
Tale of Two Brothers [The Throne Saga]

In the mystical world of Alos, nestled within the continent of Helios, lies an ancient secret bound by the mysterious power known as Alma. This tale unfolds in a secluded wooden cabin, home to two brothers, Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel, bound by blood yet divided by destiny. Ray'Daniel, with his platinum blonde hair and strange silver eyes inherited from a mother he never knew, is a dreamer, drawn to the mysteries that surround their father's disappearance and the greater secrets of their world. Ra'Hashmel, slender, a bit taller, and cloaked in the darkness of his night-black hair, is the skeptic, hardened by loss and wary of the unknown. One stormy night, Ray'Daniel is thrust into a vivid dream, a vision of a Helios torn apart by a great war, a battlefield soaked in rain and blood, presided over by an enigmatic warrior of light. This dream, however, is more than a mere figment of the imagination; it is a portent, a glimpse into a destiny that calls to both brothers. It speaks of an ancient prophecy, of two chosen ones destined to rise from Helios and confront the encroaching shadows that threaten to engulf their world in darkness. As the brothers grapple with the implications of Ray'Daniel's dream, they find themselves at a crossroads. Ra'Hashmel's skepticism clashes with Ray'Daniel's belief in their prophesied role. Yet, beneath their disagreements lies a deep bond, a shared yearning for answers that propels them forward. Guided by the enigmatic power of Alma, they embark on a journey beyond the confines of their simple life, into a world brimming with magic, ancient secrets, and the remnants of a forgotten past. Alma, the lifeblood of Alos, is a source of untold power and mystery, its secrets jealously guarded and sought by many. It is this power that the brothers must learn to wield if they are to unravel the mysteries that surround them, including the truth behind their father's disappearance and the deeper significance of Ray'Daniel's prophetic dream. Their journey will take them across Helios and beyond, into the heart of the ancient conflict foreseen in Ray'Daniel's vision, where the fate of their world hangs in the balance. As they venture forth, Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel will encounter allies and adversaries, face trials that test their strength and resolve, and discover the true extent of their own powers. But above all, they will uncover the significance of their bond, the dual key to fulfilling their destiny and averting the catastrophe that looms over Alos. This is a story of adventure and discovery, of secrets hidden in the shadows and the light of truth that seeks to dispel them. It is a tale of two brothers, chosen by fate, set against the backdrop of a world where magic intertwines with reality, and where the mysterious power of Alma holds the key to salvation or destruction. The journey of Ray'Daniel and Ra'Hashmel is only the beginning, a first step into a saga that spans the breadth of Alos, promising mysteries unveiled, alliances forged, and a battle against the evil that seeks to consume all.

ThroneSaga · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 3: True Storm

In the dead of night, their peaceful existence was uprooted by the sudden onslaught of red-cloaked bandits, marked by the sigil of a broken throne. These agents of chaos set their fields ablaze and butchered their farmlife. The brothers had sworn to protect their small home and now it all fell into pieces. They woke up to the smell of smoke and the screams of their farm animals.

"Sister" They both said in unison as they sprung out of bed. The air was thick with the smell of blood and smoke. The out side barn was set ablaze and the sound of laughing men could be heard as the ran through the door still wearing their sleeping attire.

Lacking any weapons, the brothers were forced to rely on their raw skill and determination. The first assailant, a towering brute wielding a jagged sword, charged at Ra'Hashmel as they stepped out the door, with a bloodthirsty snarl. Ra, with a calculated calmness, sidestepped the clumsy swing and, with a swift motion borne of countless hours of practice, disarmed the man, his movements precise, almost clinical.

Ray stepped out behind him and adopted his fighting stance.

"Ray just like in the woods, now," Ra declared, his voice cold, as he drove the stolen blade through his attacker, a grim acceptance of the necessity of violence that seemed a lot easier for him.

Meanwhile, Ray'Daniel saw a flash of steel shimmer against the flames, he moved quickly dodging a slice to his face. He turned to face a bandit whose agility mirrored his own. Dodging a vicious slash, Ray grappled with his conscience as much as with the enemy. "I don't want to do this," he muttered, tears of frustration and fear blurring his vision as he used the bandit's momentum to disarm him. Ray swiftly grabbed the falling blade before it touched the ground. He spun gracefully to counter slashing the man on the back of his leg. With the sword in hand, Ray hesitated, allowing his opponent to flee, wounded but alive. The wounds if not healed, would kill him anyway; at least, this was what Ray thought to justify his actions.

Their second adversary was a duo working in tandem, one wielding dual daggers while the other tried to flank. Ra'Hashmel met them with a steely resolve, his blade dancing between them in deadly arcs. "You chose this," he stated flatly, each strike a testament to his willingness to protect their home at any cost. One fell, and then Ra focused on the other. He was a natural killer. Both boys were talented at the arts of combat, but Ra he had an artistry to death itself. To Ra, there was no second thought, only kill or be killed.

Ray, on the other hand, found himself dodging and weaving through the attacks of a bandit whose eyes burned with madness. The fight was a blur of motion, Ray using his opponent's force against him, knocking the wind out of him without delivering a killing blow. It would seem like he was toying with him.

Ray's skills outweighed all of these men. If he had tried, this could have all been over sooner."We're not murderers," he gasped, desperate to believe it, even as chaos reigned around them.

Their third challenge was a trio, more disciplined, moving with a sinister coordination. Ra'Hashmel intercepted them with a warrior's grace, his actions decisive, leaving no room for doubt in his intent. "Leave this place," he warned, but his words were lost in the clash of steel. One by one, they fell before Ra's unwavering resolve, his expression stoic, a mask of certainty.

Ray'Daniel, faced with a bandit who fought with a cruel precision, struggled. The man's blade came dangerously close, slicing through Ray's shirt and grazing his skin. With a desperate maneuver, Ray disarmed him, using the bandit's own momentum to send him crashing into a tree. "Go, and don't come back!" Ray shouted, his voice cracking with the strain of his mercy.

Despite their valiant efforts, the brothers' resistance was overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Bound and helpless, they were forced to witness the unthinkable as the bandits turned their attention to Sister Althea, Ra'Hashmel's face hardened, his earlier resolve giving way to silent, seething anger. Ray'Daniel's pleas were raw with despair, "Please, she's all we have!"

Their cries were ignored, and in the following moments, the world seemed to fracture.

"Forgive them," she said as the blade separated her head from her body. The loss of Sister Althea, executed before their eyes, was a wound deeper than any physical injury they had sustained. As the bandits retreated, leaving devastation in their wake, the brothers were left with a sorrow too profound for tears.

The aftermath was a haze of pain and resolve. Ra was able to set himself free. He stumbled over to Ray and helped him free himself. The resolve that crystallized within Ra'Hashmel was sharp, edged with retribution. Ray'Daniel, although shattered by grief, found within him a burgeoning resolve fueled by the love for those lost.

"He stood frozen, unable to process what had happened. Ray'Daniel couldn't believe that the woman he loved was lying lifeless in front of him. The woman cared for them without a drop of their blood in her veins. "This must be a dream," he whispered, his tears already dried up. As he moved closer to her body, Ra stopped him and pulled him back."

"Don't. " Those were the only words he was able to say. Ra understood death; it was different from Ray. Ray looked towards Althea; he stood up, still trembling as his heart pounded against his chest. "We have to bury her, Ra," Ray struggled to speak. His words felt heavy against his lips.

"We can't. We have to go," Ra said with some sternness to his tone. "Ray, please, they could return with more men anytime." He knew this was a half-truth. In his mind, they could return, but he knew they were left alive for a reason. This was a targeted attack. They were making a statement, but why?.

He forcefully pushed the overwhelming thoughts from his mind and tried to focus on the present. With a heavy heart, Ray silently nodded, unable to find words to express the grief and shock that had taken over him. The pungent smell of fire and smoke hung thick in the air, suffocating and all-consuming. As he looked around, he saw nothing but the charred remains of what was once their childhood home, now reduced to ruins and ashes. The smoke carried with it the memories of this peaceful place nestled within the serene woods of Zayma, where they had spent countless happy moments together as a family.

"We have to move quickly; Alleria is a day's journey to the west," he said, his voice urgent as he began to walk towards the road that cut through the dense forest. The acrid smell of smoke still hung in the air, a bitter reminder of the flames that had consumed their home.

Ray nodded in agreement, his eyes glancing over to his brother. He knew that he had to be alert at all times. They had a long journey ahead of them, and the night was beginning. The road to Alleria was treacherous and filled with unexpected dangers beyond the usual bandits that roamed the area. As they walked, Ray could feel the cool night air brushing against his face, and he could hear the sound of his footsteps echoing on the dirt path. He kept his hands close to his body, ready to defend himself if needed. He knew that he had to be prepared for anything that might come their way.

The charred remains of what had once been their sanctuary smoldered in the distance, a painful reminder of what they had lost. But there was no time to grieve; they had to press on to reach Alleria. The road ahead was long and treacherous, but they pushed forward, their boots crunching against the loose gravel as they descended the path.

The forest was alive with the sounds of birds and insects, a welcome distraction from the devastation behind them. Though the journey ahead would be difficult, they knew they had to keep moving to be safe and make it to the city before they chose to calm finish them.

This is a shorter post, but I'm Sorry for that. Let me know what you guys think of the story so far.

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