
I can hold it

A ringbell alarmed meaning the start of lesson. Chase was already in his sport suit: blue t-shirt and black shorts. Near mans dressing room he met Kurt who greeted him cheerfully and guided to room, where students are studying P.E. All classmates knew about Chase so when he entered the room they looked at him smirking.

Kurt: Calm down. It's ok. Just stay close to me and it'll be all ok, alright?

Chase: O-ok. Thanks.

They stayed in line with other students of their class, when teacher was checking who was present and who was absent for this lesson. Then they started running around hall, did some excersices and made some moves with basket ball. Then teacher whistled and got his attention.

Mr.Pano: Ok. Let's do one simple task. A three-point throw in basket. Who will be first?

Classmate: Chase wants to be first!

Chase: What?

All: Yeah. Chase!

Freddy: Let's see how he can handle this without mommys tits (laughs).

This made Chase almost meltdown. But he kept his mind cool and decided to show them, that they are wrong.

Chase (smirks): Ok. Fine. I'll go first!

Mr.Pano: Go for it.

Chase took ball in his arms, stood near three-point line, took a deep breath and... threw perfectly into busket. Evereybody got eye-wided, because they thought he won't make it.

Chase (grinns): See? Easy!

Mr.Pano (quite excited): Excellent throw Chase. Now next one.

Chase walked away a little from crowd, who were getting their attempts and felt a tap on his shoulder. It was Lance.

Lance: Nice throw dude! That was really perfect and easy for you.

Chase: T-thanks hehe. Started learning basketball since 9 years old. Solo.

Lance: Wow, just wow. Listen, can we talk tomorrow on lunch. Me and Miguel were collecting people for our basketball school team. We still can't get one guy. So I guess I found this guy.

Chase: Me?

Lance: Correct dude.

Chase: I-i-i don't know. I might fail y-ou. Sure, I know how to play basketball and I'm confident in my skills, but I've never played it (gulps), with somebody.

Lance: Oh. Well, I can teach you how to play basketball in team someday.

Chase: It would be nice. But how can I trust you?

Lance (confused): What?

Chase: How can I trust, that you won't bully me.

Lance remembered Kurts' words about meeting in his house to talk about his nervousness and bullying.

Lance: Well, do you already know someone from our class?

Chase: Marshall, for example.

Lance: Ohhh, great. We'll teach you together.

Chase: Really? Thanks.

Lance: You're welcome dude. Oh, my name is Lance.

Chase: Chase.

Mr.Pano: Ok, lesson is over!

Lance: Time to go home. See you tomorrow!

Chase: See ya buddy.

Lance (thoughts): This guys is doesn't bad at all. Very strong and skillful!

Everybody changed their clothes had headed to the exit. While exiting the building Krut sent one message to his friends.

Let's meet in my house at 6:20 p.m. We need to talk about new guy in class.

After sending this message he turned off the phone and went home.

Kurt (thoughts): Don't worry Chase. We're going to help you.