to tell him that he was the one that I liked in the future. His softness, natural charisma, and naive nature. This doofus could probably be swindled in a pyramid scam if he wasn't careful because he can be so trusting. Yet, despite all the flaws. I like everything about him. I just want to know everything about him. I guess even I can be dumb. Is that so wrong? I don't think so. It's okay to be dumb sometimes. It's also okay to lie sometimes but that's just our little secret.

It was now halfway marked into the switch. It has been ages since I've seen Icarus and the only reason why I've finally noticed was my eye. It had suddenly turned blue. My heart sank thinking that something was going to happen. An instinct inside of me wanted to look for Icarus but that's when I remembered he wasn't around anymore. Did I miss Icarus? I wasn't even sure. I don't want to think about it because he was supposedly family. I said that I would be family but he had suddenly just vanished. Though I think it was also my fault for not trying to search for him after he had gone for more than a week. Now it's been more than four years. I do miss him sometimes especially on the windy days on the balcony. It would remind me of the times in our apartment in the future. Sitting down and reading a book while trying to explain to him what kind of expression this character was having. Now I'm sitting by the window once again waiting for him to come back. However, I already knew that he wasn't going to.

Kathy: Are you thinking of him?

Jones: I'm thinking about Icarus. It's the wind that reminds of him. Sometimes I wonder if it was a dick move of me to not search for him. But it's already been more than four years.

Kathy: Do you want to know something?

Jones: What is it?

Kathy: I saw him.

Jones: You did!? Where!?

Kathy: So you are interested in him.

Jones: Why wouldn't I be interested in Icarus. He was basically family to me.

Kathy: It didn't seem like that to me. When he'd chat to me all those years ago it felt like you neglected him.

Jones: I was a different person than I am now. I feel terrible about it. Though I think it's already too late for saying things like that. Years too late now actually. So where did you see him?

Kathy: I lied. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to be mean. I thought it would be like some kind of joke.

Jones: oh... It's okay. I guess maybe on some other day I would've laughed it as a joke. But today isn't it. I wonder where he is.

Kathy: I'm really sorry.

Jones: It's okay. I know you didn't mean it.

Kathy: So what about you and Max. How are you two doing?

Jones: Oh we're going to watch a movie tomorrow. I've already watched it though but don't tell him that. He spent so much time trying to find a movie that I haven't watched yet. It's really bad too because I've already watched movies that aren't even officially announced.

Kathy: I hope you too have fun. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to have my monthly exam again. So it's perfect that you're leaving the house.

Jones: It has been a while since I've left the house. Last time, it was because you guys wanted to go to the fireworks at the beach but that during summer a year ago.

Kathy: I wish we could travel more often.

Jones: It's alright. I understand that it's part of containment procedures. You guys took a big risk bringing me out that time too. I'm surprised you weren't chewed out by your supervisors.

Kathy: Well I wasn't but Max was. But then again they were pretty lenient because of one the members.

Jones: That's surprising.

Kathy: Well that's just Aileen for you.

Jones: Oh Aileen. I haven't heard from her in a long minute.

Kathy: You know Aileen? "The" cross hopping Aileen?!

Jones: Yeah of course. She helped me out in the future. She even told me the person she was looking for as well as her story.

Kathy: Wow I can't believe you actually met legendary Aileen. Not even the council could have her show up for anything. All she does is move at her own pace. Though I guess if you were someone that was bound by a reality then I wouldn't care too.

Jones: Have you ever seen her?

Kathy: No, not a lot of people have. The only people who have actually seen her are a few council members. How many times has she jumped?

Jones: At this point that is not something she can quantify. But she is quite the beauty. I didn't imagine her to have white hair.

Kathy: She has white hair!?

Jones: You sound like such a fan.

Kathy: Well her story in the organization is like some kind of folk lore. To have that kind of determination to find your true love. It's amazing. A love not even reality can stop. A story that is not even bound by time. It's funny because at this time her version in this reality wouldn't even meet the boy yet.

Jones: Finding her Dylan.

Kathy: Romantic. Just like in the books I've read.

Jones: It really is.

A happily ever after. Is that something that I could have someday? Probably not. I mean just being realistic, there's always going to be a problem that might happen. Though I wouldn't mind if I had something similar to one someday. Kathy held my hand and I held onto her tight. Her hand was soft like it had never experienced work from the day she was born. Truly someone that was delicate. I wish days like these would never end. Kathy was something like family to me now.

Kathy: Do you think that someday my prince charming will find me?

Jones: I'm sure, in whatever lifetime or reality. He'll find you everytime.

It was raining and everything was dark outside the window. The smell of the hospital was not appealing at all. It made me sick to my stomach remembering the days that I was holed up in here. Except this time, everything was terrible. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing and I'm sure that I kept kicking the door to my stall but there was no sound. My mouth was moving on its own but I knew that I wasn't just speaking normally. They were bellows of unhinged screams that I couldn't even hear. Max had finally broken down the door to the bathroom and held me down. He was crying too but it wasn't like mine at all. His was much deeper. All I could remember was struggling in his embrace but I couldn't do anything to get out.

Max: We have to see her! Please calm down! I know that you don't want to see her in that condition but please! Do it for her!

Jones: Why?

Max: Why?


Max: Because she said so. She made me swear that I would never tell you.

Jones: It hurts... It hurts... I can't...

Max: We have to.

Jones: Why didn't you tell me she stopped taking her medication? You could've just broken that promise. I would've spent more time with her. Time was all I had! Time was all I had...

Max: I didn't want to break anything. Go talk to her...

My legs could move at all and I swore I might have fractured something from all that thrashing. The adrenaline boost made me ignore everything including the pain that was starting to surface in my throat. It was burning but it wasn't enough to make me complain about it. I knew for sure that someone else was having something much worse. As we entered a special room with a bunch of guards and nurses nearby, they slowly opened the door for us. There was special equipment, everything trying to sustain only one person. The smell of the room was filled with so many sanitizing agents that it was hard not to hurl. Kathy was on the bed hooked to these machines. Her condition is even worse than yesterday. Her skin was turning paler and paler each day. Hair slowly falling off and skin a bit sunken now. I couldn't even hold onto her hand because I would need to get through some of the things attached to her. It was a horrible thing to look at.

Kathy: Ah *cough it's you. Jones. Been a while since *cough your last visit. I thought for sure that I might have *cough scared you off.

Jones: Why didn't you tell me?

Kathy: *cough Well. It's because I love you. I didn't want to *cough make you worry.

Jones: You could keep on living y'know. If you just kept to your medicines. Why? Why did you stop?

Kathy: *cough Well it definitely *cough wasn't your fault. I just thought *cough I think I've had my fun. This was *cough the perfect way. I knew that *cough I wasn't going last long anyway. The meds only slowed down the process. *cough See how much not taking three days worth would do? I look like a dried mango now hahaha *cough.

Jones: It's not funny! How could you do this to us? You choosing to end your life wasn't your decision to make! You should've told me and Max!

Kathy: Matthias already knew that I wasn't going to *cough last long. It was only a matter of time. He was my *cough helper after all.

Jones: But you said you were going to find your prince charming someday. How is he going to find you now?

Kathy: *cough Well funny thing is. I think you're my prince charming Jones. You came to me from out of nowhere *cough as if like magic. Just like in the *cough stories. I think that's why I think I've taken a liking to you all those years ago. I love both of you so much. I'm sorry. I really am. You guys are my everything. I mean it with all my heart.

Jones: No! Don't say that! Please stop saying that! I don't want to hear this! Please stop saying those words! I don't want to hear that! I don't want to hear that! I don't want to hear that! I don't want to hear that! I don't want to hear that! I don't want to hear that!

Kathy: Hahaha *cough it's alright Jones. It's just another part of life. So please, listen to me.

Jones: I don't want to... Please... Don't leave us...

Kathy: It's okay.

Jones: I'll change the world for you.

Kathy: No thanks. *cough This is the world you'll live in. You said it yourself that you don't want to change the world. Promise me that *cough. You'll never change this world. Never break my promises

Jones: I hate it so much.

The day finally came when I had to finally leave the hospital after staying in there for a week straight. I didn't want to leave Kathy along not even for a second knowing that it might be her last. There was no way that her dying moments were going to be alone. Max promised that he would stay by her side too while I got clothes. So I had to leave. As I arrived in our penthouse, it might have felt empty when I first came here. Now it's filled with so many memories that I didn't want to abandon. The empty living sofa was now filled with magazines that Max would frequently read. Love novels scattered by the window table because of Kathy's laziness. The empty dishes that sometimes I'd forget I had to do. This place was slowly filled up with love. There was only one thing that I came for and that was the picture frame near the door. It was a picture of all three of us at the beach those summers ago. This was the one thing that I never wanted to forget or remove. I picked it up and removed it from its case. This should be by her side even if the council will notice it. She should have memories of us by her bedside. I made sure that the picture was in good condition so I placed it in a plastic bag and placed it on the pocket of jeans. The tears were starting to come out again but there was a sudden burst of the door! As I turned back, the person rushed over and hugged me so tight that it was hard to breathe! This was Max for sure. He let go of me after a second then looked at me with a smile.

Max: Kathy is going to make it! It was like a miracle! It was like her anomaly healed her or something but whatever! She's going to make it!

Jones: WHAT?! She's going to make it?! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! WHAT A MIRACLE!

Max: I can't believe it either! I thought for sure that you had something to do with it! I mean you can change reality after all.

Jones: There was no way that I was going to break my promise with Kathy. Not at her deathbed or was.

Max: Let's go see her!

Jones: Sure! I was just about to give her this picture of us. But I guess we don't really need it.

Max: Just bring it! We have to see her now!

Jones: Wait!

Max: Hm?

Jones: Before anything else. It's just that all this talk about death and stuff in my head. It made me think about everything that's happened all these years especially with the three of us. How this place was so empty now feels like the smallest room in the world. And I think it's a bit inappropriate to say this right now but-

Max: I love you.

Jones: HUH?!

Max: Huh what?

Jones: How?! It shouldn't have been too obvious right? Or was it Kathy that told you.

Max: I just knew from the atmosphere. Kathy would never tell me about these kinds of things.

Jones: That was a bit anticlimactic. I had a speech and everything in my head too. This SUCKS!

Max: I'm sorry if I ruined the moment.

Jones: No, I think this is just fine.

Max: And my answer. I'd give it a chance too.

My heart felt like it was going to fly out of it's cavity but I had to keep inside to keep me alive. This was just something out of some kind of drama. His eyes were on me and only me this time. I guess those dates were a bit obvious that I did like him but still. This time it was my turn! I rushed towards him and gave him a big kiss.

As I opened my eyes. I was back at the diner. Max was right in front of me looking at the menu and I felt a giant drop of darkness in my heart. Was it a dream? No! That can't be! This is some sort of trick! This can't be happening!

Max: Hm? Is something wrong Jones? You haven't ordered anything yet.

Jones: What is happening?

Max: Brunch? Why? Is something wrong?


I ran outside in a cold sweat but I couldn't get far and tripped because these are the legs of mine that I haven't used in years! This was terrible! Even when I try to run away I'm failing at things! This is terrible! Max was scurrying outside trying to help me get up. This can't be real!

Max: Jones! What's wrong?! Was it something I said?!

I held his collar as my tears were dropping like there was no tomorrow. But my lips couldn't make up any words. They just kept trembling but there was one thing that I could say.

Jones: Kathy...

Max's worried look turned sour immediately. There was clearly confusion in his face at the same time dread.

Max: How do you know that name?


We drove in awkward silence not knowing what's to come but after a couple more minutes. My anxiety was all over the place that I couldn't stop twitching my leg. We arrived at where she was. I kneeled down to the ground and held the concrete while Max tried his best not to look at her. This was her gravestone.