
Tales Beyond The University (Icarus)

It wasn’t easy for Jones Youlge to keep living after the incident then again it wasn’t easy living in the first place. It certainly didn’t help when Jones was given a strange ring that contained a cosmic entity with reality bending powers from out of nowhere. From just a simple life, Jones was thrown into the spiraling adventure with this anomaly that just won’t leave. Jones has to deal with uncovering the mysteries of it’s past, it’s mysterious reality bending power, and a secret organization that keeps their watchful distance all the while learning what it means to be human.

25thJamzy · Urban
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19 Chs

Report 12

Subject: Jones Youlge

Anomaly: Icarus

Report 12

Max: Oh do you know me? I'm sorry if I can't remember your name. It's been a while since people have called me my nickname in college.

Jones: Geez, how old are you?

Max: Huh? I don't look that old do I? Or maybe it's just the lab coat. I'm still in my early 20's. 23 to be exact.

Jones: 23 and that's what you look like.

Max: I'm sorry, I'm not really understanding anything right now. Do we know each other?

Jones: Oh... No, we don't really know each other. But I have heard of you from a friend/

Max: A friend? Are you from Norbern too?

Jones: I am.

Max: That's strange. I would've never thought I would meet another fellow student especially here. You seem to already know my name too. Why don't I ask for yours.

Jones: Wow, even now you're still the same polite person.

Max: Excuse me? Even now?

Jones: Nothing! Sorry about that. I think I'm just feeling dizzy. I'm Jones Youlge, a third year student.

Max: Fascinating! This woman over here is Kathy. As you can tell, she's in a bit of a condition.

Kathy: You don't need to sugar coat it Matthias. I'm a sick girl and that's all you need to know.

Max: Anyways! Let's talk if we see each other again. I have to take Kathy for some fresh air somewhere else. She's not a people person.

Kathy: I may be sick but I'm deaf Matthias. Let's just get going already.

Max: Hahaha, you're right. I'll see you around Jones.

And with that they both leave. He seems happier. Did something happen to Kathy? But that's not what's super important. Why am I in the past? This doesn't make any sense! Icarus seemed as baffled as I was too. We moved on to another secret spot near the front area of the cruise ship. There weren't many people in this area and we would be able to look towards the direction where the ship was facing. These cold winds were something that I would never forget that's for sure. So this was the past? Why did I send myself to the past?

Icarus: More importantly, how are you going to get back to the present if this keeps up. Are you just going to live out the rest of the time? And what if you meet your past self?

Jones: I thought you would be able to answer that! How am I supposed to know?

Icarus: You're the one who activated the power!

Jones: Well I didn't know how it activated in the first place!

Voice behind: Hey! Lunatic!

Jones: Who're you calling a lunatic!

I turned around with a bit of white rage in my eyes. Somehow that made me pissed. As I turned around, what I saw was the girl from earlier. It was Kathy alone. She was moving the chair by herself. I never got a good look to see what she looked like. She had a white dress one with a bunch of teal polka dots. She had a small face but pact with some hidden ferocity. Her short green hair was brushed back with some hair clips on. It's almost like she was a little girl. Looking down on her felt like something I shouldn't do.

Kathy: Why are you talking to him? Can't you tell people can't see him.

Jones: Wait, you know about Icarus?

Kathy: I know him because I'm a compendium keeper.

Jones: What?! Then you know how to get rid of him?

Kathy: That's not up to me.

Jones: Huh?

Kathy: You heard me right. That's not up to me.

Jones: But Max said...

Kathy: Whatever Matthias said I can confirm to you now that it's not up to a compendium keeper to remove an anomaly that easy. If it were that easy then there wouldn't be any keepers. Just seekers. Now what's a class S anomaly doing in the middle of the ocean anyway?

Icarus: Can she hear me too?

Kathy: Of course I can hear you!

Icarus: Aren't you the cranky one.

Kathy: Let's just say, I wished I had what you have alright. I don't have the time to be nice.

Icarus: Wait a minute...

Jones: What is it Icarus?

Icarus: She has one.

Jones: Well no shit, she wouldn't be able to see you if she did.

Icarus: She's dangerous.

Kathy: Not as dangerous as you think. You don't even know.

Jones: Then tell me.

Kathy: I can't. It's best that you don't tell people what anomaly you have. You don't know who could be listening after all. But going back, why are you here?

Jones: I don't know which one of us you are talking about now.

Kathy: Both of you duh. I would've known if there was someone who's holding an anomaly but you guys just came out of nowhere. But this is quite rare, a class A not in it's almost purest form. Quite rare. Even rarer is someone who's only merged with half of a class A. I can see by both of your eyes that you only went halfway. What is the deal with that?

Jones: Tell me something first so we can trust you.

Kathy: You really won't trust someone in a wheelchair?

Jones: I don't trust anyone that has an anomaly.

Kathy: Good answer. What am I supposed to say? I'm not a people person. I've been a vegetable for the last few years.

Jones: Alright then, just say your anomaly then.

Kathy: I refuse.

Jones: Then how can I trust you then?

Kathy: I'm not the one with a class A anomaly. Icarus huh. I've heard about you. Quite the rare one. I wish I could be the one that would capture you but that's just not up to me.

Jones: Then who?

Kathy: You really don't know anything? I guess that should be a good sign. Anomalies aren't up to keepers to take. It's up to the person and anomaly synergy.

Jones: Then what happens if I give up Icarus right now?

Kathy: Don't make me laugh seeker. Why would anyone want to give up a class A?

Jones: What?

Kathy: Shit, I really thought you were playing with me. You really don't know. Do you? Who the hell are you? No one would be dumb enough to run around with a half fused class A like you.

Jones: I already said I'm Jones Youlge. And I'm getting sick of this secrecy shit. It's all so vague for no reason! Like can you just say whatever it is that you people want!

Kathy: It's vague to keep outsiders from figuring it out dumbass. Anyway, guess I can finally trust you on this. Anomalies work on sorta like wishes. The subconscious desire of the person. But not just the subconscious desire but the most distorted and hungriest of desires.

Jones: It's pretty straight forward yes. Thank you for that.

Kathy: Well, if you want to remove it. Theoretically, you need to satiate that desire. And when you don't subconsciously desire it, then you can remove it with the help of a keeper. So what the hell did you wish for so hard that you got the power to change a reality?

Jones: I'm not even sure myself. I kind of wished that I knew too. I didn't think that I would want to change it in the first place.

Kathy: That attitude kinda pisses me off you know. You say you want to get rid of it but then you say vague shit and not doing anything about it. People like you are such a classic case of people who own anomalies. But why Icarus? Why the hell did Icarus choose you?

Icarus: I don't know either. All I know is that I was drawn to Jones. His desires down there were strong enough to call me. Or that's what I believe in. I haven't met any other class As before. I wouldn't even know.

Kathy: Some people just have all the luck huh.

Jones: I didn't ask for this power. My life was completely fine as it was. Or at least I think it was. I'm not so sure now because this changed. It doesn't help that I'm here messing things up.

Kathy: No one does. Anomalies come to you. They feed on that hidden desire until you finally reach it yourself. Whether it's a good thing or a bad thing is up to you.

Jones: Then what did you wish for? If you have one then you should know.

Kathy: Speak for yourself. You don't know yours then why should I say mine. Why couldn't I have that power instead of this? Things would've been much different by now!

Jones: If I could give it up then I would!

Kathy: Don't lie to yourself like that idiot. It's a hidden desire somewhere inside of you. Even if you say it out loud like that. Deep down somewhere you want to change the world. Hell, you would've changed it a while ago and none of us would've noticed.

Jones: I haven't changed a thing.

Kathy: What? Do you want a medal with that? And how the hell would I even know that you didn't change it already? None of us would know!

Jones: Why are you so hostile towards me? I haven't done anything to you. I just met you.

Kathy: I don't know okay! Maybe it's cause deep down I want this stupid world to change! Be like everyone else! Alright! You try being handicapped!

Jones: Calm down. I get it already.

Kathy: If you get it then... change the world. Please...

Jones: I can't.

Kathy: No... you won't! That's the real difference.

Jones: This world is it's own.

Kathy: That's some bullshit high horse you have.

Jones: I can't just change the world on a whim!

Kathy: You just wouldn't get it!

Her words are quite the weapons but that's expected for someone with so much hate. She didn't want to say another word so she turned her wheelchair then headed back. Even if Kathy was so aggressive there, I felt that small moment of weakness she had. I wonder what did happen to her. There wasn't any sign of her anymore. All that hate, pain, and suffering. She does have a point. I can just change all that for her. Just a small change so she could just be normal.Now that I could think about it, It was starting to get late but I had no clue where I could find an accommodation. There we walked for at least another hour or two on the sides of the ship again because I had no clue. Every room in this ship is probably reserved so it isn't just some hotel. Even if there was a room, there was no way in hell I could pay for a night. My thoughts were slowly thinking of sleeping on those beach benches near the pool or something. I didn't have many choices! Right before I was about to be settled on the idea of sleeping on a bench, I bumped into someone! It was Max! He was still wearing the same outfit he was wearing this morning or afternoon.

Max: There you are! Jones? Right?

Jones: Yeah, that's me?

Max: I was looking for you! I thought for a second I was going insane. You're a tough person to find.

Jones: Why were you looking for me?

Max: Kathy wanted to see you. I guess she wanted to talk some more.

Jones: Kathy wanted to talk?

Max: Yeah, I don't know what came over her like that. She doesn't usually want to talk to people. So I got a bit excited.

Jones: I'm fine with going with you but can I ask you a question?

Max: Feel free to. A friend of Kathy's is a friend of mine.

Jones: Who's Kathy?

Max: The girl that was on the wheelchair earlier.

Jones: No that's not that I meant. I meant who is she? To you or in general?

Max: That's a bit of a hard question actually. She's a patient of mine. She doesn't talk much to me either but there are times when she does. Despite what she looks like, she's actually as old as me.

Jones: From the sounds of it, you've been a counselor for a long while.

Max: Well I'm not a counselor or a therapist just yet. I'm still in the middle of getting a license. I've just met her a couple years ago. At first, she was pretty cold to me because I was still just being a reception guy. But later on when I finally helped to take care of her she started opening up.

Jones: Has she said anything strange or anything?

Max: Well her mouth is a bit sharp sometimes. But I know she means well.

Jones: Anyways I think I should see her now.

Max: Oh yes!

Max brought me down towards the ship's resident areas. We had to pass by a bunch of other rooms but this place was a bit strange. The ceiling wasn't high and it was more compact. It was like the living quarters were not optimized. I could already touch the ceiling if I did a short hop. However, it didn't seem to bother Max. Icarus was starting to feel claustrophobic just like me. I'm not used to having ceilings so small even if it was just a ship. After a couple more turns we made it to a door that Max would open. We entered this small room that barely had any big spaces. Most of it was already covered with some large luggages but there were two spare beds! In front of me now was Kathy by the table filled with various pills. It seemed like it was all for her.

Kathy: So you finally arrived. Can you leave for a bit Matthias. I'd like to speak to our friend here.

Max: Of course.

Max promptly leaves the room, making sure that it was fully closed behind him. Quiet the loyal servant from this perspective. Now it was just me, Icarus, and Kathy. I decided to sit down by one of the chairs near one of the bunk beds while Kathy was busy downing another batch of pills. Her coughing after swallowing was making me a bit uncomfortable.

Kathy: If you think watching is uncomfortable, you should try taking these pills everyday.

Jones: I didn't mean to stare. It's just that it's a lot of heavy medications.

Kathy: Yeah, I know...

Jones: Why did you bring me here?

Kathy: I figured you didn't belong here. You don't have any lodgings do you.

Jones: Quite kind of you.

Kathy: I just want to know something in return. What did you wish for?

Jones: To be honest, I'm not sure. I don't remember wanting anything. If I knew then I would've told you already.

Kathy: Guess it's funny to me. I wished that I would die. In the end, my subconscious said otherwise.

Jones: I don't get it.

Kathy: My desire was to live and an anomaly manifested or answered my call. But it didn't grant my wish to die. Instead, I have a class B anomaly. Fleming, it's not something I have but rather is inside my body. My blood can cure diseases and symptoms. Guess inside I wanted to live for others or something along those lines. Anyways back to business, you're not from here are you?

Jones: Took you long enough.

Kathy: No that's not what I meant. You're not in this timeline. I've read up on Icarus' powers. It's not impossible that you might have gone backwards in reality. You used Icarus' power but only for a fraction of it.

Jones: So this really is the past.

Kathy: I guess so. Or rather this is my present. There must be some sort of catalyst to bring you back to your reality. Usually solutions on anomalies are usually solved by confronting desire. What did you want so bad that you wanted to go back to the past?

Jones: I'm not so sure. I just went out to lunch with the doctor then all of a sudden I came here.

Kathy: So even in the future the doc still has time to goof off like that.

Jones: He's quite the hard worker in the future you know.

Kathy: Well I wouldn't know. Even still. I wouldn't recommend you stay in this time for long. It's just going to mess up the flow of things. Try to figure out what you wanted from here. Maybe it has something to do with Mathias.

Jones: Maybe...

Icarus: It was probably something to do with Max

Jones: Most likely...

Kathy: What are you getting flustered for?

Jones: Well you see...

Kathy: This is going to suck isn't it?

Jones: Well it might be that I wanted to know a bit more of the doc's past?

Kathy: Are you fucking serious? You reversed the flow of time just to spend more time with Matthias! Don't you know how dangerous anomalies are?!

Jones: I didn't do it on purpose! Like you said, it's a subconscious thing. Plus he said a few things to me that I just maybe couldn't accept. He said some things too that maybe blocked him off from having friends in the future. So I was naturally curious. I know it's my fault but I can't help it. He's a good guy. He helped in the future!

Kathy: I wonder about that... You said that something happens to him. Could that mean because of today too? Will you coming here affect the future?

Jones: I don't really understand the properties of Icarus either.

Icarus: I'm sure either. I'm learning as we keep going.

Kathy: That's always the thing about anomalies huh. Answer the first question then second pops up to mess you up.

Icarus: So now what do we do?

Kathy: It's simple. Grant your wish. Get the hell out.

Jones: Easier said than done.

Kathy: Why?

Jones: I don't really know a thing about the doctor do I?

Kathy: Are you serious?! You're one messed up person for coming back to the past like this. If I had that power I would've changed the world by now.

Icarus: But consequence?

Kathy: Some anomalies have consequences genius. The higher the class, the more severe it gets. Class C anomalies don't do much because their powers are limited to a person's imagination. Higher ones like A and B are much more specific. Mine in particular being class B already affected my legs. Honestly wished that things were different. All I wanted to do was die. What a joke.

Jones: Why did you want to die?

Kathy: Today isn't about me. If helping you is what the gods told me to do then I have to do it. If Fleming is satisfied with helping you out then it might be able to be recorded. I can finally live my life.

Jones: So it is possible to remove something like this.

Kathy: Easier said than done. It's not something for me to decide, so helping you might not even work out for me. It's up to my subconscious to feel. A tip, if you're a seeker. Most anomalies are always connected to the unseen. The things we don't notice like being unconscious or daily things are usually the culprit. A part of me wants to help even though right now I couldn't care less if you're going to sleep out on the balcony. Now let's sleep. We gotta bring you back.